Major Actions of the ALSC Board - 2000 Annual Conference
At the 2000 Annual Conference in Chicago, July 7-13, the ALSC Board:
- Established a Program Committee and charged the Organization and Bylaws Committee to write a charge as soon as possible.
- Adopted the Guidelines for ALSC Committee Posting of Web Pages as submitted by the Children and Technology Committee.
- Endorsed the following resolution in honor of Susan Roman:
- Whereas Susan Roman has been executive director of the Association of Library Service for Children (ALSC) since 1986, and;
- Whereas the division has thrived under her leadership, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman has strengthened ALSC with extensive cooperation with other agencies including the U.S. Department of Education, the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Prudential Foundation, Ameritech Foundation, the National Science Foundation and WGBH Boston, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman has supported ALSC elected officers and served its membership, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman has represented ALSC within ALA and outside the profession, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman has extended ALSC reach internationally by leading librarian tours to Russia, China, South Africa and Eastern Europe, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman has actively and ably represented ALSC within ALA and outside the profession, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman has been a role model and leader to the profession by being a frequent speaker, author of books and articles, and serving on several boards, national advisory committees and steering committees for non-profit organizations and national projects, and;
- Whereas Susan Roman is professional and positive in her interaction with colleagues,
- Therefore, be it resolved that the board of the Association for Library Service to Children offers its grateful thanks for fourteen years of service to the division and the profession and wishes Susan Roman the very best success as she begins new service to librarianship as Director of Development of the American Library Association.
- Charged that the Nominating Committee identify 5 or more ALSC members to be asked to run for Council and that this be incorporated into the charge of that committee.
- Elected Marie Orlando as the ALSC Board of Directors' representative on the ALSC Planning and Budget Committee.
- Accepted in principle the interim report of the JOYS Task Force to the ALSC and YALSA Boards.
- Approved, upon recommendation of the Organization and Bylaws Committee, the following:
- The request by the Education Committee to change its function statement to read: "To review the elements considered essential to the formal academic and continuing education of children's librarians. To inform the ALSC Board of members' needs and concerns regarding continuing education, and to assist in the initiation of programs and new publications to meet these needs and concerns. To represent ALSC at appropriate ALA committees, councils, and assemblies, and to serve as a liaison to these bodies as directed by the ALSC Board."
- The request by the Research and Development Committee to change its function statement to read: "To discover areas of library service to children in need of study and development, and to stimulate, encourage and guide such research. To compile abstracts of pertinent research and disseminate research findings. To advance library service to children through the use of research and statistics. To educate children's librarians on the value and use of research and statistics. To serve as a liaison to the ALA and division research committees. To evaluate and to recommend research projects to the ALSC Board for action."
- Elected Grace Ruth as the ALSC Board of Directors' liaison to the Education Committee to work with the members on recommendations growing from the media evaluation workshop in the general context of long term continuing education for the division.
- Approved, upon recommendation of the Publications Committee, the publication with ALA Editions of a resource for librarians doing after-school programming for youth of all ages submitted by Caroline Ward and Jana Fine.
- Endorsed, upon recommendation of the ALA Legislation Committee, the resolution in memory of Eileen Cooke.
- Established a task force to revise the Arbuthnot Honor Lecture Manual incorporating recommendations of the Arbuthnot Honor Lecture Task Force.
- Approved the president's proposed programs for Annual Conference 2001.
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