At the 2002 Midwinter Meeting in New Orleans, LA, January 18-23, the ALSC Board:
- Program Coordinating Committee
Voted, that: the ALSC Program Coordinating Committee be added to the list of key ALSC Committees which have Vice-Chairs appointed in the fall by the ALSC Vice-President, and that the ALSC representative to the 2004 Orlando ALA Conference Coordinating Team be drawn from the ALSC Program Coordinating Committee.
- IFLA Appointments
Voted, that: ALSC and YALSA commit to alternating appointment recommendations to IFLA's Children's and Young Adults and Reading Sections. As an opening occurs, YALSA will make the next recommendation to ALA's International Relations Committee.
- Award Committee Policies and Procedures
Voted, that: Organizations and Bylaws Committee examine the alignment, policies, and procedures of all ALSC Awards Committees and report to the Board by Annual Conference 2002. Issues especially involve appointment vs. election for Sibert and the length of time a member must wait before serving on another award committee.
- Newbery and Caldecott Manual Revisions
Voted, that:
- The Board accept Connie Rockman's report.
- The Board thank Connie Rockman and Caroline Parr for their work.
- Their assignment be ended.
- A new task force be created to revise the Newbery and Caldecott Manuals, including handbooks for the chairs.
- The task force coordinate with the Sibert manual creators.
- The task force deliver a preliminary draft by Annual 2002, and a final draft by September 1, 2002.
- The task force be composed of two co-chairs (Connie Rockman and Caroline Parr) plus Susan Faust, the Priority Consultant for Group VI, and one member-at-large.
- Merging of Great Websites with Notable Websites
Voted, that: the Notable Websites Committee and its members no longer function as a committee, and its members serve on the Great Websites Committee.
- Amend the function statement of Great Websites Committee
Voted, to: delete the reference to the Notable Children's Websites Committee and 700+, so that the function statement reads: "To administer and evaluate ALSC's Great Sites within the criteria and procedures established for selection and reconsideration. To complete other Website selection tasks as appropriate. To maintain communication with the Children and Technology Committee. To work closely with the ALSC staff liaison and the director of the ALA Public Information Office. The committee will function electronically."
- Amend the number of members on the Great Websites Committee
Voted, to: add four members and a co-chair (who are currently members of the Notable Websites Committee) to the Great Websites Committee in 2002-2003, to be reduced to a total of seven members, one chair and one co-chair, by 2003-2004. To ensure continuity it is strongly recommended that 1-year and 2-year appointments be considered for the first year, 2002-2003.
- Establish a Home School Task Force
Voted, to: form a task force to investigate what action or activities, if any, ALSC needs to take to meet the needs of children's librarians serving home-schooled children and their families. That the task force advise the board of its findings by Annual 2002 with a final recommendation by Midwinter 2003. That the task force be in Priority Group I: Child Advocacy. To be composed of two members and a chair.
- Amend function statement of Notable Computer Software for Children
Voted, to: amend the function statement to read: "To select, annotate, and present for annual publication a list of Notable Children's Software and electronic media such as CD-Rom, DVD-Rom, and other online subscription formats released in the calendar year prior to the date of their selection. To define and develop guidelines and criteria for the evaluation of computer software and electronic media."
- Amend function statement of Education Committee
Voted, to: add the following after the first two sentences: "To be responsible for periodic review of ALSC Competencies."
- Sunset Teachers of Children's Literature Discussion Group
Voted, that: the Teachers of Children's Literature Discussion Group be sunsetted, immediately.
- Amendment of the function statement for Book Wholesalers Summer Reading Program Grant Committee
Voted, to: amend the function statement to read: "To select annually the recipient of the ALSC/Book Wholesalers Summer Reading Program Grant for an outstanding public library summer reading program for children. To prepare and disseminate to the membership information about the winning program for the award. Additionally, to serve as needed as reading program consultants and developers as requested by the ALSC office."
- Wilder Award Committee Manual Revision
Voted, to: thank the Task Force to Revise the Wilder Manual for its work, but not to accept the revision due to further recommendations for changes that need to be made. The Board requests that suggestions for further revision be referred to the committee by February 15, and that the committee present a second revision by Annual 2002.
- Continuing Education
Voted, to: direct the Education Committee to develop recommendations for alternative models for online continuing education for the Board to consider by summer 2002.
- Children and Technology Function Statement
Voted, to: table the request to remove the last sentence of the function statement of the Children and Technology Committee until Annual Conference 2002.
- Resolution for Ruth Tarbox
Voted, to: approve a memorial resolution for Ruth Tarbox, and forward it to ALA Council:
- WHEREAS, Ruth Tarbox served with distinction as Executive Secretary of the Children's Services Division and the Young Adult Services Division of the American Library Association from 1966 to 1973; and
- WHEREAS, she was an effective, widely regarded ALA staff member, respected for her ability to articulate the mission of the youth divisions, including at international meetings; and
- WHEREAS, she was among the first youth services librarians to establish herself in the corporate world, as Head of Services to Schools and Libraries at Field Enterprises Educational Corporation; and
- WHEREAS, she endeavored to recruit and develop leaders among youth librarians, during her ALA tenure as well as long after she retired; and
- WHEREAS, she provided assistance with the archives of the Association for Library Service to Children and the ALA Yearbook, activities in which her prodigious memory proved invaluable; and
- WHEREAS, her commitment to excellence, strong leadership, and advocacy of literature and reading were noteworthy; and
- WHEREAS, she was respected and admired for her many contributions as well as for her kindness and elegance;
- THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Association for Library Service to Children, on behalf of its members, pays tribute to the memory of Ruth Tarbox for her championship of youth services.
- Resolution for Mary Costabile
Voted, to: approve a resolution for Mary Costabile, and forward it to ALA Council:
- WHEREAS, school libraries nationwide have struggled for federal support for materials, continuing education for librarians, and full certificated staffing; and
- WHEREAS, the ALA Washington Office has been the primary resource for information to enable school library advocates to garner support, along with parents, teachers, and community members, in convincing Congress of the need for funding for school libraries; and
- WHEREAS, Mary Costabile has worked diligently since 1989 to include appropriate language benefiting school libraries in the 1993 and 2001 incarnations of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization legislation; and
- WHEREAS, due to her efforts in working with Sen. Jack Reed's staff the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries amendment passed both houses of Congress and the House-Senate Conference Committee and is now part of the law, thereby benefiting school libraries throughout the country;
- THEREFORE, be it resolved that Mary Costabile, in her capacity as the ALA Washington Office's chief lobbyist for school library issues, be highly commended by AASL, ALSC, and YALSA, the three youth divisions of ALA, for her wealth of knowledge, her perseverance, and her never-ending efforts toward obtaining passage of this very important school library-related language in the final 2001 ESEA Reauthorization.
- Communications
Voted, to: accept the ALSC Member Communications Review and Evaluation with a request for some additional information by February 15, and thank the consultants for their work.
- ALSC Communications Plan
Voted, to: establish a task force comprising three (3) members of the ALSC Board who will consult with relevant ALSC committees, new ALSC members, and ALSC staff to develop a communications plan for ALSC, with interim report due April 1 and draft presented at the 2002 Annual Conference in Atlanta. The task force will function electronically.
- ALSC President's Program and Preconference for 2003 Toronto
Voted, to: accept proposals for a preconference on informational materials and a Charlemae Rollins President's Program on Boys and Reading.
- Changes to Bechtel Requirements for Applicants
Voted, to: charge the Bechtel Fellowship Committee with studying the application requirements for the fellowship with a recommendation to the ALSC Board by April 1, 2002
- New ALSC Journal
Voted, that: the name of the ALSC official journal will be Children and Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.
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