NOTE: ** = Required Field
**Type of report being submitted: Committee Planning Report (revised)
**Date: October 15, 2003
**Committee Name: Nominating
**Supervising Board Member: Joseph Yue
**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: Laurel Bliss
**Committee members: Carla Robinson, Catherine Collins
**Committee Charge:
To prepare the slate of candidates for NMRT's annual election. According to the bylaws, to prepare for an election held in odd numbered years, a slate for Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Directors," and "In even numbered years a slate for Vice-President, Secretary, and two Directors."
**2003 - 2004 Project Description / Goals:
Submit a slate
of candidates to the NMRT Executive Board for approval.
offices to be vacated, secure nominations, collect biographical information on
candidates, prepare ballots, and communicate with candidates.
Work with the
Governance Committee to include Constitution & Bylaws changes on the
ballot, along with candidate information.
Sponsor a candidate forum, both online and in person.
Create and maintain a web page on the NMRT site with
candidate information.
**Specific Objectives (numbers, tangible end-products):
1. Solicit input from NMRT members concerning individuals they recommend as candidates for the offices to be filled.
2. Contact those individuals to confirm their willingness to run for office if nominated. Compile a pool of names of those willing to serve and the offices in which they are willing to serve.
3. Clean-up the
description/expectation of each office, in order to inform and encourage
potential candidates.
4. Create and maintain a web page on the NMRT site with candidate information.
(with assistance from web committee)
5. See that ALA forms are delivered to all candidates which require biographical information, a “Statement of Concern,” and the candidates signature. Make sure the forms are returned to ALA headquarters before the designated deadline.
6. Type the ballot in the specified format and submit it to ALA offices by the deadline.
7. Collect petition signatures for the by-petition candidates for Councilor and forward signatures and the appropriate forms to the candidates.
8. For those being recommended to the ALA Nominating Committee for consideration for nomination for Councilor, submit the names and supporting information.
9. Sponsor online and in-person candidate forums.
10. At the Midwinter Conference prepare the slate of candidates and present it to the NMRT Executive Board for approval.
Financial Report Section:
Your budget appropriation (see budget) |
a. |
Amount which you have spent so far this year |
b. |
Your estimated additional expenses this year |
c. |
Total of amount spent and additional
"estimated" expenses for this year (b+c) |
d. |
Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses
from above (a-d) |
e. |
f. Vendor support planned or anticipated for the year (either
money or in-kind gifts), list here: None
g. Vendor support requested: (From the above list, what, if any, has been requested from the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee?) None
h. Vendor support received: (From the above list, what if any, has been received?)
Specific Needs/Support (non-financial): (For the categories below, please include approximate date service needed)
a. Web Support (help with webpage creation, web form creation,
web database, web database, scripting, etc):
Need help with webpage
creation/hosting web pages with candidate information. A web form for potential
candidates to nominate themselves or others would be helpful as well. (October)
b. On-site conference volunteers: (include estimated numbers needed and brief job description)
c. Publicity planned for the committee (posting to other
discussion lists, official press release for webpage, etc.):
Press release for webpage, once one is created, the Announcement Letter. Reminders from committee and past-president to NMRT membership concerning nominations and election.
**Report submitted by: Laurel Bliss
**Email address: