CC:DA/MLA/2003/1 Recommendations for the integration of conventional terminology into Chapter 6 (Sound Recordings)
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The Music Library Association initially rejected the introduction of conventional terminology to AACR2 Chapter 6. The rejection was based on the ALA understanding that the use of conventional terminology required uncontrolled terms. In the September 2002 JSC meeting, however, we learned that other JSC constituents were also not in favour of uncontrolled vocabulary, but were aiming to expand upon and possibly replace the current SMDs with new terms. The Music Library Association decided that it will support this approach, because it will bring greater clarity to catalog records, while still maintaining controlled terminology in the physical description area. We do feel, however, that there needs to be some basic ground rules in introducing these terms. While we agree the SMDs in Chapter 6 can be expanded, we strongly feel that this cannot be done in isolation from the rest of the chapter.