ALAWON: American Library Association Washington Office Newsline Volume 11, Number 84 October 17, 2002 In This Issue: [1] LITERACY THROUGH SCHOOL LIBRARY AWARDS [2] CONGRESS ORDERS WHITE HOUSE TO USE GPO TO PRINT BUDGET [1]LITERACY THROUGH SCHOOL LIBRARY AWARDS ANNOUNCED On September 27, 94 grants were announced for the FY2002 Improving Literacy Through School Libraries program. The grants are one- year grants to school districts in which 20 percent of the students are from families with incomes below the poverty line. Details about the program may be researched at Many of the grants were awarded to rural school districts, with states like New York and Oklahoma receiving the largest number of grants at 10 and 15 respectively. Because Congress has not yet finished the annual appropriations process, it is not yet clear what funding level there will be for the program for FY2003, but the President's Budget request set funding at $12.5 million, the same as FY2002, while the Senate appropriations bill would raise funding to $25 million. Over 1,000 applications for the grants were received by the Department of Education. Thanks to the many school library media specialists that volunteered to be peer-reviewers for the grant applications. [2]CONGRESS ORDERS WHITE HOUSE TO USE GPO TO PRINT BUDGET Included in last week's Continuing Resolution (expires Oct. 18) was an order by Congress instructing the White House to use the Government Printing Office to print the President's 2004 budget proposal package. The order follows one included in the last CR that instructed executive branch agencies to secure printing services from GPO as well. In response, Amy Call, OMB spokeswoman, indicated that the White House would once again ignore the order pointing to a Justice Department opinion that says Congress does not have oversight over executive branch agency procedures. Both orders demonstrate the ongoing struggle between Congress and the executive branch stemming from the May 2002 Office of Management and Budget memoranda authorizing government agencies to go outside of GPO, to private contractors, for their printing needs (see the ALAWON dated May 16 for background information). Go to to read an article from Government Executive magazine with more details. ****** ALAWON (ISSN 1069-7799) is a free, irregular publication of the American Library Association Washington Office. All materials subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be reprinted or redistributed for noncommercial purposes with appropriate credits. To subscribe to ALAWON, send the message: subscribe ala-wo [your_firstname] [your_lastname] to or go to To unsubscribe to ALAWON, send the message: unsubscribe ala-wo to ALAWON archives at ALA Washington Office, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 403, Washington, D.C. 20004-1701; phone: 202.628.8410 or 800.941.8478 toll-free; fax: 202.628.8419; e-mail:; Web site: Executive Director: Emily Sheketoff. Office of Government Relations: Lynne Bradley, Director; Camille Bowman, Mary Costabile, Don Essex, Patrice McDermott and Miriam Nisbet. Office for Information Technology Policy: Rick Weingarten, Director; Jennifer Hendrix, Carrie Russell, Claudette Tennant. ALAWON Editor: Bernadette Murphy.