Sunday, January 6, 1985

Sheraton Washington-Arlington Room 8:00-10:20pm

In attendance were:

Kate Adams, Elinor Barrett,, Karen Bohrer, Elena Carvajal, Clarence Chisholm, Diane Cimbala, Cynthia Comer, Donna Cranmer, Anders Dahlgren, Larayne Dallas, Cathy Doyle, Alan Eddy, Mary Marcum Evans, Karin Ford, Elaine Franco, Joan Goodsell, Beth Hanson, Mary Hicks, David Jacka, Kathy Kaldenberg, Erlene Bishop Killeen, Charles Kratz, Melissa Lanning, Jeanette Larson, Ruth Magnussen, Beverly Martin, Betty McCartney, James Mouw, Kathleen M. Peiffer, Valerie Platz, Carol Rickert, Rebecca Taylor, Loretta Turnage, Bobbi Walters, Lynda Welborn, J. Linda Williams, Randy Wilson, Janice Woo.

President Kratz opened the meeting at 8:00pm. There being no Old Business to discuss at this time, the Affiliates Council reports were heard.

Elinor Barrett, AFFILIATES COUNCIL PRESIDENT, reviewed Affiliates Council activities, which she also listed on her report. She thanked her two Vice Presidents for their efforts this past 6 months.

Elaine Franco, AFFILIATES COUNCIL 1ST. VICE PRESIDENT, reported that she has established contacts in new states and states with struggling chapters. She cited the old Affiliates Council Guidelines, asking the Executive Board for input on it by April 1. Kratz directed the Executive hoard to comment on the Guidelines , suggesting revisions, changes, etc. by Franco's April 1 deadline.

Franco voiced her concern over the NEWSNOTES budget for 1985-86. She will need money for it, as her library won't absorb printing costs.

SECOND VICE PRESIDENT of the Affiliates Council Beverly Martin reported on her efforts as Suite Coordinator for the JMRT Hospitality Suite. She reviewed her written report, in which she described six options for Suite locations. The favored location was the Executive House, followed by the Inn of Chicago. Martin also expressed concern over the cost of the Exhibitor's Toast, questioning whether or not it should be an elaborate affair.

Discussion ensued regarding the cost, relative effort, value, etc. of an Exhibitor's Toast. Franco asked if we might cosponsor a Toast in order to make it worthwhile. Williams agreed that cosponsorship is effective at the state level. Barrett said she pressured Martin to do this Toast this year, as partial fulfillment of the long-range goals and objectives.


Killeen agreed that was a priority , but it was already fulfilled at the 1983 conference. Alternatives to a Toast were discussed, including ribbons, buttons, JMRT social tickets, plaques, etc. Kratz suggested we resume discussion of the suite site itself.

Cranmer moved that we use the Executive House. Dahlgren seconded the motion. In discussion, he cited the Executive House's good location. The suite will be rented for 4 nights. The motion carried unanimously.

Martin explained that suite hours would be noon to midnight, with the suite closing during Orientation and the Membership Meeting.

Taylor then moved that JMRT not hold a toast this year, and that we study alternatives. Bohrer seconded the motion. Dahlgren asked if we gave exhibitors free tickets to last year's Awards Breakfast. Williams replied that we had given tickets to those who helped with the Awards Breakfast or gave an Award. Dahlgren said we should recognize exhibitors at that time. Martin suggested we send exhibitors personal invitations to stop by the suite individually, on their own schedules. More discussion followed, with the final agreement being that exhibitors would receive letters of invitation to all JMRT events, as well as an invitation to stop by the suite.


AWARDS BREAKFAST chair Clarence Chisholm described plans for the event. It will take place at 7:am Sunday, 7/7/85. Tickets will be $12.00; the theme will tie in with E.J. Josey's “Forging Coalitions for the Public Good." The hoped-for location is the Palmer House; the speaker is to be Rep. Major Owens (D-NY), a librarian. The committee also hopes to supply entertainment to wake up attendees. Chisholm asked the Executive Board to spread word of the event. A news release will be sent out, and a gift selected for the speaker. Kratz said the 3 awards committee chairs would announce their respective winners, and would supply those names to Chisholm.

COGNOTES chair Kathy Moeller-Peiffer thanked her predecessor, Joan Goodsell, for writing such an effective report last year that all Kathy had to do was change the dates! Moeller-Peiffer said COGNOTES is being published on time, and she thanked her four committee members who produced the Midwinter issues.

Cathy Doyle, HANDBOOK chairperson, symbolically ripped the Handbook's Clearinghouse entry, to mark the demise of that committee. Doyle asked people to write her if they still hadn't received their Handbooks, or if they still have the old red binders. She thanked Dahlgren, Goodsell, and John McPherson for xeroxing assistance, and instructed those present to pick up their copies of the new Handbook entries. Doyle said she is launching a campaign to fill up the holes in the Handbook. She advised those officers and committees without entries to seek help from their predecessors, if possible, in order to create accurate descriptions and timetables. She also instructed us to file the entries alphabetically. Doyle said her budget showed no expenditures because she hadn't yet sent the bills to Treasurer Cranmer. She then thanked the Executive Board for the long-sought budget increase.

ORIENTATION chair Randy Wilson described the program for Chicago's Orientation. Speakers are listed on his committee report; Williams will do the introduction to the ALA organizational maze. The program will be followed by an information roundabout, where attendees may talk to represenatives of ALA's various sections, divisions, roundtables, etc. The committee decided against a slide-tape introduction to the host city, as it was too expensive and of questionable effectiveness in the past. The committee will investigate the availability of pamphlets from the Chamber of Commerce, and a program for the Orientation itself will be printed. Kratz brought up the logistics of the information roundabout. His concern was that representatives don't want to attend the whole orientation. Wilson agreed, and said he hoped to keep the program between 2:00-3:30pm. He will contact representatives and ask them to send publicity for the information packet. More discussion followed, with emphasis on the need to make the information roundtable more effective for representatives and attendees.

Karin Ford, chair of the STUDENTS TO ALA PROGRAM AND RECEPTION committee, described her plans for those functions. They will be held Sunday, 7/7; the program is scheduled for 2:00-4:00 pm and the reception follows at ALA headquarters from 4:30- 6:30pm. The program title is “The MLS: For the Public Good or for Our Good?" Ford reviewed her panel and concepts, and expressed the hope that the schedule would leave about half an hour for discussion and questions. Ford reported that SCOLE (Standing Committee on Library Education) had been approached regarding possible cosponsorship, but she had received no solid response yet. The reception at ALA Headquarters will include tours, and the committee is investigating refreshment options. Mary Hicks is doing some initial publicity to library schools

this January.

Ford brought up the problem of the SALA guidebook. Formally its production is SALA responsibility, but Local Arrangements always does it. This year's Local Arrangements committee is all set to produce it, according to chair Carol Rickert. Ford wondered if the guide should be switched officially to Local Arrangements? Hicks explained that SALA has produced it in the past with an emphasis on inexpensive food and recreation. Hicks said she'd hate to see the guidebook leave SALA. Cimbala said that SALA has grown from a reception only to a reception preceded by a major program. Demands on the committee are great as it is, she continued, and only one committee member, Betty McCartney, is a Chicago resident. Coincidentally, she is also on Local Arrangements, and will participate in guidebook production regardless of which committee does it. But if SALA has the responsibility, McCartney will have to produce the guidebook alone. Kratz responded that Dahlgren doesn't plan to continue the SALA program next year; maybe this isn't a concern. Rickert said the guidebook tends to be a hot item—it has broader appeal than just to students. A good one can be used again at Chicago's Midwinter meeting. Discussion of the guidebook's versatility followed. Kratz suggested that Local Arrangements do the guidebook this year because of the SALA program. Dahlgren agreed, and stated his plan to emphasize consolidation of responsibilities to reduce the financial and schedule burdens. Ford wondered how the funding, which will come from exhibitor support and the budget, will be handled for the guidebook. Kratz said SALA still will officially pay for it, but Fred Pachman needs to be informed about the arrangement. Taylor inquired about SCOLE cosponsorship. Ford explained that SALA committee members had been in touch with SCOLE since last January; a decision was expected from SCOLE during Midwinter or shortly thereafter.

GRASSROOTS GRANT chair Valerie Platz submitted her report. Thirty-six state contacts have been named for the year, and 15 library school students have received grants. Recipients were announced in the January 1985 issue of FOOTNOTES.

Joan Goodsell of the NOMINATING COMMITTEE presented her committee's slate for the 1985-86 elections. Nominees are: Vice President /Preisdent Elect: Elinor Barrett, Bobbi Walters. Secretary: Cathy Doyle, Lynda Wellborn. Directors: Myrtis Cochran Collins, Cynthia Comer, Larayne Dallas and Erlene Bishop Killeen. For Council: by petition: Diane Bisom, Elaine Franco, Mary Mayer-Hennelly; through ALA nominating committee: Jeanette Larson; Beverly Martin, Kathy Moeller-Peiffer and Becky Taylor.

Karen Bohrer, chair of the AD HOC COMMITTEE ON NOMINATING

PROCEDURES asked if we should discuss the nominations procedure: does it really work? Kratz suggested we table discussion and have the Executive Board review Bohrer's report on the procedure. Barrett moved that we table discussion on the committee's report until Monday, 1/7, when it would be taken up as Old Business.

Cimbala seconded the motion; it carried by unanimous vote.

FUNDRAISING chair Janice Woo discussed fundraising efforts. She asked if the JMRT mugs on sale at the ALA store should be reduced for sale on the last day? She also brought up the suggestion of selling poster mailing tubes at the Annual Conference. They are available for 25 cents each--we could sell them for 50 cents. We would earn $250 profit if we sold 1,000 tubes. There are two problems, however, rumors persist that there will be no professional booths in Chicago, and tubes may have been given away in the past. Discussion followed regarding the availability of a JMRT booth vs. selling items in the ALAstore. Another consideration was what kinds of items are good fundraisers vs. those which promote membership. Kratz asked Woo to find out if the JMRT mugs were selling at Midwinter. Bohrer moved that we table discussion on fundraising until Monday. Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The POLITICAL APPRENTICESHIP GRANT was discussed next. Williams offered some history of the grant, the purpose of which was to involve young ALA members in the political process. However, it was considered a lobby training program, so JMRT was unable to obtain funding for the grant. Several proposals were submitted to the ALA Goals Committee since 1981, all of which were rejected. Funding alternatives should be found. Williams moved that we rescind the proposal to resubmit again a Political Apprenticeship Grant proposal to the ALA Goals Committee. Dahlgren seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Dahlgren moved that we extend the meeting to 10: 30pm. Bohrer seconded his motion. It passed unanimously.

Returning to Fundraising, Woo expressed concern over raising money for FOOTNOTES. Getting companies to support its publication is difficult, as FOOTNOTES is a JMRT operating expense. Alternatives were discussed, from corporate grants to consolidation of ALA publishing efforts.


SCHOLARSHIP chairman Jim Kopp said he would bring his report on Monday. He announced that the ALA Awards Committee had “blessed” the JMRT/EBSCO Scholarship. Donna Cranmer moved that we table discussion until Monday. Taylor seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Anders Dahlgren, in his capacity as Liaisons Coordinator, asked if the liaisons can replace the Clearinghouse in its placement role. He commented that the Committee on Governance was also considering that option.

Larayne Dallas reported on BETA PHI MU activities this fall, and called for suggestions on how JMRT might promote BETA PHI MU.

LAMA PAS Liaison Melissa Lanning reported that the organization had no program for this year, although a session on Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action for the first time supervisor is planned for the future. If JMRTers are interested in joining LAMA, they should see the LAMA display table.

David Jacka, LAMA MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Liaison, reported that he attended two committee meetings. Concerns of that group are establishing member service representatives in all 50 states and raising LAMA visibility. Jacka stressed that LAMA is receptive to JMRT interests. President Kratz complimented Jacka on a job well done. He went into his liaison assignment “cold,” and has made a big contribution. Jacka stated that LAMA wants to work with JMRT, but isn't sure how we'll fit in. Kratz said that liaisons can begin writing columns for FOOTNOTES on how to get involved, etc.

LIBRARY EDUCATION ASSEMBLY liaison Diane Cimbala reported that as the LEA had not yet met for 1984-85, she had prepared no written report. However, she asked for JMRT concerns: what kinds of issues does JMRT want LEA to address? A primary concern was the status of library school courses dealing with children's literature, as well as the overall role of children's services.

There being no other liaison reports or new business, President Kratz called for announcements. Killeen announced a meeting of COG, and Hicks suggested that everyone “push” committee brochures. At 10: 20pm, Dahlgren moved we adjourn. Bohrer seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Respecfully submitted,

Diane J . Cimbala