Monday, June 25, 1990, 11:30 PM -12:30 PM

Chicago, McCormick Place East, Lenox Lohr Theatre




The ALA/JMRT Membership Meeting was called to order by President Myrtis Collins at 11:30 AM. The following members were present:

Cindy Saur                                                     Wendy Wood

Peggy Royster Cook                                      Steven Kerchoff

Myrtis Collins                                                 Mary Marcum Evans

George Millen                                                Mollie Niemeyer

V. Lonnie Lawson                                          Betsy Lordon

Susanne Martin                                              Nolan Hatcher

Carla Zannotti                                                Camille Wood

Elaine Youtz                                                   Lori Logsdon

Lori Morse                                                    JoAnn W. Rogers

Lois Heiser                                                    Barbara S. McFadden



President Collins introduced herself, as did the other officers and directors present, before starting officer reports. A sign-up sheet was circulated.



There are currently about 890 JMRT members. A new liaison position was added this term. The position is with the LAMA PAS Publication committee. JMRT will be officially implementing its name change at the end of this conference. COG (Committee on Governance) has helped bring about the new logo design which will be used. New stationery and new brochures, etc. are coming along. Mary Marcum Evans will be showing the new stationery at this afternoon's Executive Board/New Board Orientation. JMRT hopes to be updating its goals and objectives and creating a fiscal planning report. Elinor Barrett and Jim Mouw have presented a proposal to have an Ad-Hoc Committee for Fiscal and Finance to address some of these needs. The Shirley Olofson Award was given a $1700.00 check from OCLC, with three additional checks of $1000.00 to follow if the funds are matched. The paperwork, etc. needed from ALA is underway and hopefully the plan will be approved. It is hoped the endowment will begin upon reaching the $10,000.00 point.



Mary Marcum Evans thanked Myrtis for her help and intuitiveness during the past term. A plaque for outstanding service as JMRT President was presented to Collins. Mary also announced that she had committee interest forms with her for anyone wanting them.


New Business

Myrtis thanked everyone for making her presidential year so easy. She acknowledged award winners and asked those present at the meeting to stand.




Attend the upcoming JMRT social. Free buses and their route schedule and times were noted.

Executive Board and New Board Orientation will meet at 2PM today at the Sheraton Plaza-Salon A.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.