At the 2009 Midwinter Meeting in Denver, Colo., January 22-28, the ALSC Board:
VOTED, to sunset the International Relations Committee, Research and Development Committee, and Publications Committee.
VOTED, to assign the duties of the Bechtel Committee to the National Planning of Special Collections Committee and to sunset the Bechtel Fellowship Committee.
VOTED, to combine the ALSC/BWI, Hayes, and Penguin Young Readers Group Award Committees into one virtual committee, and to add the Bookapalooza Award to their award selection duties.
VOTED, to combine the Carnegie Award Selection and Notable Children’s Videos Committees.
VOTED, to accept the Carole D. Fiore ALSC Leadership Fund Endowment agreement presented by Carole D. Fiore, as amended.
VOTED, to approve a revision of the Notable Children’s Books Committee’s function statement, to read: “To select, annotate and present for annual publication a list of notable children’s books published during the preceding year within the terms, definitions, and criteria governing the list.”
VOTED, to provide a letter from ALSC in support of an IMLS grant proposal, “Project VIEWS: Valuable Initiatives in Early Learning that Work Successfully” per the request of Dr. Eliza Dresang.
VOTED, to endorse an ALA Council resolution in support of reauthorization of LSTA.
VOTED, to accept updates to the Notable Children’s Books Committee Manual that were recommended by the Task Force to Revise the Notable Children’s Books Manual.
VOTED, to: deny request for co-sponsorship in name only of the ASCLA program, “Multiple Intelligences @ your library”; co-sponsor in name only, the LHRT program, “Research Forum 2009: Library Materials and Services for Children and Young Adults”; and co-sponsor in name only the PLA program, “Where You Can Go with Every Child Ready to Read.”
VOTED, to direct the Organization and Bylaws Committee to craft a proposed bylaw change to state that no individual may serve on the Caldecott Award Selection, Newbery Award Selection, Sibert Award Selection, and Notable Children’s Books Committees more often than once every four years.
VOTED, to accept the consent agenda.
VOTED, to accept the FY 2010 proposed budget as presented by the Budget Committee.