Guidelines for Preparation of ALA Resolutions


ALA Resolutions:

Below are the guidelines for preparation of resolutions for the ALA Council and Membership, as well as mutual content documents (i.e., resolution samples, resolution forms, etc.). PLEASE NOTE that both the Resolution e-Form and proposed resolution for Council, face-to-face or virtual memberships must be submitted electronically to Ed Sanchez, chair, Resolutions Committee,, before the resolution can be brought before the ALA Council or Membership for consideration.  After you have submitted your Resolution e-Form, you will receive a confirmation email; however, you will not receive a confirmation for your emailed resolution.  If you require assistance with this process, you can email Ed Sanchez at


Guidelines for Preparation of Resolutions for Council

Guidelines for Preparation of Face-to-Face Membership Resolutions

Guidelines for Preparation of Virtual Membership Resolutions


Sample of Resolution

Sample of Completed ALA Resolutions e-Form

Suggestions for a Memorial or Tribute Resolution

Resolution eForm

Resolution Committee Table Schedule