ALA - New Members Round Table

Executive Board Meeting - Sunday July 7, 1996



Shamima Amin, Suzanne Byron, Emerita Cuesta, Betsy Fordon, Nancy George, Linda Golian, Pat Henderson, Paula Hering, Gerald Hodges, Beth Jedlicka, Diane Kachmar, Carol Ritzen Kern, Priscilla Klob, Mary Lang, Laura R. Lucia, Jon Mamer, Kimberly Robles, Michael Samson, Christine Shupaler, Laura Sill, Lani Teshima-Miller, Ann Thornton, Bob Wick, Ann Williams, Elaine Yontz


The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by Elaine Yontz, NMRT President, at the Javits Convention Center.


Elaine welcomed the Board and announced that the meeting would last for only one hour, as a result of shortening meeting length. Since this year's schedule is an experiment, please send any comments regarding the new schedule to Laura Sill, incoming NMRT President.


Introductions were made and it was noted that a quorum was met. In addition, for

discussions individuals may speak only one time until everyone has had a chance to speak.


ALA Liaison

Judy Hambrick, our previous ALA liaison, was promoted to ALA Conference Services. Gerald Hodges, who is a librarian and long time ALA member, is our new ALA liaison. He stated he was excited to be involved with NMRT and hoped we communicate with him often. His e-mail address is: and phone extension number is: 4285.


Reimbursement Process

In the past the committee chairs and directors approved reimbursement requests and the requests were forwarded to the treasurer who worked with ALA to obtain the necessary funds. Gerald Hodges recommended the following changes for the reimbursement process:


1. Invoice sent directly to Gerald Hodges, NMRT Staff Liaison;

2. Hodges informs appropriate officer(s) that he is initiating request for payment;

3. Hodges can send backup to officer(s) or maintain file at Headquarters;

4. Hodges will send performance reports to Treasurer on monthly basis noting any

questionable variances from budget.


In addition, Gerald will need to receive the name, address, social security number, invoice, and reason why the money was spent for each request.


Motion: A motion was made by Suzanne Byron to accept the proposal set forth by Gerald Hodges.


Motion was seconded by Jon Mamer.


Motion was unanimously approved.


Laura noted that the guidelines in the handbook need to be revised to reflect this change.



Elaine Yontz requested more information on the budget. Laura Sill agreed to send and communicate budget information to the and new chairs.


Grass Roots Grants

Pat Henderson announced that the grant has been on hold because of a lack of funding. However, it was determined that there is a need for the grant on a national level and the committee is looking for exhibitor funding. Gerald Hodges said we need to contact the ALA's fund for America's Libraries (at the ALA Development Office) and they can identify potential sources for funding. To contact the office Gerald Hodges needs a letter from Laura Sill to Peggy Barber (who's executive director of the ALA fund for America's Libraries) with

a cc to Gerald Hodges, that states what sort of funding is needed. Gerald agreed to help Laura with writing the letter.


Motion: Motion made by Betsy Fordon: I move that a letter is drafted by, Laura Sill, Pat Henderson, and Carol Ritzen Kern, with Gerald Hodges help, that will be presented to Peggy Barber, executive director ALA's fund for America's Libraries (at the ALA Development Office) to assist in the identification of potential funding sources for the Grass Roots Grants.


Motion seconded by Suzanne Byron.


Motion unanimously approved.


Distribution of NMRT Promotional Materials

Gerald Hodges offered to assist NMRT to “piggyback” onto mailings that go out to ALA members. Elaine Yontz stated that the Booth and Membership Promotion and Relations Committees will work with Gerald Hodges on the distribution on NMRT materials on the national and local levels.


NMRT Handbook

Lani Teshima-Miller stated that the Handbook Committee needs input regarding

the handbook for Midwinter. Changes for the handbook should be submitted by the end of August.


Lani also asked if the handbook should be on the Web. She mentioned that it might be helpful for all committee members to be able to see a copy of the handbook and not just committee chairs. In addition, forms could be made, available on the Web. Elaine Yontz agreed that this would be useful, but that there is still a need for paper copies of the handbook.


Internet Ad-Hoc Committee

Ann Thornton announced that the Web page is managed by the Publicity Committee. The future of the Internet Ad-Hoc Committee was brought up to the board as an action item. Due to committee staffing, it was recommended that the Internet Ad-Hoc Committee continue its work under the Publicity Committee. In addition, the Publicity Committee is interested in having the committee's work split equally between print and electronic activities. Thus, the Publicity Committee supports this idea .


There was some discussion regarding NMRT-L's home. It has located at the University of Nebraska, but no one has really been responsible for it for some time. Elaine Yontz mentioned that perhaps an NMRT member at the University of Nebraska should be in charge of the listserv.


In addition, Priscilla Klob stated that'& Web page is dependant on herself and Joan Reyes. Gerald Hodges said that ALA can put up the NMRT Web page on their server. NMRT would be responsible for content. Regarding space limitations, as of now there is no size limit for ALA Web pages. One week is needed to put up the pages.


Motion: A motion was made by Suzanne Byron that the Ad-Hoc Internet Committee be subsumed by the Publicity Committee to look at pohcies and procedures to work on things within ALA.


Motion seconded by Betsy Fordon.


The motion was approved.


Publicity Committe

Ann Williams presented a proposal from the Publicity Committee that stated all NMRT publicity should go through the Publicity Committee. Due to these changes, the section(s) on NMRT publicity in the handbook need to be rewritten.


Motion: Suzanne Byron moved that the proposal be accepted.


Motion seconded by Betsy Fordon.


Motion was approved.


The meeting adjourned at 530 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy L. George, NMRT Secretary