CC:DA/PCC/2012/2 Revision of RDA (Recording Associated Institutions) and (Recording Affiliations)
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The following revisions are submitted jointly on behalf of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Task Group to Formulate or Recommend PCC/NACO RDA Policy on Authority Issues and the PCC Secretariat. The first proposal relates to the instructions for recording Associated Institutions ( It seeks to clarify what is meant by “in the form and language recorded as the preferred name for the institution.” We believe that this means that the preferred name of the associated institution should be recorded, and propose to state that directly. The second proposal relates to the instructions for recording Affiliated Institution ( In this case, there are no instructions about the form of the name of the affiliated institution to be recorded. We believe, however, that this instruction should be consistent with the instruction for recording associated institutions at, and that both should call for the use of the preferred name of the related body. In addition to the instruction at, the first example will also need to be changed.