American Library
Minutes of the
Membership Meeting
June 25, 1978
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The meeting was called
to order by Henry Stewart, Program Chairman. David Warren, President of JMRT
was introduced. David introduced David Kutner, President of Baker & Taylor
who announced that 102 Grassroots Grants would bge given through JMRT during
the coming year. He also introduced Carole Cushmore who would be administering
the grant program.
Margaret Stewart was
introduced and spoke in more detail about the Grassroots Grants.
John Scheer announced
the names of the six Olofson grant recipients. They were: Jeri Cusack, Pamela
Martin, Judy Sessions, Susan Stillwater, Ann Vidor, and David Vidor.
The 3M Professional
Development Grant Awards were announced by Kris Dahlen. The awardees this year
included Melvin Burton, Celia Moore, Christy Tyson, and Larry Weitkemper. David
thanked the exhibitors who had helped us during this year. They included Baker
& Taylor for the Grassroots Grants Awards and the orientation packets, 3M
for the professional Development Grants, Bro Dart for the buses to and from the
social, Jostens for the binders for the Executive Board, and Quality Books for
the funds for developing affiliates, booth transportation, and JMRT stickers.
David discussed the
various programs of JMRT. He stressed the fact that we had this past year the
first mid-winter orientation program, the first time there had been two issues
of Cognotes published at mid-winter, the Affiliates Council now has 24
paid and 18 developing affiliates, JMRT nominated members to Council for the
first time, the Grassroots Grants from 3M which is new this year, and the new
Clearinghouse Form. All of these things are designed to help the individual
librarians further themselves in their profession and in ALA.
Joyce Wyngaarden was
introduced and requested that those interested in working in JMRT should let
her know their interests. She also presented David with a plaque of
appreciation for his work during the past year as President.
Stan Bustetter presented
a Constitutional amendment to the membership. That amendment was to Article
III, 2 to add a subsection c.:
In both odd and
even-numbered years a slate of not less that four individuals qualified to serve
on the ALA Council with the objectives that JMRT Executive Committee will
endorse these names and refer them directly to ALA nominating Committee.
Stan Bustetter moved the
adoption of this amendment. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
Henry Stewart introduced
the program for the meeting “let JMRT Show You The Way To Career Alternatives.”
The members of the panel giving presentations and fielding questions were John
Eastlick, representing the field of education, Carolyn Jeffries, representing
the point of view of the employee/student, and Julia Woods, representing the
employer. The presentations were made and there were many questions and a great
deal of lively discussion afterwards.
After all was said and
done the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Edelen