Committee Progress Report
**Type of report being submitted: Committee Progress Report
**Date: March 3, 2003
**Committee Name: Strategic Planning Task Force
**Supervising Board Member: Dora Ho (Past President)
**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: Teresa L. Abaid (Chair), Maria A. Berenbaum (Assistant Co-Chair), Robin Ewing (Assistant Co-Chair),
**Committee members: N/A
**Activity in Current Reporting Period
a) Projects completed:
The following members of the committee, Dora Ho, Maria Berenbaum and Teresa Abaid met with Linda Golian (Former NMRT President), Carla Robinson, Chair of SSRA and Beth Kramer, incoming NMRT President at the All-Committee meeting held at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia. With substantial input from L. Golian, who had been a part of the Strategic Plan since its inception including the 1997 Survey and the 1998 Mission, Vision and Strategic Planning Retreat, it was determined that it was time to redo the whole process.
b) Projects in progress but not yet completed:
Per Linda Golian’s suggestion, the goal will be to determine how funds will be raised to conduct a survey and plan a retreat. Linda highly recommends using Ms. Mary Anne Hartzell, Executive Director of the Michigan Library Association, as consultant for this process again because of her excellent past record.
**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved:
Contact ALA Chapter Relations Office to determine if/how much funding for Survey and Retreat is available.
Determine tentative schedule for Survey and Retreat, which committees other than SSRA and officers should be involved in the planning process and in what capacity.
Decide on term of the Strategic Plan; discuss pros/cons of a 3-year versus former 10-year plan.
Make contact with Mary Anne Hartzell, if she is selected as consultant, to confirm her schedule and fees.
Begin preliminary discussion to determine key initiatives for NMRT, limiting the number and scope of these issues; to be included in Survey.
Financial Report Section: N/A
Your budget appropriation (see budget) a.
Amount which you have spent so far this year b.
Your estimated additional expenses this year c.
Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c) d.
Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d) e.
**Report submitted by: Teresa L. Abaid
**Email address: