2:00 - 4:00 P.M.



The ALA NMRT Executive Board meeting was called to order by President Mary Marcum Evans at 2:15 P.M.  The following members were present:

Lori Logsdon, Pat Brill, Wendy Wood, Colleen M. Conway, Darlene Nichols, Richard Dickey, Joan L. Dobson, Eric Wade, Debbie Tenofsky, Connie Phelps, Laura Jenny, Karen Desaulnier, Betsy Fordon, Susan H. Schmidt, Joan Kaplowitz, Joanna Burkhardt, Jeffrey Levy, Carol Lunce, Annette Corsiglia, Kathryn Sorury, James Mouw, Mary Marcum Evans, Myrtis Cochran Collins, Carole R. Bell, Robert Newlen



President Mary Marcum Evans welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table and an attendance sheet distributed.



Annette Corsiglia presented the final Mid-Winter Activities report. She said that 52 people attended the social at the Eccentric restaurant.  Brill said she thought the social was great and asked if Sunday worked better than Monday. Mouw commented that people begin to leave on Monday and that the only problem with Sunday is that many vendors hold parties on Sundays. Conway said that some NMRT members were unable to attend because of previous plans made with vendors. Corsiglia thought Sunday night worked out better than Monday. Fordon asked if Saturday night might be a better night for the social. Mouw suggested that Sunday was fine, and if NMRT was going to go with Sunday, it should be kept on Sunday. Bell commented that restaurants might be booked on Saturdays. Corsiglia said that many restaurants are closed on Mondays and that restaurants are easier to get on Sunday nights.  Tenofsky asked if more people could attend vendor parties and the social if the social were later.  Conway and Mouw answered that some socials last until midnight. Mouw suggested a stand-up type reception instead of a dinner so that people could come and go. Conway preferred the idea of a dinner since it may be difficult for new members if they do not know anyone.


In other old business, Mouw moved to table the funding report.  Abramson seconded and the motion passed.  Mouw moved that NMRT proceed with pins at the 500 level and that the budget be raised to cover the cost of the pins. Collins seconded and the motion carried.


Mouw asked if the pins would be available for the annual conference.  Conway said yes, and that the pins would be white-based with a red "N" and black "MRT."   She said the pin would oblong. Dobson asked if these could be aggressively sold at the booth. Conway said that the pins would be marketed through Affiliates Council, Footnotes, the booth, ALA store, etc. She said she needed to check about selling the pins from the booth because some places have rules about exchanging money on the floor of the exhibit hall. Collins made a friendly Mouw's earlier motion that the cost of the pins be $5.00 each. The motion carried.


Mouw said that he, Evans, and Brill would talk to Linda Crismond at 5:30 and that the possibility of a merger of ALA's new member reception and NMRT's SALA reception looked good.  Evans indicated ALA would probably provide money for the event. Mouw moved that NMRT move in principle that SALA and the ALA New Members Reception be combined under the following conditions: that NMRT maintain program control; that NMRT's name be prominently displayed in any publicity about.the reception; and that the reception cost NMRT no more than the SALA budget. Collins seconded the motion and the motion carried. Phelps asked who would decide the location.  Evans said that NMRT can go through conference arrangements or search for a site.

ARCHIVES - Laura Jenny

Jenny thanked everyone who sent files and encouraged others to send them.  She is preparing to send things to the archives at the University of Illinois. With the approaching 60th anniversary, Jenny urged people to contact her if they needed NMRT information.

FOOTNOTES - Darlene Nichols

Nichols introduced herself as the new editor of "Footnotes." She reminded everyone that the next deadline for "Footnotes" is February 1.  Abramson said that Rachel Robbins, former editor, would send in her report and suggested sending "Footnotes" to library schools. Evans asked how much the additional issues would cost. Mouw said that if there was much of a cost, that it may be an outreach cost. He continued that NMRT had discussed advertising in "Footnotes" previously. Abramson suggested checking into previous minutes. Mouw said that if NMRT accepted advertising, it would lose the preferred mailing rate.  Collins inquired about when the newsletters would be sent to schools.  Evans said she would like them to go out before the annual meeting, but cost figures were needed. Mouw said he would communicate with the outreach committee to see if they would approve the plan.

SCHOLARSHIP - Joan Kaplowitz

Kaplowitz announced they had chosen an EBSCO scholarship winner, but the winner had not been notified yet. Evans said that if the winner had not been notified, that a name could not yet be announced. Kaplowitz was .          concerned about the budget of $25.00. She said that it was not used much because the institution usually covers the cost of mailing. She suggested a budget of $100 for postage; the mailing list is increasing and institutions may not cover the cost of mailing. Evans said budget revisions will take place in the spring when the treasurer requests input for the next year's budget.  Kaplowitz requested direction on guidelines for the scholarship; whether it was for first time students, or if people could apply that were already in programs. Evans suggested Kaplowitz look at the history of the scholarhip and that it was her impression the scholarship was for students entering school for the first time. Mouw recommended the committee look at criteria for inconsistencies, loop holes, etc.  Kaplowitz said she would report again at annual.




Sorury said that the committee had selected three winners but none of them had been contacted yet. She said that the committee had a concern about the application form where applicants must state financial need.  She went on to say that if they were applying for the grant that financial need could be assumed. Mouw suggested Sorury talk to the 3-M people about this matter. Phelps asked if this was part of the EBSCO Scholarship also. Kaplowitz said that it was one of 4-5 criteria. Dobson suggested the application could ask if the applicant's institution provided funding for travel. Wade said that a LITA application asked what kind of support the applicant received. Sorury said she would contact 3-M to see what they thought about this. Bell asked when the new forms would be ready. Sorury said they would be ready after the annual conference. Dobson said that 3-M will wonder why the winners would not be announced in COGNOTES.  Evans urged Sorury to contact the winners before the COGNOTES deadline.



Fordon announced the committee had selected a winner, but the winner had not been notified yet. She added that there were ten applicants. She said that many of the guidelines for the award were vague. She said she will try to firm up the guidelines. The committee is still discussing money and that the award is for a very low amount. She said that the guidelines did not say that NMRT would just pay for conference registration. She indicated she needed board approval to obtain certificates.


Mouw moved that the board amend the budget for the Olofson committee and to increase it by $150 for reprinting of the certificate. Bell seconded and the motion passed.

NOMINATING - Robert Newlen

Newlen thanked everyone who had nominated people and the people that agreed to run for office.

He announced the following slate: for council by petition-Joyce Taylor, Colleen Conway, and Robert Newlen. NMRT is submitting Mary Marcum Evans for inclusion on the 1992 Council ballot. Three NMRT members are on the ballot for council this year including Myrtis Collins, Elinor Barrett, and Kent Oliver. On the slate for director will be Rachel Robbins, Joan Kaplowitz, Christina Smith, and Rita Yribar. Running for secretary will be Laura Jenny and Kathy Kie. The new NMRT Vice President/President Elect is Jenifer Abramson. (Note: After the conference, Rachel Robbins declined the nomination for director and was replaced by Joanna Burkhardt.)



Mouw reported that the Olofson award is at a stage where a number of things are happening. He said that it would be helpful to have the current committee chair Betsy Fordon continue.


Mouw moved the Betsy Fordon be reappointed to be the Olofson Committee Chair for 1991-92. Dobson seconded. The motion carried.


Mouw announced that NMRT received $4700 from OCLC for this award and that NMRT will put money into this fund. ALA has a minimum of $10,000 for an endowment fund. The endowment fund passed the first hurdle for approval and Mouw anticipated no trouble with it passing.

Mouw moved that NMRT set up an ad hoc Olofson fund raising committee to solicit donations to the Olofson Endowment to start after Mid-Winter and finish at the Annual Conference; Joan Kaplowitz will be the chair and Betsy Fordon will be a member; the Vice President will appoint other members. Abramson seconded. The motion carried.


Evans said the committee will need to decide how they will solicit funds. Mouw said he will be talking with the Atlanta social chair about working in the birthday party theme and that in working with this theme, maybe people could bring a birthday present--money for the fund. Evans suggested that if the social makes a profit, funds could be used for the award. Wade said this could be used in publicizing the social. Dobson suggested an article for "American Libraries."


In other new business, Robert Newlen requested that NMRT consider co-sponsoring a program with LAMA entitled "Career Development for Everyone:  Partnership and Planning." The program would be co-sponsored in name only and no money would be required.

Mouw moved that NMRT co-sponsor the program. Dobson seconded and the motion passed.


Richard Dickey asked if Library School Outreach could give away free NMRT memberships. Mouw said he did not know if NMRT could give free memberships but he had no problem with the concept.  He said he would check with ALA and would like to see NMRT waive the surcharge for the first year. Abramson suggested Dickey outline a proposal, the costs, and send to Evans so she could check with ALA.


Dobson reminded everyone to operate within the confines of the budget. She warned if NMRT operates another two years $5000 over budget, there will be a balance of 0. She said that creative programs could be planned at lower costs and no food. Mouw asked that she print a revised budget. 


Phelps said that an IACRL group may be contacting NMRT about methods of orienting new chairs.  Evans said everyone's new address will be in the next president's memo.



Mouw moved that them meeting be adjourned at 3:45 P.M.                        Brill seconded the motion carried unanimously.