CC:DA/JSC Rep/JCA/2013/4/rev. Colour Content (RDA 7.17)



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The Joint Steering Committee has been discussing the vocabularies associated with the Colour Content element. They have expressed a preference for a single set of terms that would be used in describing colour content for any resource, and question whether there should be distinct element subtypes for Colour of Still Image, etc. In order to move these discussions forward, Deborah Fritz, Kathy Glennan and I drafted a possible revision proposal, that would accomplish two things: (a) give a consistent set of terms that would be used in describing colour content in any context; and (b) provide a single set of instructions that would be applied for describing the colour content of resources such as still or moving images, as well as the colour content of illustrations. This proposal was discussed by CC:DA during the ALA Annual Conference in June 2013, and has been revised in the light of those discussions.


