****Begin File******************Begin File*******************Begin File**** *************************************************************************** ALAWON ALA Washington Office Newsline An electronic publication of the American Library Association Washington Office Volume 1, Number 9 September 24, 1992 In this issue: (270 lines) CORRECTION TO ALAWON VOL. 1, NO. 8 GPO WINDO TRANSFORMED TEXT OF H.R. 5983 APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 SENATE PASSES LIBRARY PROGRAM FUNDING *************************************************************************** CORRECTION TO ALAWON VOL. 1, NO. 8 In ALAWON Vol. 1, No. 8, distributed on September 11, 1992, we identified Newt Gingrich of Georgia as a Democrat. Rep. Gingrich is in fact a Republican. We regret the error. *************************************************************************** GPO WINDO TRANSFORMED The GPO WINDO/Gateway has been transformed--with elements of it incorporated into HR 5983, the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1992. HR 5983 was introduced on September 22 by Reps. Charlie Rose (D-NC), Chair of the Committee on House Administration, William Thomas (R-CA), and Pat Roberts (R-KS) (see the September 22 _Congressional Record_, pp. E2737-8). The Committee on House Administration approved HR 5983 with several amendments on September 23. This bill, the product of negotiations between Democrats and Republicans, would establish in GPO a means of enhancing electronic public access to a wide range of federal electronic information. House floor action is ex- pected within the next few days. The bill would then move to the Senate for quick floor action before the anticipated adjournment date of October 3. ACTION NEEDED: It is important--right away--to thank sponsors of HR 2772, the GPO WINDO bill, and ask them to support HR 5983 when it comes to the House floor. HR 2772 sponsors are: Reps. Bacchus (D-FL), Barnard (D-GA), Boucher (D-VA), Bruce (D-IL), Callahan (R-AL), Clinger (R-PA), Durbin (D- IL), Evans (D-IL), Fazio (D-CA), Ford (D-MI), Gejdenson (D-CT), Glickman (D-KS), Gordon (D-TN), Hyde (R-IL), Johnson (D-SD), Kopetski (D-OR), Matsui (D-CA), McMillen (D-MD), Neal (D-NC), Norton (D-DC), Owens (D-NY), Penny (D-MN), Porter (R-IL), Rahall (D-WV), Ravenel (R-SC), Ritter (R-PA), Roemer (D-IN), Sabo (D-MN), Sanders (I-VT), Sawyer (D-OH), Slattery (D-KS), Smith (R-NJ), Stallings (D-ID), Vucanovich (R-NV), Wheat (D-MO), Wilson (D-TX). ADDITIONALLY, ask these key Senators to do everything they can to pass the bill in the Senate before the end of the session: Sens. Mitchell (D-ME), Majority Leader of the Senate; Ford (D-KY), Majority Whip of the Senate and Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee; Stevens (R-AK), ranking minority member on the Committee; and Dole (R-KS), Minority Leader of the Senate. Tell legislators how important it is for their constituents to have online access to publications like the _Congressional Record_ and the _Federal Register_, both for sale through GPO and without charge through depository libraries. When he introduced HR 5983, Rep. Rose said: "This bill is a first step toward enhancing the ability of the American people to more easily obtain information from the Federal Government. This bill represents a bipartisan effort to encourage the dissemination of taxpayer- funded information and to bring the information resources of the Government closer to the people." HIGHLIGHTS OF HR 5983: PRODUCTS: (within one year) * system of online access to the _Congressional Record_ and the _Federal Register_ * electronic directory of federal public information * agency dissemination (at agency request) FEES: Superintendent of Documents * charge the incremental cost of dissemination * use of the directory and the system available to depository libraries without charge STUDY: Superintendent of Documents study (report to Congress) * access through electronic networks * use of existing agency systems * standards with the National Institute of Standards and Technology * cost savings * independent evaluation by the General Accounting Office *************************************************************************** TEXT OF H.R. 5983 APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1992: 102D CONGRESS H.R. 5983 2D SESSION To establish in the Government Printing Office a means of enhancing electronic public access to a wide range of Federal electronic information. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 22, 1992 Mr. ROSE (for himself, Mr. THOMAS of California, and Mr. ROBERTS) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration A BILL To establish in the Government Printing Office a means of enhancing electronic public access to a wide range of Federal electronic information. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1992". SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 44, UNITED STATES CODE. (a) IN GENERAL.-- Title 44, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new chapter: "CHAPTER 41--ACCESS TO FEDERAL ELECTRONIC INFORMATION "Sec. "4101. Electronic directory of Federal electronic information; online access to the Congressional Record and the Federal Register. "4102. Fees. "4101. Electronic directory of Federal electronic information; online access to the Congressional Record and the Federal Register "(a) IN GENERAL.--The Superintendent of Documents, under the direction of the Public Printer, shall-- "(1) Maintain an electronic directory of Federal public information stored electronically; and "(2) provide a system of online access to the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, and, as determined by the Superintendent of Documents, other appropriate publications distributed by the Superintendent of Documents. "(b) DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS.--To the extent practicable, the Superintendent of Documents shall accommodate any request by the head of a department or agency to include in the system of access referred to in subsection (a)(2) information that is under the control of the department or agency involved. "(c) CONSULTATION.--In carrying out this section, the Superintendent of Documents shall consult-- "(1) users of the directory and the system of access provided for under subsection (a); and "(2) other providers of similar information services. The purpose of such consultation shall be to assess the quality and value of the directory and the system, in light of user needs. "4102. Fees "(a) IN GENERAL.--The Superintendent of Documents, under the direction of the Public Printer, may charge reasonable fees for use of the directory and the system of access provided for under section 4101, except that use of the directory and the system shall be made available to depository libraries without charge. The fees received shall be treated in the same manner as moneys received from sale of documents under section 1702 of this title. "(b) COST RECOVERY.--The fees charged under this section should be set so as to recover the incremental cost of dissemination of the information involved, with the cost to be computed without regard to section 1708 of this title.". (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.--The table of chapters for title 44, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new item: "41. Access to Federal electronic information.". (c) SPECIAL RULE.--The directory and the system of access referred to in section 4101 of title 44, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall be operational not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 3. FEASIBILITY STUDY BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. (a) IN GENERAL.--The Superintendent of Documents, under the direction of the Public Printer, shall conduct a study of the feasibility of enhancing public access to Federal electronic information. In conducting the study, the Superintendent of Documents shall-- (1) consult the heads of departments and agencies of the Government, other users of Federal electronic information, and other persons likely to be affected by such enhanced public access; (2) assess the maximum use feasible of computer systems, data storage systems, and retrieval software that are maintained by the departments and agencies of the Government to enhance access to Federal electronic information; (3) determine the feasibility of providing access to Federal electronic information through a wide range of electronic networks, including the Internet and the National Research and Education Network; (4) in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and other appropriate persons, study the development of compatible standards for dissemination throughout the Government; (5) specify the development and maintenance costs of the directory and the system of access provided for under chapter 41 of title 44, United States Code; (6) analyze the cost savings to be derived from the directory and the system of access; and (7) obtain an independent evaluation from the Comptroller General of the utility and efficiency of the directory and the system of access. (b) REPORT.--Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Superintendent of Documents shall submit a report of the study to the Congress. The report shall include, as a separate part, the evaluation referred to in subsection (a)(7). (c) DEFINITION.--As used in this section, the term "Federal electronic information" means Federal public information stored electronically. *************************************************************************** SENATE PASSES LIBRARY PROGRAM FUNDING The Senate passed HR 5677, the FY 93 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill, on September 18 by a vote of 82-13. Amounts for library and related programs are unchanged from levels reported in the September 11 issue. In earlier debate on the bill, the Harkin transfer amendment was rejected on a procedural vote of 36-62 on September 16. The amendment offered by L-HHS- ED Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA), would have transferred $4.1 billion in unobligated Department of Defense funds to several underfunded domestic programs, including Head Start, certain education programs, and public library services ($50 million above levels in HR 5677 for the Library Services and Construction Act). HR 5677 now moves to a House-Senate Conference Committee to resolve differences between the two versions. *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ALAWON is an irregular publication of the American Library Association Washington Office, 110 Maryland Avenue, N.E., Washington, DC 20002-5675. Editor and List Owner: Fred King. Phone: 202-547-4440; Fax: 202-547-7363; Bitnet: NU_ALAWASH@CUA; Internet: NU_ALAWASH@CUA.EDU All or part of ALAWON may be redistributed, with appropriate credits. ALAWON is available free of charge and is available only in electronic form. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe ala-wo [your name]" to the Bitnet address listserv@uicvm. Back issues of ALAWON will be available soon. Instructions on how to retrieve them will be published in future issues. *************************************************************************** ***End of file******************End of file******************End of file***