ALAWON: American Library Association Washington Office Newsline Volume 12, Number 15 February 13, 2003 In This Issue:HR 13—MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES ACT PASSES FULL COMMITTEE—102 SPONSORS On February 13, the full Education and the Workforce Committee voted to favorably report out H.R. 13, The Museum and Library Services Act of 2003. Many members of the full committee were present and the vote was unanimous in favor of the bill. Thanks to library supporters, particularly those in California, that contacted members to sign on to support the bill. This bill will go to the floor with 102 sponsors, a significant number that should aid in its speedy passage. The Senate bill, S. 238 now has 24 sponsors. Check under the bill number to retrieve the list. Please contact your Senators to ask them to sign on to S. 238, also supported in a bi-partisan fashion in the Senate. Senators interested in co-sponsoring the legislation should contact Senator Jack Reed's staff person, Elyse Wasch at 202-224-4642. ****** ALAWON (ISSN 1069-7799) is a free, irregular publication of the American Library Association Washington Office. All materials subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be reprinted or redistributed for noncommercial purposes with appropriate credits. To subscribe to ALAWON, send the message: subscribe ala-wo [your_firstname] [your_lastname] to or go to To unsubscribe to ALAWON, send the message: unsubscribe ala-wo to ALAWON archives at ALA Washington Office, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 403, Washington, D.C. 20004-1701; phone: 202.628.8410 or 800.941.8478 toll-free; fax: 202.628.8419; e-mail:; Web site: Executive Director: Emily Sheketoff. Office of Government Relations: Lynne Bradley, Director; Camille Bowman, Mary Costabile, Don Essex, Patrice McDermott and Miriam Nisbet. Office for Information Technology Policy: Rick Weingarten, Director; Jennifer Hendrix, Carrie Russell, Claudette Tennant. ALAWON Editor: Bernadette Murphy.