2:00 - 5:30 P.M.


The ALA/NMRT Executive Board meeting was called to order by President Mary Marcum Evans at 2:15 P.M. The following members were present:

Lori Logsdon, Carole R. Bell, Ann Palomo, Joanna Burkhardt, Carla Zanotti, Jenifer Abramson, Eric Wade, Debbie Tenofsky, Connie Phelps, Ann Branton, Peggy Cook, Verdie F. Richburg, Laura Jenny, Susan H. Schmidt, Wendy Wood, Colleen M. Conway, Camille Wood, Pat Brill, Gerald Holmes, Christina Smith, Joyce G. Taylor, JoEllen Haugo, Deborah Colier, Joan Dobson, Elaine Youtz, Lorelei Tanji, Carol Lunce, Myrtis Collins, Mary Marcum Evans, James Mouw, Kathy Kie, Darlene Nichols



There was no old business.


There were several changes made to the minutes concerning the appointments of liaisons. Abramson made a motion to approve the revised minutes. Taylor seconded the motion and the motion passed.

PRESIDENT - Mary Marcum Evans

Introductions were made around the table and Evans explained who could vote. She asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Bell said that she would be making the report for all three of the Affiliates Council officers. Brill said she would report for Local Arrangements Chair Mary Jo Howard. The Goals and Objectives report was moved under COGNOTES.

TREASURER - Joan Dobson

Dobson spent four months learning ALA's accounting. She indicated there is a new NMRT Request for Reimbursement form. She asked that people fill out all portions of the form and include original receipts. ALA takes 6 weeks or more to process checks and does not notify her when something is paid. Let Joan Dobson know if you haven't been paid. She asked that people not hold bills, but to send them in and that some bills from summer were just being paid. She announced that $100 had been approved by the board for the Ad Hoc Committee on Goals and Objectives.


NMRT was $6665 over budget last year and there were a number of unusual expenses. There were approximately $1300 related to the name change. Her goal is to keep NMRT fiscally responsible. She noted that the figures in her report were based on the ALA Financial Report dated 11/30/90. Sixteen line items came in over budget. If a purchase is for over $20, the officer must approve. She stressed that people need to make sure that receipts are clear and readable and that they need to keep, a copy of the receipt; she keeps a copy also. She said that if members have a time deadline, to allow at least six weeks for payment. She must have the social security number for the speaker unless it is an ALA member that is not being paid. Dobson said to warn catering vendors that ALA is not a quick payer. She said to call her with questions.


Abramson asked if the amount of that could be spent without officer approval should be raised, that $20 was extremely low. Mouw said that the $20 amount was to solve the problem with committee chairs not working with their director and that in some cases expenditures got out of control. If the director would call the treasurer with approval, that had been fine while he had been treasurer. Dobson commented that for some committees, $20 was their whole budget and that some committees needed to do several things with that money.She preferred to stick with the current way of doing things but indicated that a call from the officer with approval was fine with her. Abramson said that the program committees need more flexibility and that an officer's phone call would work well for approval. She suggested that NMRT have an assistant treasurer because of the length of time it takes to learn the job. Dobson commented that it would mean a three-year commitment and that that was a long time. Mouw said that much of what the treasurer does is done in isolation and he was not sure what an assistant could help with during the year.  Collins said that the past treasurer should work with the incoming treasurer and that it just takes awhile to learn. Dobson said she would attend a program on Monday night on financial planning. Mouw said that the Round Table Coordinating Committee used to be helpful. Evans asked if Dobson wanted the revisions for the budget now or later. She said that she would not spend all of her money and would turn in $200. Mouw suggested the budget always be left the same for historic account. He also suggested that Dobson give thought to Abramson's proposal.




Bell published two issues of "News Notes." She has received correspondence from the Affiliates and updated the mailing list. They are working on contacting every local group. She will contact states with no NMRT to see if they want a chapter. Dues from eight affiliates were received.  She indicated the reasons they are not hearing from people are there are less library school graduates; people have so many other things to do; there is less financial support to attend-ALA; people have more specialized interests so the liaison program is more interesting; small libraries don't send people to the conference. She said that they are working on the documentation they send to people, that it is out of date.  She said that she would need money to pay for the postage for "News Notes."


COGNOTES - Kathy Kie


Kie said that ALA has been negotiating with vendors to produce a broadsheet newsletter for conference news and that Custom News was the selected vendor. She passed around a newsletter they had produced which highlighted a lot of color and vendor information. She explained that ALA wants to solicit advertising to recover the costs of the newsletter. She said that Pier London of ALA had received a favorable response from the vendors. Currently, COGNOTES only has the space to print one announcement per vendor per conference; in the new format, they will be able to purchase as much space as they want. Advertising will be requested ahead of time to be put in the middle of the news. Staff will be able to produce longer articles and include photographs. One disadvantage will be that some of the copy will need to be ready ahead of time. She said that the committee will solicit articles from ALA divisions and round tables ahead of time.



Cook said there were no action items. Her committee has been tasked to write the long range plan and they are going to do this. They are becoming active as a group. She invited everyone to attend the committee's Tuesday morning meeting. She is coordinating efforts with fiscal planning and membership meeting committees to get input from the general membership at a program. She is planning to communicate with alums from NMRT. The committee has not spent any money yet. Mouw asked how long the process would take. Cook said that the committee hoped to present something at the San Francisco conference. She said that the committee needs to make sure the document is utilized. Other plans had many good ideas that never happened. She suggested that the long range plan be distributed at the new board orienation.


