Committee Planning Report

NOTE: ** = Required Field



**Type of report being submitted: Committee Planning Report


**Date: September 1, 2002


**Committee Name:  Nominating Committee


**Supervising Board Member:  Dora Ho


**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Cathy Anne Lu



**Committee members:  Laura Kortz, Smita Parkhe, Patricia Pereira-pujol, and Nanette Wargo



**Committee Charge: 

(See below – Project Description/Goals)



**2002 - 2003 Project Description / Goals: 

1.      Submits a slate of officers to the NMRT Executive Board for approval.

2.      Identifies offices to be vacated, secures nominations, collects biographical information on candidates, prepares ballots and communicates with candidates.

3.      Works with the Governance Committee to include Constitution & Bylaws changes on the ballot, along with candidate information.




**Specific Objectives (numbers, tangible end-products): 

Timeline for objectives:

9/2002 Work together with the committee members on an announcement letter.

Send a letter asking for recommendations to the NMRT Committee Chairs, Officers, and to others via  e-mail/website.


11/2002 Contact the potential candidates regarding their willingness to stand for election and to serve.

Invite the candidates who are willing to serve to speak at the NMRT Leadership Meetings if possible.


12/2002 Send the list of prospective candidates who have agreed to serve and the supporting biographical materials to NMRT Executive Board.


1/2003 Communicate with the Committee Members via e-mail (or telephone if e-mail doesn't work) to make sure tasks are carry out.

Prepare the slate of candidates and present it to the NMRT Executive Board for approval.

Turn in completed petition forms to ALA.

Submit a Committee Meeting Report to the NMRT Executive Board.


2/2003 Notify candidates of the final slate and send congratulatory letters to those on the slate.


5/2003 Announce winners of the election to committee members and collect any suggestions/comments.

Send THANK YOU letters to the Committee members.


6/2003 Submit a Final Activities Report to the NMRT Executive Board.

Send THANK YOU letters to the NMRT Executive Board for their assistance/guidance.


7/2003 Pass suggestions/comments for improvement to the new Chair.

Transfer the files and Handbook to the new Chair.



Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)


Amount which you have spent so far this year


Your estimated additional expenses this year


Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c)


Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)



f. Vendor support planned or anticipated for the year (either money or in-kind gifts), list here:  None




g. Vendor support requested: (From the above list, what, if any, has been requested from the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee?)




h. Vendor support received: (From the above list, what if any, has been received?)





Specific Needs/Support (non-financial): (For the categories below, please include approximate date service needed)

a. Web Support (help with webpage creation, web form creation, web database, web database, scripting, etc): 

Need help on Web Form Creation





b. On-site conference volunteers: (include estimated numbers needed and brief job description)



c. Publicity planned for the committee (posting to other discussion lists, official press release for webpage, etc.): 

Press release for webpage: the Announcement Letter.




**Report submitted by:  Cathy Anne Lu


**Email address: