Committee Planning Report
NOTE: ** = Required Field
**Type of report being submitted: Committee Planning Report
**Date: September 16, 2004
**Committee Name: Student Chapter of the Year Award
**Supervising Board Member: Tanzi Merritt
**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: Courtney L. Young
**Committee members: Amanda Bakken, Terry Buckner, Jennifer Campbell
**Committee Charge: Choose a recipient and runner-up of the Student Chapter of the Year Award.
**2004 - 2005 Project Description / Goals:
Update the SCOTYA Web site. Work with SASCO chairs to publicize award with and encourage applications from student chapters. Solicit applications from ALA student chapters in good standing. Review applications select recipient and runner-up. Notify recipient and runner-up and those chapters not selected. Coordinate conference attendance and responsibilities of recipient with the Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee (SASCO) chairs and Student Reception Committee to present award at Annual Conference. Prepare application for the following year, in consultation with the new chair, if he/she has been appointed.
**Specific Objectives (numbers, tangible end-products):
Financial Report Section:
Your budget appropriation (see budget) a. $1250.00
Amount which you have spent so far this year b. $0.00
Your estimated additional expenses this year c. $0.00
Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c) d.$0.00
Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d) e. $1250.00
f. Vendor support planned or anticipated for the year (either money or in-kind gifts), list here: None
g. Vendor support requested: (From the above list, what, if any, has been requested from the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee?) None
h. Vendor support received: (From the above list, what if any, has been received?) None
Specific Needs/Support (non-financial): (For the categories below, please include approximate date service needed)
a. Web Support (help with webpage creation, web form creation, web database, web database, scripting, etc):
Our Web liaison will work with the Web Committee and the SASCO liaison to update Web pages and make changes as needed.
b. On-site conference volunteers: (include estimated numbers needed and brief job description)
c. Publicity planned for the committee (posting to other discussion lists, official press release for webpage, etc.):
Work with SASCO chairs to publicize award with and encourage applications from student chapters. Publicize award in Footnotes. Publicize awards on NMRT and other ALA listservs. Work with Student Reception Committee to present award at the Student Orientation at the Annual Conference.
**Report submitted by: Courtney L. Young
**Email address: