9:00 AM - 12:30 PM


The ALA/JMRT Executive Board Meeting was called to order by
President Karin Ford at 9:10 AM. Thirty members were present:

Laura A. Sullivan                        Joni Gomez

Karin Ford                        Elinor Barrett

Myrtis Collins                        Jim Mouw

Joseph Harzbecker                        Diane J. Cimbala

Susan H. Schmidt                        Rosemary Arneson

Lorretta Turnage                        Christina Y. Allen

Edith Reiss                        Robert Newlen

Peggy Royster                        Joyce G. Taylor

Mary Marcum Evans                        Pat Brill

Jana Lonberger                        Colleen M. Conway

Cecil Hixon                        Cheryl Napsha

Sara Behrman                        Karen L. Peterson

Sylvia Reimer                        Mark Watson

James Huesmann                        Greg Wool

Sheldon Vik                        Marlena Wald



President Karin Ford welcomed everyone to the Executive Board Meeting.            Introductions were made, an attendance sheet was circulated, and the voting members of the Board were announced:
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, the three Directors, and the Affiliates Council President.

Ford announced that directors and officers would do the majority of reporting at the Executive Board Meeting; committee chairs might be called upon if there is a major issue a director
or supervising officer needs the chair to address.


Karin Ford requested any corrections to the minutes for Midwinter/Washington, D.C. As there were no corrections, Peggy Royster moved to approve them. Lorretta Turnage seconded
the motion. Motion passed unanimously.



PRESIDENT - Karin Ford

President Ford brought forth two items requiring action. First of all, she received a letter from Linda Elliott, PLA Membership Chair, who requested that JMRT consider a liaison from PLA
Membership Committee to the Library School Outreach Committee. Ford responded to Elliott via letter suggesting that the liaisonship be to JMRT as a whole, not just one committee (as JMRT
does with other liaisons). Ford said she had not heard back from Elliott, and asked for any discussion from the group. Sara Behrman felt the liaison should be to the specific committee; Ford expressed concern over the precedent this action might set. After opinions were made for both positions, Ford suggested that the PLA Membership Committee have a liaison to JMRT as a whole, with a focus on the Library School Outreach'Committee (being on that committee's mailing list, attending their meetings). This approach was agreed to by those present.

Ford's second action item concerned a letter from Melissa Carr, Chair of the LAMA PAS Staff Development 1990 Program Subcommittee. They are planning a program for the 1990 Chicago Annual Conference on how to write readable manuals and handbooks. Carr asked that
JMRT co-sponsor the program--in name only (no funds would be involved). Jim Mouw moved that JMRT co-sponsor the program in name only. Mary Marcum Evans seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Committee on Governance - Ford reported briefly for Rosemary Arneson, Chair of the Committee on Governance. There are two COG issues to be addressed: 1) proposed changes in the by-
laws for the liaison positions and 2) implementation of the name change. Ford said that Arneson was holding a committee meeting on June 25 at 10:30 AM in the Days Hotel, Spring Room, to discuss implementation of the name change.Ford announced (for those who did not know) that the name change was voted for, and as of July 1990, JMRT will become NMRT (New Members Round Table).


Ford asked that Arneson's report be deferred until Monday's meeting. Other changes to the agenda were also requested by Ford. Lorretta Turnage moved to approve the agenda. Peggy Royster seconded. Motion passed.

Constitution and Bylaws - Ford reported that Susan Schmidt, Chair of Constitution and Bylaws, had no action items at present. Schmidt's committee will be working on making necessary changes in reflect the passage of the Liaisons Coordinator as a director position. These changes should be ready at Midwinter.


Leadership Development - Ford said she did not receive a report from Lori Logsdon, Chair of Leadership Development. However, Ford said JMRT needed to discuss the continuation of the committee, since it is hoc committee. JMRT must vote to either terminate it, continue it as ad hoc, or- make it an ongoing special committee. The committee has traditionally done a program prior to the first Executive Board Meeting at Midwinter on a leadership development topic. Jim Mouw moved that Leadership Development continue as a special committee with its primary charge being to hold a leadership development program at Midwinter conferences.
Lorretta Turnage seconded.


Mouw mentioned that he finds the leadership programs valuable, and that there is now a budget line for a continental breakfast at that program.

Motion passed unanimously.

VICE-PRESIDENT - Myrtis Collins

Vice-President Collins reported that she has been making committee appointments since Midwinter and preparing for the 1990 conference. Chairs are in place for all committees, except
Fundraising, and all liaisons have been appointed.

Collins also sent names of JMRT people interested in becoming involved in ALA committees to Patricia Berger. Results were positive: Phoebe Janes was appointed as an intern for two years
to the Standing Committee on Library Education, and Elinor Barrett was appointed to the Intellectual Freedom Committee.

SECRETARY - Laura A. Sullivan

Laura Sullivan, Secretary, reported that she transcribed minutes from Midwinter and purchased a tape recorder to be used by future JMRT secretaries.

Archives - Sullivan stated that Judy Jeng, Archivist, received
files from various committees and a book from Sharman Prouty (previous FOOTNOTES editor) Local Indexes in American Libraries: A Union List of Unpublished Indexes by Norma Alin Ireland
(previous JMRT president).


Handbook - Sullivan said that Handbook Chair, Joni Gomez, distributed handbook entries to JMRT chairs as requested; Gomez also solicited costs from merchants for total revision of the
handbook. A complete revision of the handbook will be necessary due to the name change.

Jim Mouw remarked that some portions of the handbook have not been revised for many years and will need to be revised. Myrtis Collins said that some committee chairs are not in the
position to revise their sections but may be after a year's experience as a chair.

The idea of putting the handbook on disk was discussed briefly. Gomez welcomes any software ideas from JMRT members.


Exhibitor Contact and Relations - Jim Mouw said that the report for this committee would be covered under Lorretta Turnage's report.


Fundraising - Mouw reported on the status of this committee's current project--investigation into editing and publishing a book of library humor. There may be a competing project from Norman Stevens in the works. James Huesmann, Fundraising Chair, said that he feels the committee can still do this project, perhaps with a different slant than Stevens' book. Huesmann also
expressed confidence in his committee's ability to take on the book project even though committee members are scattered across the country.


Ford asked Huesmann if there was a possibility for fundraising activities with the inception of the name change. Huesmann said that would be incorporated into the committee's work.

Budget - Mouw announced that the new joint operating agreement of ALA applies only to divisions; JMRT will not be affected. Mouw also said that the charge (at Midwinter) to form a fiscal planning committee did not occur. He said this will need to be discussed again at New Board.


As for the budget report, Mouw said that he added a summary page at the front of his report as requested.


Overall, the budget is in good shape. Mouw said JMRT had a healthy cash balance, although JMRT may have to dip into the cash balance depending on the income of the Social (but no more than $1,000.00). However, JMRT will begin the new year in strong financial shape.


Mouw said he was happy to report that the only funding from vendors is for the programmatic budget line; the operating line (committee work) is now funded from JMRT funds.


Mouw expressed concern about the lack of prompt or accurate fiscal reports from ALA. Other divisions are also concerned about this issue.

Mouw said that he would like to have reimbursement requests (pre-conference or conference) from committee chairs by the first week in July.


President Ford said she very much appreciated the clarity of  Mouw's budget reports. Everyone agreed.

PAST PRESIDENT - Diane Cimbala

Nominating - President Ford reported for Diane Cimbala on the results of the election. The elected officers are:


Vice-President/President-Elect                        Mary Marcum Evans

Secretary                        Cindy Saur
Directors                        Jenifer Abramson
Joyce Taylor


Also approved was making the Liaison Coordinator a Director. (This will not formally take effect until next year since a Director is an elected position).


Ford stated again that the name change passed--209 people voted on the name change issue (102 for NMRT; 81 for JMRT; 26 for START).


A brief discussion followed about why very few members vote. President Ford and Jim Mouw felt that this problem was characteristic of ALA as a whole.

MACE - Elinor Barrett

Elinor Barrett, MACE director, opened her report with the status of the Meet the Winners reception. After some planning and preparation for the reception, Barrett said she realized that only one winner might be present at the reception.                        As a result, Barrett questioned the reception's feasibility, and after discussion with various members of the Executive Board, the
decision was made to cancel the reception this year.


Barrett added that JMRT will need to decide how to proceed on a separate reception in honor of award winners in the future. She said the argument for a reception is that JMRT is proud of award
winners and likes to honor them through a reception; this is also a way to introduce winners to JMRT members. On the other hand, Barrett expressed concern over the fact that there are usually
conflicts in scheduling a time for the reception.


Discussion followed on the problems connected with a reception and other possibilities to honor award winners. Points made by members included: Shirley Olofson award may be key concern as other awards are well publicized; reception was held in Suite as one way to use the Suite; there are other programs which try to recognize winners; award winners have busy schedules; recognize
winner(s) at the SALA reception.


After comments, a motion was made by Elinor Barrett to charge the Shirley Olofson Committee with investigating methods of publicizing the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award and to report to
the Executive Board at Midwinter conference on those recommendations.          Mary Marcum Evans seconded. Jim Mouw made a friendly amendment that a separate Meet the Winners reception not
be scheduled in Chicago. Motion passed.


Elinor Barrett concluded her report by returning her MACE funds to the JMRT budget.


Minorities Recruitment - Barrett stated that Joyce Taylor, Chair, and her committee are actively co-sponsoring the SALA Reception.

Grassroots Grants - Barrett reported that Sylvia Reimer, Chair, and committee updated the GG states contact handbook. A table of contents and standard application form were additions to the


3M/JMRT Award - Barrett announced the winners of the 3M Professional Development Grant awards: Jenifer Abramson, Daniel P. O'Mahoney and Eric Wade. Elena Carvajal chaired the

Scholarship Committee - This committee, chaired by Pat Brill, chose Dori Marie Molletti as the scholarship recipient. Barrett noted that the committee plans to review the evaluation criteria

and ranking criteria at conference. However, criteria will stay in place for the 1990 award, with any changes being implemented in 1991.

Shirley Olofson Memorial Award - Barrett said that Carole Bell, winner of the award, will receive her award at the President's Program on Sunday.

Phoebe Janes, Shirley Olofson Award Committee Chair, submitted a proposal to the Executive Board to redefine the applicant qualification guidelines. Barrett said that Janes' concerns
centered around the low applicant pool over the past few years. Janes suggests three changes to enhance the value of the award:


1.Currently, the committee is awarding $160 per winner, with 3 winners: clump the 160 x 3 and give all to one person. Advertise the award noting monetary value.

2. Reverse the SOA award so that the decision is made at the annual conference, and the stipend is granted to cover Midwinter registration fees.

3. Delete the qualification of "must be attending 2nd annual conference."

Jim Mouw moved that the three recommendations be accepted. Diane Cimbala seconded. Discussion followed.


Most people favored raising the monetary award and giving it to one person. President Ford said she liked the idea of using the award for Midwinter Conference, but was concerned that the
applicant pool would still be reduced since less people go to Midwinter.


Diane Cimbala moved to table the discussion until later in the meeting. Peggy Royster seconded. Motion passed.

Membership Promotion and Relations - Barrett reported that Jana Lonberger, Chair, was very busy this year. Several issues need to be addressed. First of all, Lonberger received a
feasibility study from the ALA Membership Committee on Multiple Memberships in divisions and round tables. Lonberger said she completed the survey as best she could (not having the chance to
discuss it with others in JMRT), and would await further developments on the issue.

Secondly, Barrett reported that ALA's subcommittee on Student Membership is involving some of JMRT members with the subcommittee. This is apparently being handled informally; any

formal connection between JMRT and the subcommittee will be handled through Myrtis Collins.

Thirdly, the ALA Membership Committee is planning a cruise for the 1990 Chicago Annual Conference, and has asked if JMRT would be interested in sponsoring the cruise. Lonberger has not yet received definite information about the cruise.


Jim Mouw moved to have the COGNOTES report at this time. Peggy Royster seconded. Motion passed.


COGNOTES - Lorretta Turnage announced that local Girl Scouts were assisting with the distribution of COGNOTES.

The rest of the COGNOTES report focused on whether a policy should be defined concerning the publication of ALA candidate endorsements, and what that policy should be.

Diane Cimbala suggested assembling submitted endorsements and then listing the endorsements in the last issue of COGNOTES, as a means of information, a non-partisan tabulation.

