Seminar C. Ladies and Gentlemen, Put Your Hands Together: Successful Technical Services and Public Services Collaboration


Have you ever wondered how to enhance cross-departmental collaboration and enhance the dynamics of the workplace by the sharing of common interests — high quality cataloging, reduction of backlogs, efficient access/retrieval, outreach and education, and patron services?  This seminar is designed with a variety of attendees in mind– public and technical services staff, curators, and directors — or anyone interested in facilitating a fruitful collaboration between departments.  Three speakers will share their experiences on making the most of interdepartmental cooperation and communication.


Speakers: Morag Boyd, The Ohio State University; Erika Dowell, Indiana University; Margaret Nichols, Cornell University; Moderator: Lori Dekydtspotter, Indiana University


2015 RBMS Preconference, Seminars


