Committee Progress Report



**Type of report being submitted: Committee Progress Report


**Date:  March 4, 2003



**Committee Name:  Conference Planning Task Force




**Supervising Board Member:  Joseph Yue, NMRT President




**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: 

CPTF Chair – Melody Allison <>




**Committee members: 


CPTF Core Members:


CPTF Web Coordinator -- Valrie Davis <>,

CPTF Special Ops -- Glynis Grau <>,

CPTF Special Ops -- Heather L Moulaison <>,

Flyers / Handouts -- Erika Ripley <>,

On-site Volunteers Coordinator -- Natalie Sommerville <>


**Activity in Current Reporting Period 

a)      Projects completed (For example, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during this period):


CPTF details:

NMRT Midwinter roster

NMRT Annual roster

NMRT Event List Annual Meeting DRAFT15 2003 updated



Midwinter Meeting Schedule and Room Assignments summary

NMRT Events in Toronto Highlights - Midwinter handout



Handouts Budget Tool  NMRT Event List Midwinter Meeting events 2003

Handouts Budget Tool  NMRT Event List Annual Meeting events 2003


Handouts Distribution Tool  NMRT Event List Midwinter Meeting events 2003

Handouts Distribution Tool  NMRT Event List Annual Meeting events 2003


NMRT Handouts Potential Midwinter Distribution Points 2003

NMRT CPTF Handouts Potential Midwinter Distribution Points 2003

NMRT CPTF Handouts Potential Annual Distribution Points 2003


2003 All-Committee Meeting CPTF Agenda


Midwinter All Committee Meeting Participants List 2003

Annual All Committee Meeting Participants List 2003





b)      Projects in progress but not yet completed:


NMRT Conference Tips handout to be updated


On site volunteer form to be created for volunteer recruitment


CPTF Web site - ALA has a new Web page that they plan to launch in the next month or so.  This new site is database driven and has design implications for all ALA server pages.  Valrie, CPTF Web Coordinator, has attended a session at MW about this.  Special Content Manager Training is required which will be available online.  At this point, Natalie is requesting that the content about events be emailed to her and she will put the content in a template for our CPTF Web page.  This is not instead of committee efforts, but in addition to committee efforts. 

NMRT Event Web pages for the CPTF Web site


CPTF Event Information updated


Annual Meeting Schedule and Room Assignments summary – Expected April 11


Volunteers – Natalie, CPTF Volunteer Coordinator, will monitor responses that come in, if the chair receives and responds, follows-up with the chairs as necessary, and notes what committees are getting responses and what ones are not - ascertaining balance.  She will provide this information to the committee and NMRT Publicity so that they can plan for additional recruitment.  The committee and NMRT Publicity will continue to do the actual recruiting.  CPTF is a backup and monitors the overall situation.

All-Committee Meeting Participants List of attendees


Handout distribution monitoring - We are going to try a new project to save money, trees, and sore backs.  CPTF will collect handout titles, URLS to such titles if any, and put up pdf copies of your handouts in our CPTF Web directory for those that are not Web pages.  We will then create a handout with all the titles and URLS which will take up only one page.  [ Note:  We can save lots of paper and copy costs by doing this - very few handouts were taken from the bins, and I do not know how many were taken from other distribution points ]

Publicity – Committees will be working with NMRT Publicity as normal concerning publicity.  CPTF needs copies of committee publicity which we may integrate into the CPTF Web page.  We will be seeking assistance from NMRT Publicity to get the word out about our CPTF Web site.



**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved (What is left to do, based on your Planning Report?
Have there been any substantial changes in plans since then? What items, if any, have been deferred until next year?):


Deferred to next year? - Study and recommendations for how to make conference events accessible to NMRT members who are not able to come to the conference – e.g. streaming video, etc.



Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a.     none

Amount which you have spent so far this year


Your estimated additional expenses this year


Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c)


Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)

e.      n.a.



**Report submitted by: 


Melody Allison


**Email address: