ALA-New Members Round Table

Annual Conference -San Francisco, CA

New Board Orientation Meeting

Monday, June 30, 1997, 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Members Present: Carol Kem, Dora Ho, Betsy Simpson, Donna Hogan, Alison Hopkins, Paula Hering, Kara Robinson, Ann Snoeyenbos, Ann Dykas, Bob Wick, Greg Zilius-careaga, Shannon Burchard, Chris Shupala, Priscilla Shontz, Laura Lucio, Laura Sill, Elaine Yontz, Nancy George, David Hellman, Laura Greene, Melissa Becher, and Antoinette Nelson.

The meeting was called to order by President Ann Snoeyenbos at 2: 15 p. m.

Packets were handed out to the new officers and directors and the roster of executive board members was reviewed for any corrections and/or additions.

President Snoeyenbos presented a plaque with a quote from Shirley Olofson to outgoing President, Laura Sill for her outstanding leadership as President for the past year. She then stated some of her goals for the next year:

Promoting NMR T to the outside world.

Work on following parliamentary procedures at meetings.

Learn to use the NMRT budget better.

Treasurer's report given by Carol Kem. She reminded the group that the fiscal year is Sept. 1 st - Aug. 31st., and handed out the new proposed budget for 1997-98.

Estimated Cash available: $24,500.00

Estimated Expenditures [Operational]. $ 3,010.00

Estimated Expenditures [programming/promotion]. $19, 185.00

Carol explained each section and amount of the budget. Discussion followed concerning giving the president and treasurer the option to move money around. She encouraged the officers and directors to find out from their committee chairs if their individual institutions support some expenses such as faxing and postage to keep in touch. Also, to give more detail in reports on expenditures and incomes. .

President Snoeyenbos encouraged members to meet ALA deadlines for setting up of committee programs that have A V support. ALA will pay for those expenses if the deadline is met, otherwise it comes out of the programming budget not the operational budget.

Kara Robinson announced that $1558.00 was deposited into the account from the Social and the amount did include the $1000.00 from 3M.

Paula Hering moved to accept the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1997-98 and the motion was seconded by Nancy George. [Passed]


Laura Sill thanked Carol for all her efforts in making the budget easy to understand. President Snoeyenbos stated that NMRT is a healthy financial group but urged the group to be conservative.

President Snoeyenbos turned the meeting over to Ann Dykas who proceeded with a presentation on Parliamentary Procedures. The terminology was reviewed in the Parliamentary procedure brochure that each member received. The group then read scenarios on making motions with seconds, making changes, how to state a question, debate with amendments and the actual vote. Ann reminded the group to address the chair, be courteous, and discuss points not people.

Carol Kem moved that the Treasurer and ALA Liaison be authorized to move any excess funds of $2000.00 into the endowment account and the motion was seconded by Paula Hering. [Passed]

The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Antoinette Nelson NMRT Secretary