Jim Mouw said that if JMRT does indeed do endorsements, an official form should be required for the endorsee to sign.

Sara Behrman stated that the JMRT Executive Board should raise JMRT's concerns to the ALA Executive Board and let them handle the issue.

Lorretta Turnage moved that JMRT ask the ALA Executive Board to provide a policy on publishing endorsements of ALA political candidates in COGNOTES, with a response to JMRT from the ALA Executive Board prior to Midwinter.                        Jim Mouw seconded. Motion
passed unanimously. Myrtis Collins will write the letter to the ALA Executive Board concerning the issue.


Following the break, Lorretta Turnage introduced two guests--Gerald Shields, Shirley Olofson's Mentor, and Edward M. Kurdyla, OCLC's Director of the Electronic Publishing and Information

Marlena Wald, Chair of Exhibitor Contact and Relations, explained why these two guests were present at the meeting. Wald said this past year the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee

undertook a new funding initiative to build an endowment for the Shirley Olofson award. Wald began work with Shields and Kurdyla in establishing an endowment. Wald said that later in the meeting she would explain a package of funding to be developed (T-shirts, art work) to improve the endowment. OCLC will give money over a five-year period in order to raise more money and to build the endowment.

Kurdyla and Shields presented a check of $1,700 to President Ford, the first installment of OCLC's participation. In the next four fiscal years, OCLC will contribute $1,000 each year.

President Ford thanked both men and OCLC for the generous check. Dr. Shields then spoke about Shirley Olofson with much affection and in praise of her many contributions.


Rosemary Arneson, Chair of COG, spoke to two key issues:

1. Structure for appointment of liaisons. Arneson said she revised the current Constitution and Bylaws information concerning liaisons and Liaisons Coordinator (Article X). She then contacted
liaisons, committee members and other interested people for their comments on the proposed change.

Peggy Royster moved that JMRT accept the proposed bylaws change (Article X) regarding the structure for appointment of liaisons and that the change be placed on the next election ballot.

Jim Mouw seconded.                 INyrtis Collins made a friendly amendment that for #4 of the proposed change text "Liaisons Coordinator" be changed to "Director of Liaisons." Motion passed as amended.

Related to this, Arneson said she was unclear about the exact process/procedure for changing bylaws.

Jim Mouw moved that COG be charged with developing procedures for the JMRT Handbook regarding the placement of non-nomination items on the ballot (with suggested procedures by Midwinter). Mary Marcum Evans seconded.                 Motion passed unanimously.

2. Impact of name change

Arneson said she outlined the impact of the name change, financial and otherwise.                        (See outline attached to her report). Instead of a forum on the name change Sunday, Arneson asked
members to look over the handout and discuss the proposals at Monday's Executive Board meeting.


Sara Behrman suggested that JMRT consider implementation of the new name in full immediately, and to stay away from using the acronym for a year or two.


Peggy Royster thanked all her program committee members for their hard work and praised the quality of their programs.

Local Arrangements - Royster said that this committee did a fine job preparing the orientation packets for conference.

Social - Royster highlighted the menu for the Social and emphasized shuttlebus service to the West End Marketplace. Tickets can be purchased from Royster, $15 in advance, $18 at the
door. Diane Cimbala said the tickets are $18 at the meal ticket desk.

Membership Meeting Program - Royster said this committee, chaired by Greg Wool, had a budget request. Jim Mouw stated the request was to increase the committee's budget due to equipment
costs. Since exact costs were not known, the decision was made to forego a decision at this time.

Orientation - Royster announced the slate of speakers for the afternoon program.

Students-to-ALA Reception - The SALA reception will be Sunday night. Royster said the committee had actively worked with the Minorities Recruitment Committee on the reception.

Royster said about $150 was spent on outreach to library schools.

President's Program - The program will be on mentoring. Royster said Brooke Sheldon and Margaret Myers worked very diligently with the committee on the program.


Booth - Lorretta Turnage said the booth was delivered to four state associations; the slide show went to one. Associations are responding to the publicity for the booth.

President Ford clarified how to make corrections to the Handbook: the committee chair should rewrite the Handbook entry (if corrections are needed) and send the revision(s) to the

All were encouraged to stop by and see the Booth.

FOOTNOTES - As Tom Lawrence had resigned as editor, Turnage took care of the last FOOTNOTES issue. President Ford thanked Turnage for "saving the day." The new editor is Rachel Robbins.

Publicity - Turnage reminded committees to be sure to meet deadlines for publicity.

Exhibitor Contact and Relations - Marlena Wald, Chair, discussed how the T-shirt idea, raised at Midwinter, could raise .money for the Olofson fund.                        Wald felt this could be a
rejuvenation project for the award. Wald also distributed a list of the vendors who have contributed money to JMRT.                        Jim Mouw later mentioned that a vote would be needed for approval of the T-shirt idea.

Concerning the Friendly Booth award, President Ford said she would be willing to make the presentation at the beginning of the Membership Meeting Program.

Ford and others expressed praise for Wald's work.

Questions and concerns then followed from the Executive Board regarding the certainty of establishing an endowment. Jim Mouw stated that at Midwinter he had mentioned that ALA might be allowing divisions to develop endowments. He said that he understood we can build endowments, but presently we cannot collect interest on them.

President Ford asked the Executive Board where the responsibility of the endowment should fall--Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee, Fundraising Committee? She wondered where

the Shirley Olofson Committee fit in.

Much discussion followed regarding Board action.

Lorretta Turnage moved that the issue be deferred to the Olofson Committee to come back with recommendations to the Executive Board regarding the $1700.00; also, that the Olofson
Committee have recommendations on how to handle future funding of the Olofson award. These recommendations are to be ready at Midwinter Conference. Peggy Royster seconded.

Discussion followed. Colleen Conway said that the awarding of the Olofson award is at Midwinter and felt a small committee should handle this issue between now and Monday's meeting.Diane Cimbala suggested that the award not be given this year and
use Midwinter to resolve this issue. Some expressed interest in"unveiling" the award again during the anniversary year--either 1991 (Olofson died in 1971) or 1992 (the award was first given in


Turnage said the primary issue requiring action is dealing with the $1700.00 from OCLC.                        She felt the Olofson Committee should make the recommendation concerning the money. The motion on the floor passed unanimously.

It was also decided to give the award next year.

President Ford then returned to Phoebe Janes' recommendations that were raised earlier (for the Shirley Olofson award). Jim Mouw moved that Janes' report be removed from the table for
discussion. Peggy Royster seconded.                        Mouw then withdrew his motion regarding the recommendations. Diane Cimbala seconded. Motion carried.


Mouw moved that the award be continued as is for next year while discussing new options; also, that the new Olofson Committee develop procedures with the new funding.                        Peggy Royster seconded. Motion passed unanimously. President Ford again thanked Marlena Wald and her committee for their hard work and efforts this past year.


Joe Harzbecker, Liaisons Coordinator, thanked his strong group of liaisons and Rosemary Arneson/COG for their work.

He announced the joint IFRT/JMRT reception on June 26, Monday at 5:30 PM.

Harzbecker said he had corresponded with LAMA PAS on the creation of two new liaison positions. LAMA PAS is very enthusiastic about the new liaisons which are for the Staff
Development Committee and the Publications Committee.

Jim Mouw moved that JMRT establish two liaisons with LAMA PAS. Laura Sullivan seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

President Ford clarified how the Director of Liaisons' position would be implemented. Since that position needs to be elected, JMRT cannot nominate and elect that director until the 1990 ballot. Harzbecker has agreed to continue to serve as Liaisons Coordinator during the coming year.




Mary Marcum Evans, President, announced that the Suite would be moved today since another group had already checked in there.

Colleen Conway, Affiliates Council First Vice-President, made a recommendation that JMRT not have a Hospitality Suite at the Chicago Annual Conference next summer. Reasons are listed in her report in support of her recommendation including low housing costs in Chicago and general
decline in the use of the Suite.


Conway said those interested in this issue should attend the Affiliates Council meeting on Sunday. The committee will then formulate a formal recommendation to the Executive Board at
Monday's meeting.




Myrtis Collins said that four out of eleven JMRT members who wanted to be on ALA committees had been appointed to a committee.

President Ford encouraged everyone to purchase a Social ticket.


Mary Marcum Evans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Peggy Royster seconded the motion.Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Laura A. Sullivan
JMRT Secretary