CC:DA/TF/FRBR Terminology/4 Response to 4JSC/Chair/76/Chair follow-up/4 and Part II of 4JSC/Chair/76/Chair follow-up/2
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A continuing concern of some of the Task Force members is the question of use of the terms item/manifestation/bibliographic resource. Not all members agree on the need to discuss this further. However, we think it would be useful a) if CC:DA expresses some concern about the relationship of the term “bibliographic resource” to the FRBR terms since that relationship has not been clarified, b) that CC:DA state that it expects the revised draft Introduction will endeavor to clarify that relationship, c) that CC:DA reserves judgment until the revised Introduction is available, with the understanding that, in general, use of the FRBR terminology in Pat’s revision should be considered provisional until there is a consensus on the exposition provided in the Introduction.