CC:DA/JSC Rep/JCA/2011/4 Revision of RDA 6.21 (Other distinguishing characteristics of a legal work) and (Additions to access points representing treaties, etc.)
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In 6JSC/CILIP/2/ALA response, ALA noted that it is quite common for more than one treaty between the same parties to be signed in the same year; it is not unusual for more than one treaty between the same parties to be signed on the same day.
The Library of Congress Policy Statement for specifies “To differentiate between two authorized access points that are the same but represent different treaties, add in parentheses a word or words from the title proper to each authorized access point.”
This addition seems to fall within the scope of the element Other Distinguishing Characteristics of a Legal Work (RDA 6.21). ALA proposes that (1) an instruction to record such information be added to and (2) an instruction to include such information in the authorized access point in case of conflict be added to