ALAWON: American Library Association Washington Office Newsline Volume 13, Number 39 June 21, 2004 In This Issue: NEW IMLS GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINES AND AWARD ANNOUNCEMENTS In their June issue of Primary Source, the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announced new grant application deadlines and upcoming grant awards announcement. Several of the application deadlines for IMLS library grant programs will change in fiscal year 2005. By changing the deadlines, IMLS states they will be better able to serve grant applicants. IMLS hopes that this advance notice of the new deadlines will help applicants plan. Among the first upcoming grant application deadlines is the Librarians for the 21st Century program, which is due December 15th. For details, please see the IMLS press release at: For all FY 2005 IMLS grant and award program applications deadlines please visit: IMLS also announced that on July 13th, they would announce the recipients of its second round of fiscal year 2004 grants in the following library categories: National Leadership Grants for Libraries (Continuing Education, Curriculum Development, and Training), Native American Library Basic and Professional Assistance Grants, and Recruiting and Educating Librarians for the 21st Century. For more information, check the IMLS home page at after 10:00 A.M. on July 13 for links to the lists of grant recipients. ****** ALAWON (ISSN 1069-7799) is a free, irregular publication of the American Library Association Washington Office. All materials subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be reprinted or redistributed for noncommercial purposes with appropriate credits. To subscribe to ALAWON, send the message: subscribe ala-wo [your_firstname] [your_lastname] to or go to To unsubscribe to ALAWON, send the message: unsubscribe ala-wo to ALAWON archives at ALA Washington Office, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 403, Washington, D.C. 20004-1701; phone: 202.628.8410 or 800.941.8478 toll-free; fax: 202.628.8419; e-mail:; Web site: Executive Director: Emily Sheketoff. Office of Government Relations: Lynne Bradley, Director; Carol Ashworth, Camille Bowman, Don Essex, Joshua Farrelman, Patrice McDermott and Miriam Nisbet. Office for Information Technology Policy: Rick Weingarten, Director; Carrie Lowe, Kathy Mitchell, Carrie Russell. ALAWON Editor: Bernadette Murphy.