****Begin File*************Begin File**************Begin File**** ***************************************************************** ISSN 1069-7799 ALAWON ALA Washington Office Newsline An electronic publication of the American Library Association Washington Office Volume 4, Number 87 October 16, 1995 In this issue: (117 lines) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE TASK FORCE'S LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS INTRODUCED IN HOUSE AND SENATE ***************************************************************** INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE TASK FORCE'S LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS INTRODUCED IN HOUSE AND SENATE Legislation has been introduced in both Houses of Congress to implement the allegedly narrow recommendations on intellectual property in the "White Paper". Taken virtually verbatim from the White Paper, these House and Senate bills, H.R. 2441 and S. 1284, respectively, are a "mixed bag" for libraries. These bills are likely to be subject of hearings, perhaps as early as this November. BACKGROUND: As previously reported in ALAWON, Vol. 4, No. 80 (September 8, 1995), Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Bruce Lehman unveiled the long-awaited White Paper by the Working Group on Intellectual Property of the Administration's Information Infrastructure Task Force on September 5. Approximately two years in the making, the White Paper (officially called "Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure") broadly discusses the protection of intellectual property in a digital age, but recommended to Congress what its authors characterize as merely "narrow" changes in the Copyright Act. It remains to be seen whether the current 104th Congress will have the time or inclination in a Presidential election cycle to tackle the comprehensive Copyright Act reform needed to implement all of the changes discussed in the analytical sections of the White Paper. On the clearly positive side of the ledger, both bills clarify that libraries may use digital techniques to preserve works and increase the number of permissible preservation copies that may be made from one to three. In contrast, other proposals are sufficiently broad and vaguely worded to create troubling uncertainty for libraries. These include: -- defining "distribution by transmission" as publication under the Copyright Act; -- recognizing the temporary "reproduction" of a document in computer memory as a possible infringement; -- prohibiting the circumvention of information security systems and the importation or manufacture of devices which serve that purpose; -- barring the removal or alteration of copyright management information without the copyright owner's authority regardless of the remover's intent; and -- criminalizing prohibited importation, decryption and management information offenses. Finally, both pending bills also propose permitting the nonprofit reproduction of large format material for the visually impaired. The copyright owner is granted a full year, however, in which to decide to market such material before such nonprofit activities are allowed. It remains too early to tell whether these bills will actually be acted upon by the relevant House and Senate Committees and, if so, whether their scope will be expanded to incorporate some of the White Paper's more troubling conclusions -- both express and implied. Murkier still is whether Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole and House Speaker Newt Gingrich will take increasingly scarce floor time to consider their respective Judiciary Committees' work even if S. 1284 and H.R. 2441 are reported out of Committee. The ALA Washington Office will be following this issue closely and report further as debate proceeds in Congress and elsewhere. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** ALAWON (ISSN 1069-7799) is an irregular publication of the American Library Association Washington Office, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. Internet: alawash@alawash.org; Phone: 202-628-8410; Fax: 202-628-8419. Contributing to this issue: Adam M. Eisgrau; Editor: Lynne E. Bradley (leb@alawash.org). ALAWON is available free of charge and is available only in electronic form. To subscribe, send the message "subscribe ala-wo [your name]" to listserv@uicvm (Bitnet) or listserv@uicvm.uic.edu (Internet). Back issues and other documents are available from the listserv the list server. To find out what's available, send the message "send ala-wo filelist" to the listserv. The ALA-WO filelist contains the list of files with the exact filename and filetype. To get a particular file, issue the command "send filename filetype" to the listserv. Do not include the quotes in your commands. All materials in the newsletter subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be reprinted or redistributed for noncommercial purposes with appropriate credits. 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