TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1982


The ALA/JMRT Annual Membership Meeting was called to order at 10:45 A.M. by President Judy Sessions.  Vice President June Breland presented a plaque to Judy honoring her contributions and accomplishments during her year as President.  Judy thanked everyone who contributed to the success of JMRT during the year and introduced the retiring members of the Executive Board: Karen Carlson, Director; Charles Kratz, Secretary; and Paula Murphy, Treasurer; as well as the newly elected officers: June Breland, President; J. Linda Williams, Vice President, President-Elect; Ray Metz, Treasurer; Colette Wagner, Secretary; and Mary Bride Mayer, Director.


Mary Jo Godwin introduced the 3M grant winners and presented them with their plaques.  Mary Jo expressed great appreciation to 3M for their support and assistance and announced that 3M would fund the grants in 1983.


Donna Cranmer also introduced the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award winners.  Lastly, Mary Hicks and Jay Brooke from the Baker & Taylor Co. introduced the Grassroot Grant recipient from Pennsylvania, Nancy Selinger.


Cindy Ansell, Booth Committee Chair, then announced the winner of the plants that were raffled off at the booth.


Judy Sessions awarded the Friendly Booth Award to Quality Books.  Tony Leisner accepted the award.


The membership then voted on the proposed Constitution and Bylaws changes (see attachment).  All were approved unanimously except for Article I received one opposing vote.


Judy Sessions thanked the Chair of the Membership Meeting Program, Colette Wagner, for an outstanding program.


There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 A.M.


Respectfully submitted,


Charles E. Kratz

ALA/JMRT Secretary, 1981-82






ARTICLE I: Membership

2.  Individual membership shall be open and available to any member of the American Library Association who either is not over thirty-five years of age or who has served the library profession not more than five years.


Proposed Change

ARTICLE I: Membership

2.  Individual membership shall be open and available to any member of the American Library Association who has been an ALA member for ten or fewer years.



ARTICLE I: Membership

1.  Membership in JMRT shall be of three classes:  individual, Institutional and Affiliate.


Proposed Change

ARTICLE I: Membership

1.  Membership in JMRT shall be of four classes:  individual, Institutional and Affiliate and Continuing.


Add to Bylaws

ARTICLE I: Membership

1. d.  Continuing members who have paid their dues for the current year by March 1 of each year shall be considered bonafide continuing members of JMRT.  Continuing members whose dues remain unpaid on April 1 shall be dropped from membership.  Lapsed membership will be reinstated upon payment of dues for the current year.  Continuing membership shall be entitled to receive publications of JMRT, to vote in JMRT elections, but not to be committee members except with the permission of the Executive Board.  Continuing members shall be ineligible to hold elective office with JMRT.


ARTICLE I: Membership

2. b  Continuing membership shall be open and available to any member of the American Library Association who had held individual membership in JMRT but no longer meets individual qualifications.






ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

1.  Amendments to the Constitution shall be proposed in writing, and may be introduced by the Executive Board, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, or by any twenty-five members in good standing of JMRT.


Proposed Change

ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

1.  Amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws shall be proposed in writing, and may be introduced by the Executive Board, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, or by any twenty-five members in good standing of JMRT.



ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

3.  This Constitution may be amended in either of two ways:

a.)By a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at the annual meeting immediately following proper notice of such amendments; or

b.)By a majority vote of the entire membership to be conducted by mail ballot, if such be specified by the majority of the members present at any annual meeting, or requested by a one-third minority group present at any annual meeting.


Proposed Change

ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

3.  This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the entire membership voting, to be conducted by mail ballot.  Balloting on proposed amendments will be held only in conjunction with the annual election ballot of JMRT.



ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

4.  The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any annual meeting of JMRT.


Proposed Change

ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

4.  The Bylaws may be amended in either of two ways:

a.) By a majority vote of the members present and voting at any annual meeting of JMRT.

b.) By a majority vote of the entire membership voting, to be conducted by mail ballot if requested by Executive Board action.  Such balloting would be held only in conjunction with the annual election ballot of JMRT.