Cracking QR Codes—What Are They and How Can They Help Your Library?
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They’ve started to show up everywhere. Black and white squares. On magazine ads, outdoor signs, websites, receipts, airline tickets, and now… at your library. What are they? Quick Response (QR) Codes—two-dimensional barcodes, readable by smart phones, that link users to websites, texts, even phone numbers. Carson Block, consultant and former IT director of the Poudre River (Colo.) Public Library District, provides a lively, uncomplicated introduction to QR Codes. Learn what they are and how to make them work for your library. QR Codes can help you communicate with your patrons about library services, programs, web content, and more!
This archived webinar was originally presented April 20, 2011. Recording sold as an on-demand webinar until February 21, 2013.
Running time: 1 hour, 1 minute. Due to technical difficulties this archived recording is in two parts.