Monday, June
26, 1989, 12:00 PM
Dallas, Days Hotel, Seasons Ballroom
The JMRT Membership Meeting was called to order by
Karin Ford at 12:00 PM. Twenty-seven members were present:
Steve Schermerhorn Carole
R. Bell
Sandra Wickberg Chris
Jennifer Paustenbaugh James
Steven Kerchoff Greg
Jenifer Stone Abramson Diane
George Miller Wendy
Erma Jean Loveland Elaine
Mary Marcum Evans Kathleen
Peggy Royster Thura
Eric Wade Laura
A. Sullivan
Patricia Wade Karin
Carolyn White Myrtis
Linda Tietjen Elinor
Deborah Colter
President Karin Ford introduced the present Executive
Board and the newly elected officers.
PRESIDENT - Karin Ford
President Ford continued with the highlights of the
year for JMRT. First of all, JMRT formally established a Library School
Outreach Committee; this was originally an ad hoc committee. Ford
said Robert Newlen will chair the committee.
Secondly, Ford said that the Liaisons Coordinator
position was voted to be a formal, elected director position.The position will
be on the spring ballot; until then, Joe Harzbecker has
agreed to continue as Liaisons Coordinator.
Thirdly, Ford announced that there has been increasing
interest from other ALA divisions and units to establish liaison positions with
JMRT. LAMA PAS has added two more liaison positions for JMRT people and PLA
Membership Committee has requested a liaison to JMRT.
Fourthly, Ford said that Jim Mouw will chair a
Financial Planning Ad Hoc Committee to allow JMRT to do some systematic
financial planning. Mouw will use the COPES' financial planning
document as a guide.
Finally, Ford announced that the name change passed in the
last election. In July 1990, JMRT will become the New Members Round Table. This
year will be used to prepare for the change.
VICE PRESIDENT - Myrtis Collins
Myrtis Collins, Vice President, explained her current
activities which included appointing members to committees. Collins said she
has also been thinking about issues facing JMRT
and ALA which cover four broad categories: Planning,
Programs, Membership, and Fiscal Matters.
Out of these four broad areas, Collins identified four goals:
1) Evaluate JMRT programs in relationship to JMRT funding.
This means looking at operating costs, how much of the JMRT budget is
supporting JMRT programs, and the amount of support JMRT receives from vendors.
2) Implement plans for the name change.
3) Examine membership recruitment. Collins feels the
Library School Outreach Committee work can affect JMRT membership. The voting
pattern should also be considered.
4) Examine liaisons with ALA committees, divisions
and sections. Collins said JMRT should also look at JMRT interns to ALA
Collins asked for names of those interested in serving on
a JMRT committee. She will be making appointments through September.
Collins then presented President Ford with a plaque
to show JMRT's appreciation for her hard work and leadership. Collins
personally thanked Ford for her support. Ford thanked all those
involved in JMRT during her year as president.
Following the presentation, Ford asked if anyone in the
audience had questions. In response to a request for an overview of JMRT, Ford
said that JMRT acts as a steppingstone, often
leading to a greater involvement in ALA. She
explained that it is easy to be appointed to a committee and that JMRT provides
an excellent opportunity for making contacts. Ford also briefly explained JMRT
scholarships offered, programs presented at conferences, and the liaison
component. She said one current stipulation is that you can only be a member of
JMRT for ten years or less, although this rule may change in the future.
Ford encouraged those interested in JMRT to attend
the Executive Board Meeting on Monday at 2:00 PM. She also encouraged everyone
to come to the Social.
Peggy Royster made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mary
Marcum Evans seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned
at 12:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Laura A. Sullivan
JMRT Secretary