ALA/JMRT Executive Board

Saturday, January 5, 1985

Sheraton Washington--Annapolis Room 9:00-11:00 am

In attendance were:

Elinor Barrett, Karen Bohrer, Elizabeth Byrne, Lee Christner , Diane Cimbala , Cynthia Corner, Donna Cranmer, Larayne Dallas, Anders Dahlgren, Annette Demaree, Cathy Doyle, Mary Marcum Evans, Karin Ford, Elaine Franco, Susan Gardiner, Joan Goodsell, Mary Hicks, Kathy Kaldenberg, Karen Kaluzsa, Erlene Bishop Killeen, Jim Kopp, Charles Kratz, Jeanette Larson, Ruth Magnussen, Beverly Martin, Scottie McAuley, Gail McMillan, James Mouw, Fred Pachman, Valerie Platz, Carol Rickert, Kay Runge, Laura A. Sardmann, David Searcy, Leslie Steele, Rebecca Taylor, Bobbi Walters, Lynda Welborn, J. Linda Williams, and Randy Wilson.

PRESIDENT Charles Kratz called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Attendees each introduced themselves.

Kratz explained who is eligible to vote at JMRT Executive Board meetings. Voters are: President, Vice President/President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, the three Directors, the Immediate Past President, and the Affiliates Council President.

PRESIDENT Kratz submitted his report. He discussed the EBSCO scholarship proposal, in which JMRT and the subscription service would cosponsor a $1000 annual scholarship for a library school student. He noted that the scholarship committee was working on a document for submission to the ALA Awards Committee, hoping to earn ALA Award status for the scholarship.

Also in preparation were proposals to promote the JMRT/3M Professional Development Grant and the Shirley Olofson Award to ALA Award status.

Kratz then discussed his outreach program, in which JMRT officers were to contact library schools about our programs, grants and services. Officers were encouraged to call, write, and if possible, visit area library schools. Kratz has visited Rutgers and Drexel, and plans to contact the New York City area schools. Publicity efforts have included mailing a letter with JMRT award and grant applications to library schools. This is the first time this action has been taken in the fall of the year.

Kratz described his program plans for Chicago, citing his expanded Students-to-ALA Program and Reception.

VICE PRESIDENT/PRESIDENT-ELECT Anders Dahlgren submitted his report. He emphasized the need for JMRTers to submit committee interest -forms for 1985-86. He asked that committee chairs pick a handful of the forms and distribute them at committee meetings. He also asked Executive Board members to consider the Midwinter schedule and give him our reactions to a Sunday evening meeting.

SECRETARY Diane Cimbala distributed last year's minutes and asked for changes and corrections. Kopp pointed out that on the Tues. June 26 minutes for New Board Orientation, p. 5, the first word in line 5 should be “1985,” not 1986. There being no further changes, Cimbala moved that the minutes for 1984/85 be approved. Cranmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Donna Cranmer, TREASURER, followed with her report. She asked everyone to look at the 1983/84 budget, and offered to clarify problems. She explained that the question marks printed on the budget must stay there, as the budget report accurately reflects what JMRT spent. Kratz commented that this budget (for 1984/85) is the first to reflect projected exhibitor income.

Cranmer cited other changes to be made. According to ALA Headquarters, we've already spent our budget in the first two months. However, their figures do not reflect projected income. Cranmer also said she wants to triple our current staff liaison printing budget. She stated that the

'84-'85 budget was never officially approved at Dallas, and that we need to do so in Washington. Kratz added that he hoped to show a $1500 balance for the coming year.

Cranmer explained that projected exhibitor support appears on the budget in parentheses. She said the FOOTNOTES and Awards Breakfast budgets were slightly misleading, owing to billing dates. Cranmer then asked if anyone had budgets in excess of their needs. (See Treasurer's Midwinter report for revised budget). Kratz reminded those present that the budget can be amended as necessary. Cimbala moved that the budget, with the above changes, be approved. Cranmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

PAST PRESIDENT J. Linda Williams offered a verbal report. She said 3 committees were her responsibility: Clearinghouse, Political Apprenticeship, and Scholarship. She said we would discuss proposals and issues relating to those committees during their reports. She said she has talked to library schools in her area about JMRT; the University of Maryland was particularly interested in our activities.

DIRECTOR for CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS David Searcy reported briefly on his committees. He said they were doing well--all have good chairpersons and are planning good programs for Chicago.

Becky Taylor, MACE DIRECTOR, said all of her committees were active, and their work looks good. She contacted three library schools in her area and got favorable responses. She also said her individual committees would provide their own reports.

Karen Bohrer, DIRECTOR for PUBLICATIONS and PUBLIC RELATIONS maintained correspondence with all of her committees. All were doing well. They were organized and delegating authority effectively. Bohrer said FOOTNOTES and COGNOTES looked good and the Handbook would be vastly improved this year. Publicity will be giving JMRT good coverage, and Exhibitor Contact and Relations is bringing in lots of money. She reminded all to send materials to the Archivist, and concluded by saying she was pleased with the operations of all her committees. Bohrer contacted the Southern Connecticut University Library School but was unsuccessful, she thinks because the school is between deans.


Lee Christner, MIDWINTER ACTIVITIES chair, announced that Orientation would be Saturday afternoon, Jan. 5 from 2-4 pm in the Shoreham Diplomat room. She outlined the program, and said there would be a chance to meet representatives from other ALA divisions, etc. afterwards. EBSCO provided the portfolios for the information to be distributed there. Christner also invited all to attend the JMRT Social Monday evening, Jan. 7. Reservations were due 6:00 pm Saturday.

Christner encouraged everyone to see the information packet. A printers' mistake gave us 2500 restaurant guides for a mere $200! Christner asked us to help distribute them, as well as announcements of Orientation and the Social. The Social was scheduled for the George Washington University Club. A cash bar began at 6:30 pm; dinner was at 7:00.

LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS chair Carol Rickert described her committee's activities.

Rickert introduced her committee members who have been in touch with each Chicago program committee.

Karen Kaluzsa, SOCIAL COMMITTEE chairperson, discussed options for the Chicago Social. The committee worked hard all Fall, narrowing 30 locations down to 3, all of which were too expensive! Two of them required a lot of money up front, but were cheaper in the end than the third. Kaluzsa cited Park West, site of the 1979 Social. For it JMRT would need $2000 for a reservation and $3000 before the party.

The Social Committee's first choice was the S.S. Clipper, a restored Great Lakes Clipper ship. The Clipper requires 600 people for exclusive occupancy. Kal uzsa referred the Executive Board to her report, where she had delineated cost breakdowns and deposit requirements. Kaluzsa described Airflow Deluxe, the committee's band of preference, as a 12-member band that would perform with a gangster theme. Kaluzsa further delineated pricing options--a cheaper band, cash bar vs. free drinks, etc.


Kaluzsa also discussed the Betsy Ann, a smaller boat that docks near the S.S. Clipper and tours the harbor around Chicago.

Park West, Kaluzsa explained, would cost about the same amount as the Clipper, except there would be no food.

The question of numbers of tickets sold 1979-1983 was raised. Numbers attending have gone down, but leveled off over the past couple of years.

A third location, the Field Museum, is the most affordable now, but the most expensive at the end. The museum requires the use of a caterer.

Kaluzsa then showed slides of the S.S. Clipper and the Field Museum. Fred Pachman thanked Kaluzsa for her presentation and the numbers she supplied. He said the key was to make sure JMRT breaks even on the venture. Questions arose on the $4815 Clipper package about music, access to the whole ship, exclusivity, etc. Cranmer suggested that the $4815 package with three free drinks was too much. She said a cash bar is preferable. She added that we could charge $12.00 preconference and $15.00 at the conference. Last year's Social prices were $13.00 and $15. 00, with no free drinks.

Kaluzsa said she anticipates a bigger turnout in Chicago than some previous years' Socials, as the Clipper is within walking distance of most hotels.

Discussion ensued regarding the location of other annual conference parties, drink prices (Kaluzsa says the Clipper charges $2.00/mixed drink; $1.00/beer and wine at their cash bar), number of tickets sold pre-conference vs. at conference (about 50-50) , and maximum occupancy of the ship (900 on a rainy night, 1100 on a nice night). The need for a shuttle bus run was discussed; Jim Mouw says the navy pier Clipper's docking site) is about ½ mile from any hotel.

Kratz stated that his greatest concern was the $2000 down payment. Cranmer said that as of Oct., JMRT had a $2000 balance--by now it is probably closer to $3000 to $4000. Kaluzsa said she'd try to negotiate for a smaller down payment (25% of total cost) and/or for installment payments.

Pachman suggested we approve the Social, then work out the details. Williams asked if ALA could lend us the money for the down payment, to which Cranmer replied yes, but that she would prefer not to. Cranmer said she'd rather pay $1000 now, $1000 on March 1, and the balance in June.

Killeen cited the need for publicity emphasizing the unique location, good band, and cheap drinks. Kopp wondered if we could show Kaluzsa's slides at Orientation and the JMRT booth.

Cranmer said she wasn't planning on renting equipment, suggesting instead that we include photos in the Orientation packet. Wilson said blow-ups of the photos, could go on the booth display.

Kratz asked if the Board should table discussion of the Social until Monday, when Kaluzsa could provide more information.

Discussion resumed about the benefits of having the smaller Betsy Ann available for harbor tours. Pros were that people enjoy a cruise, cons that other groups may he using it and the cruise-takers' absence from the S.S. Clipper may deflate the party on the host slip.

Dahlgren moved that we endorse the S.S. Clipper as the conference social site, direct Karen Kaluzsa to discuss payment options with the manager of the Clipper, approve the use of Airflow Deluxe as the band, and agree on the $4815 cost package.

Cranmer seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. The entire Executive Board applauded Karen Kaluzsa and the Social Committee for their efforts.

Leslie Steele, BOOTH COMMITTEE chairperson, reported next on her committee. She stated that last year's committee had tried to have a celebrity raffle and to give T-shirts to booth volunteers. Both fell through; however, the committee will try again this year. Quality Books will print the new booth brochure for free.

EXHIBITOR CONTACT AND RELATIONS chair Fred Pachman reported on his committee's efforts to promote the conference to Chicago exhibitors. He emphasized the importance of displaying prominently the logos of exhibitors on printed materials, etc. He complimented Midwinter Arrangements for their prominent display of the Baker and Taylor logo on their restaurant guide.

PUBLICITY chair Bobbi Walters stated that so far this year, publicity has been fairly good. We had a photo in the post conference issue of American Libraries and a little coverage in Library Journal. This fall we've done a better of emphasizing awards and deadline dates. Walters asked for comments from awards committee chairs: had they seen better responses this year? Walters also said she had sent out the JMRT Christmas cards in mid-December, as well as a note to program committee chairs, urging them to think in terms of publicity for their events. Walters announced her committee's meeting on Monday morning 1/7, saying discussion would center on annual conference publicity and news realease forms. Publicity is coordinating its activities with the archives, sending archival material such as photographs to Gail McMillan. The committee also is investigating the use of reusable podium signs, etc., trying to get the JMRT logo in speaker photos, and pursuing inclusion of JMRT programs on the ALA cassette series. Walters encouraged JMRT photographers to bring their cameras to the Chicago conference. Kratz added that it is important for program chairs to get their copy in to ALA headquarters in time for deadlines. They are Jan. 31 for the Chicago preliminary program and March 15 for the final program. Walters said pictures (black and white) of speakers are an asset.

CLEARINGHOUSE chair Jeanette Larson began her report with background information. In 1983-84, Janice Woo sent letters of inquiry to ALA divisions, etc., asking these groups for suggestions on placement of JMRTers on other committees. Woo received only three responses! Clearinghouse information also appeared in FOOTNOTES and NEWSNOTES but only 7 JMRT members responded. Larson said she conducted an unscientific survey of former JMRTers to determine why the old Clearinghouse died. Similar problems to our current situation caused its demise. The recommendation of the 1984-85 Clearinghouse committee is that the committee be disbanded, and have other officers and liaisons perform the Clearinghouse function. Larson added that none of the 7 respondents to the Clearinghouse had any JMRT experience. Consequently, she concluded that the Clearinghouse is not functioning as intended. Hicks noted that an ALA internship plan is afoot, which may serve the same purpose. Larson then reviewed her committee's proposed options, which were included on her written report. Williams moved that option be adopted, in which the Clearinghouse committee is disbanded and alternative methods sought. Cimbala seconded the motion. In discussion, Bohrer asked how such a measure would affect the long-term goals and and objectives. Killeen responded that there are other vehicles (committee chairs, etc.) through which JMRTers can help each other get involved. Barrett added that the Affiliates Council can assist at the state level. Larson also said liaisons can write about their sections, etc. in FOOTNOTES to publicize other ALA activities. Dalhgren, as liaisons coordinator, agreed. Following the discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

ARCHIVIST Gail McMillan made her annual plea for materials. She recently sent 2 cubic feet of documents to the archives. She asked everyone to send committee reports and files. Don't weed your files--Gail will do it!


-------------- reported that JMRT has been asked to cosponsor a pre-conference entitled "The Business of Acquisitions," with RTSD's Acquisitions section. Our role would the to cosponsor the preconference in name only. JMRTers would be eligible for the lowest registration rate. (This is similar to our involvement last year in the "Who's Afraid of Serials?" preconference.)

Bohrer moved that we cosponsor the preconference. Cranmer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


---------------- pointed out that Gail McMillan's Archives Committee is a special committee which needs to be legitimized with annual reappointments. Dahlgren moved we reappoint the Archives Committee. Bohrer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Donna Cranmer moved that the two ad hoc committees, Scholarship and Awards Breakfast, be continued in 1984-85. Dahlgren seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Kopp pointed out that Scholarship will have to become a standing committee if the ALA Awards Committee accepts the JMRT/EBSCO scholarship as an ALA award.

Bohrer moved we add the Social Committee report to the Monday, 1/7 agenda. Cranmer seconded the motion. It carried by unanimous consent.


Barrett announced that the Affiliates Council would meet Sunday, 1/6 in the Mayflower Hotel.

Dahlgren announced that the 1986 Conference Planning Committee meeting was canceled.

Kratz encouraged all of the Executive Board to attend Orientation at 2:00 pm Saturday 1/5.

At 10:55 am, Dahlgren moved that the meeting be adjourned and Cimbala seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane J . Cimbala