9:00 - 11:00 A.M.
The ALA-JMRT Executive Board Meeting was called to
order at 9:00 a.m. by President Judy Sessions.
Executive Board Members Present: Judy Sessions, June Breland, Charles Kratz,
Paula Murphy, Kay K. Runge, Karen Carlson, R. Michael Collard, Laura A.
Shepard, David L..Searcy, Mary Bride Mayer, Jerald Merrick, Barbara Hull, Mary
F. Hicks, Vivian Beech, Donna Cranmer, Eloise Fasold, Rebecca Taylor, Ray E.
Metz, J. Linda Williams, Karen M. Bohrer, Jim Deutsch, Fred Pachman, Pamela G.
Bonnell, Pat Naismith, John A. Moorman, Colette Wagner, Leslie Chamberlin
Guests Present:
Jerry Mansfield, John A. Pritchard, Bonnie Suarez, Kristen Dahlen, Billy
Beal, Larry Hicks, and Robert Boyer.
Judy Sessions began the meeting by asking those
present to introduce themselves. The
Secretary reported that the minutes from the June 30, 1981 meeting had been
mailed to all members of the executive board this past summer and asked if
there were any corrections. With no
corrections being made, Charles Kratz moved that the minutes be accepted; the
motion was seconded by Pat Naismith and was approved unanimously.
Judy then asked if there was any old business. There being no old business, we moved to the
report of the officers.
President's Report -- Judy Sessions
President Sessions reported that she had been very
busy since San Francisco working with the JMRT committees in planning the
Philadelphia Conference. In the fall
she attended the Virginia Library Association Conference and gave a talk to the
Virginia JMRT. Judy also reported that
Anne Hollingsworth was unable to make Midwinter but hoped to attend the Annual
Conference in Philadelphia.
Vice President's Report -- June Brelanu
Vice President Breland reported that she had
appointed a Long Range Planning Committee at the request of President Judy
Sessions; the committee planned to meet during the Conference. The following people have been appointed as
committee chairs for the 1982-83 year:
Booth Committee:
Kathleen Moeller-Peiffer
Cognotes Committee:
Lorene Ludy
Committee on Governance: Jerry Spiegler
Membership Meeting Committee: Pat Naismith
Midwinter Activities Committee: Texas JMRT
Minorities Recruitment Committee: Larry Hicks
June asked for other suggestions on committee chairs,
especially people currently serving on committees. She then distributed a draft of a grant proposal for the J.
Morris Jones and Bailey K, Howard--World Book Encyclopedia ALA Goal award which
she had prepared at the request of President Judy Sessions; this proposal would
support a project to involve new members of the library profession in
legislative lobbying by sponsoring their attendance at Legislative Day in
Washington, D.C. during National Library Week, 1983. Judy asked that discussion of this proposal be postponed until
our next meeting so to enable members to read and study the proposal carefully.
Treasurer's Report -- Paula Murphy
In presenting the 1981-82 budget, Paula indicated
that JMRT made $774.66 on the Social in San Francisco. Judy mentioned that changes in the proposed
budget could be made as committee chairs gave their reports. Linda Williams reported that COG would be
proposing some guidelines on budgetary expenditures at a future meeting. A motion was then made by Kay Runge to
accept the proposed budget. It was
seconded by Jay Merrick and approved by a unanimous vote.
Donna Cranmer requested that the Shirley Olofson
Memorial Award Committee budget be increased from $325. to $350. It was seconded by Kay Runge and approved by
a unanimous vote.
R. Michael Collard asked that the Freedom to Read
budget be increased from $25. to $200.
It was seconded by Charles Kratz.
After a lengthy discussion, the motion was tabled. Pam Bonnell then made the motion for JMRT to
pay the 1982 FTRD dues. This was seconded
by June Breland and a discussion followed.
An amendment was then offered to increase the dues to $75. This amendment was not seconded. The motion for JMRT to pay the 1982 dues to
the Freedom to Read Foundation was approved by a unanimous vote.
John Moorman reported that the Constitution and
Bylaws Committee did not need its $25.
Mary Bride Mayer asked that the COGNOTES budget be
increased from $25. to $55. since most of her budget had already been
exhausted. This motion was seconded by
Jay Merrick and approved by a unanimous vote.
Committee Reports
Cognotes Committee --Mary Bride Mayer
Mary reported that they were using a word processor
to produce the daily conference newsletter.
Art Plotnick of American Libraries requested and received approval from
Robert Wedgeworth to a "trial run" with the processor. From a JMRT perspective, having an operator
and the equipment will mean that committee members and reporters can devote
more time to covering meetings and to actual content of the newsletter. Mary also asked JMRT Board members to
encourage members to be reporters. In
addition, Mary indicated that the policy concerning acceptance of classified
ads needs to be reviewed and ALA's exact role in publishing COGNOTES needs to
be defined. Mary further suggested that
JMRT begin to prepare an editorial policy for all its publications.
Midwinter Activities Committee -- Eloise
In summarizing the orientation program scheduled
immediately following the Executive Board meeting at 11:30 a.m., Eloise
indicated that Peggy Sullivan and Joe Edelen would be the featured
speakers. The social was planned for
Tuesday evening, January 26 at Coors Brewery.
Eloise mentioned that tickets would be sold at the orientation program
and at the Colorado Library Association Booth in the Exhibits Hall.
Nominating Committee -- David Searcy
David presented the following slate of candidates for
ALA/JMRT office, 1982-83:
Paula C. Murphy, Columbia College, Chicago, IL
J. Linda Williams, St. Mary's County Public School
System, Mechanicsville, MD
Sheila Scullock, Dallas Public Library, Dallas, TX
Colette A. Wagner, La Gaurdia Community College, Long
Island City, NY
TREASURER (two-year term)
Charles E. Kratz, Rider College, Lawrenceville, NJ
Ray E. Metz, Northern Michigan University, Marquette,
DIRECTOR (two-year term)
Mary Jo Godwin, Edgecombe County Memorial Library,
Tarboro, NC
Mary Bride Mayer, Virginia Beach Public Library,
Virginia Beach, VA
Kristen M. Dahlen, Texas A & M University,
College Station, TX
John A. Moorman, Brazoria County Library System,
Angleton, TX
Patricia Naismith, Free Public Library of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa.
Frederic C. Pachman, Hamilton Township Public
Library, Hamilton, NJ
June Breland, Mississippi State University,
Mississippi State, MS
Billy C. Beal, Meridian Junior College, Meridian, MS
Kevin M. Rosswurm, Akron-Summit County Public
Library, Akron, OH
David L. Searcy, Atlanta Public Library, Atlanta, GA
Ann Scott Terry, York County Library, Rock Hill, SC
David circulated the petitions of JMRT members
running for ALA Council. Judy asked
that JMRT members do their utmost to see that these people are elected and
reminded the board that other supporters of JMRT, such as Tony Leisner, were
also running for council. A motion to
accept the Nominating Committee's report was made by Pat Naismith, seconded by
June Breland, and approved unanimously.
Footnotes Committee -- Kevin Rosswurm
This report was moved to the January 24th meeting agenda.
Annual Conference Social Committee -- Fred
Fred began his report by showing slides of the
proposed Social site--the-top two floors of the Penn Mutual Tower Building
which include an observation deck and museum.
The estimated charge for the site will be $1000.00. Fred suggested that the ticket prices be
$10.00 or $12.00 before Conference and $12.00 or $14.00 at Conference with
$2.00 of the ticket price being donated to the Freedom to Read Foundation. Pat Naismith then presented the various
options for entertainment: band, disc
jockey, piano bar, skits, etc. Most
members of the Executive Board thought that a band which could provide a
variety of music was very important. A
motion was made by Karen Carlson to approve the Penn Mutual Tower as the
Conference Social location and to donate $2.00 of each ticket to the Freedom to
Read Foundation, seconded by Kay Runge, and approved by a unanimous vote. The question of co-sponsorship of the Social
with the Exhibits Round Table was raised.
Judy indicated that she, Fred, and Pat Naismith would be meeting with
Lee Kettell, former Chair of the Exhibits Round Table, to discuss this issue.
Local Arrangements Committee -- Pat Naismith
Pat reported that her committee had completed an
alternative housing guide and a restaurant guide. Pat asked how the housing guide could be printed. Visitor Jerry Mansfield indicated that he
might be able to help as did Judy Sessions and Charles Kratz. Since most of the hotels are not close to
the Convention Center, she mentioned that the University of Pennsylvania and
Drexel University are close and more reasonably priced. Pat also indicated that her committee was
planning a number of activities for JMRT members such as tours, Rocky's Run,
Publicity Committee -- Leslie Chamberlin
Leslie asked that committee chairs give her enough
lead time in the coming months to send publicity releases to the appropriate
journals and newsletters.
Archives Committee -- Ray E. Metz
This report was moved to the January 25th meeting
With no additional business, the meeting was
adjourned at l0:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles E. Kratz