NOTE: ** = Required Field
**Type of report being submitted: Committee Planning Report
**Date: 6/14/04 for activity occurring during the 2003-2004 activity year
**Committee Name: Volunteer Database Taskforce
**Supervising Board Member: Beth Kraemer
**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: William Armstrong
**Committee members: Robert Slater, Holley Long
**Committee Charge: To construct a new volunteer database with a web interface which will 1) allow NMRT members to volunteer for committees online; 2) allow the NMRT President and Vice-President to make new committee appointments in the database; and 3) will capture and preserve both historical and new appointments as well as include officer election results.
**2002 - 2003 Project Description / Goals:
Criteria for new database:
1) Flexibility:
a) able to add new committees as they are formed
b) able to make modifications to existing committee names as they are changed
c) able to make committee appointments directly into the database
d) able to reflect the constituency of the Executive Board at any given time
2) Ability to capture historical records:
Need to be able to separate each year's appointments from each other so that older records are not written over. Also need to be able to modify a person's status within a given year's appt., such that he/she may be removed from a committee without removing the record of that person's involvement with the committee. We want to capture an historical record of a person's involvement with NMRT, from beginning to end; this includes all committee appointments and Executive Board offices.
The above will require the creation of a relational database.
**Specific Objectives (numbers, tangible end-products):
The above will require the creation of a relational database. This will be done initially in Access. Once a working model is created, it can be transferred to other platforms, if needed.
Financial Report Section:
Your budget appropriation (see budget) |
a. 0 |
Amount which you have spent so far this year |
b. 0 |
Your estimated additional expenses this year |
c. 0 |
Total of amount spent and additional
"estimated" expenses for this year (b+c) |
d. 0 |
Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from
above (a-d) |
e. 0 |
f. Vendor support planned or anticipated for the year
(either money or in-kind gifts), list here:
g. Vendor support requested: (From the above list, what, if any, has been requested from the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee?)
h. Vendor support received: (From the above list, what if any, has been received?)
Specific Needs/Support (non-financial): (For the categories below, please include approximate date service needed)
a. Web Support (help with webpage creation, web form
creation, web database, web database, scripting, etc):
b. On-site conference volunteers: (include estimated numbers needed and brief job description)
c. Publicity planned for the committee (posting to other
discussion lists, official press release for webpage, etc.):
**Report submitted by: William W. Armstrong
**Email address: