Committee Final Report

NOTE: ** = Required Field


**Type of report being submitted: Final Report


**Date: June 17, 2005


**Committee Name:  Student Chapter of the Year Award


**Supervising Board Member:  Tanzi Merritt


**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Courtney L. Young


**Committee members: Amanda Bakken, Terry Buckner, Jennifer Campbell, Larissa Gordon, Nikki Nelson



**Goals, Objectives, Projects completed (including, but not limited to, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during the reporting year):


Updated Award Web site. Collaborated with SASCO to advertise award and solicit applications. Develop ideas and advise the President on strategies for electronic application submission by student chapters. Selected Student Chapter of the Year and the runner-up Chapter. Created tip sheet for future student chapters applying for the award.



**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved – What plans/projects remain which will be carried over or postponed until next year? Have there been any substantial changes in plans requiring a reconsideration or cancellation of projects? Information regarding such will be helpful for future chairs and planners.


The committee recommends that future applicants are required to submit 6 paper copies of the application via Priority Mail/UPS/FedEx to the committee chair. Electronic submissions may seem convenient on the surface, but are not recommended based on committee work load and encouraged submission of supplemental materials. Access inequalities may limit the ability for committee members to access the information.


Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. 1250.00

Amount which you have spent this year

b. 1035.55

Difference between budgeted amount and amount spent (a-b)

c.   214.45


**Report submitted by:  Courtney L. Young


**Email address: