NOTE: ** = Required Field
**Type of report being submitted: Committee Final Report
**Date: August 1, 2003
**Committee Name: 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Committee
**Supervising Board Member: Joseph Yue
**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs: None
**Committee members: Beverly Ku, Denise Kwan, Stephanie DeClue, Gail Spears, Robin Trapani
**Goals, Objectives, Projects completed (including, but
not limited to, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during the
reporting year):
Three award recipients were chosen; two librarians accepted the 3M/NMRT grant and attended the ALA conference in Toronto, Canada.
A tip sheet has been created for future chairs of the 3M/NMRT Grant. These are things that need to be done that is not among the files.
A handout about the awards given out by NMRT was created for publicity for NMRT and the 3M/NMRT Grant and the Olofson Award Committee. This handout can be updated for future use.
**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved – What
plans/projects remain which will be carried over or postponed until next year?
Have there been any substantial changes in plans requiring a reconsideration or
cancellation of projects? Information regarding such will be helpful for future
chairs and planners.
I suggest a secure web site be created to load grant applications so that the grant committee can evaluate the applications as received, rather than waiting for a large packet of photocopied applications. This will help ease the rush to review 50+ applications before the Midwinter meeting. This year, there were more than 80 applications. This action would save money (less to mail to the committee), time, and paper.
Financial Report Section:
Your budget appropriation (see budget) |
a. 150.00 |
Amount which you have spent this year |
b. 32.88 |
Difference between budgeted amount and amount spent
(a-b) |
c. 117.12 |
**Report submitted by: Jodie Mattos, Chair
**Email address: