CC:DA/MLA/2013/1 Discussion paper on the inconsistency between the Statement of Responsibility element in Chapter 2 and the Performer, Narrator, Presenter and Artistic and/or Technical Credit elements in Chapter 7
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At the November 2011 JSC meeting, ALA was asked to investigate the inconsistency between the Statement of Responsibility (SOR) element in Chapter 2 and the Performer, Narrator, Presenter (Performer) and Artistic and/or Technical Credit (Credit) elements in Chapter 7. At the January 2012 CC:DA meeting, this task was delegated to Tracey Snyder (MLA) and Kelley McGrath (OLAC), as their respective cataloging communities are heavy users of the elements in question. After much discussion with our colleagues, we have come to no firm conclusions. In this discussion paper, we provide some background on the issue and identify some possible strategies for moving forward.