BOOTH - Joanna Burkhardt


The new booth was sent out twice this fall. There are no reservations so far for the spring. There are several reservations for next fall. The slide/tape show took its last trip to Pennsylvania; it is out of date. Lonnie Lawson is updating the slide.tape show into a video. The committee met Sunday morning to discuss plans for the ALA Booth and decided upon a Civil War/"Gone With the Wind" theme. With a change in format, the slide/tape machine is not needed. Zanotti said she would see what DEMCO wanted to do with the equipment. Burkhardt said the machine was broken and asked if we wanted to repair it or send it back to DEMCO.  Mouw said it would depend on long-term needs and that NMRT needed to communicate with DEMCO about our plans; if the slide/tape show is not continued, the machine is not needed. He asked if the booth committee will retain responsibility for the booth or if it would be passed on to the membership committee. Abramson commented that coordinating both the booth and the slide show was a big job. Evans said that video was so cheap that NMRT could duplicate the video for each state. Dobson said that each state could provide their own hardware if they wished to use the video at
their state conference. Mouw said that this issue had been discussed before and that each time it was decided that it was not too much to expect each group to provide their own equipment. It would be a real problem to try and send a VCR. Bell said that a vendor producing the tape for NMRT could get advertising on the tape. Mouw moved that the Membership/Promotion committee be assigned responsibility for the production of a promotional video/materials or other appropriate formats of promotional materials.  Collins seconded, and the motion passed.


In further discussion, Conway suggested that NMRT create the product and not worry about the equipment for viewing. Mouw made a motion to discontinue the slide/tape program and that NMRT deal with DEMCO's equipment appropriately and that in the future NMRT will no longer provide equipment. Taylor seconded. The motion passed.


Six copies of the tape will be made. NMRT will keep the master.  Zanotti said she would approach DEMCO about the machine and as a provider of the video product.


Collins moved that the Membership/Promotion committee be responsible for sending the tape to requesting states and that the Booth Committee send the tape with the booth. Abramson seconded. The motion passed.  A friendly amendment to the motion was made that archives should have an archival copy and that Membership/Promotion should have the master and produce copies. The motion passed.


SOCIAL - Gerald Holmes

Evans thanked Holmes for coming. He flew in just for the day. Brill said Atlanta was not an easy place to get a social chair. In the fall, Evans had appointed a chair who resigned. Holmes accepted the assignment shortly before the conference. Brill said that last year they cut down on the budget and lowered ticket prices. Holmes started approaching night clubs, but as these were not feasible, he turned to hotels. Hotel possibilities were discussed at the informal board meeting Friday night. The social could be made into a birthday party for NMRT's 60th birthday.   Holmes said he has a small committee, two people, and that he will need help to make the social work. He asked if the social would be a fundraiser. He said that it was an exciting time in Atlanta and that a lot of building was going on for the upcoming Olympics. He said that two of the club sites he contacted had already been taken by ALA. Hotels did not have a room fee and were very convenient for conference goers.


Holmes presented slides and information on three possible sites: The Omni Hotel at CNN Center; the Westin Peachtree Plaza; and the Atlanta Hilton-Towers. Brill said that NMRT needed to go through ALA to get a hotel room. Holmes commented that to sell the social prices would have to be lower than they were in the past. He said that many clubs were closed on Monday night, the night of the social. Brill asked if NMRT needed the social as a fundraiser. Dobson answered that NMRT could not lose money on the social and that the payback may be in new members.  Abramson said NMRT wouldn't lose much even if a lot of tickets are not sold. Holmes recommended the Westin-Peachtree, but said it might not be available. Mouw thanked Holmes for pulling together the information so quickly. He suggested a possible theme: "Get Down and Dirty At the Top." He said that the social is a dance, not a subdued, quiet event. Phelps suggested that Holmes make 'sure hotels allow decorations.  Mouw said that he felt there was resistance from people about paying money to get in the door and suggested NMRT raise the price and allow one free drink. Holmes-said many people may not want a free drink. Conway said that the price of $7.00/ticket advance, $10 at the door was reasonable enough, people can buy their own drinks. Holmes said that drinks were $3.50/4.00 apiece. Taylor thought it was more important to get more people for cheaper ticket prices. Tenofsky thought more people would come if there was a free drink included in the ticket. Brill said she would try and get help from Brodart again for the publicity. Holmes said he had a graphic artist who could design the tickets and flyers.  Mouw made the motion to accept the social committee report and allow the social committee to make arrangements with the hotel and work with conference arrangements following the outline presented and that the committee should consult the board if it was necessary to make major changes. Taylor seconded and the motion carried.  The board expressed preference for the Westin-Peachtree.

Mouw said 1991 is NMRT's 60th anniversary and that NMRT should have a party--a birthday bash/anniversary celebration with favors, hats, and cake. Brill suggested that a personal invitation be sent to past presidents with a free ticket. She said that last year 20 of 48 attended the social. Mouw agreed with the free tickets for past presidents and suggested it be publicized to former NMRT members. Abramson noted that the budget for the social was low enough and suggested money be moved to SALA.  Mouw said that the estimated costs for the social were $2200 and that $5000 would probably not be needed. Last year, expenses were under $3000 although the club charged $1000. He said there was a problem with moving money to SALA when NMRT does not know what ALA will pay for.  Evans said she had the impression ALA would give money for a combined event and suggested giving $1000 to SALA from Social funds. Mouw moved that NMRT revise its budget, revising Social Committee expenses to $4000 and increasing NMRT's contribution to SALA at $2000. Collins seconded. The motion carried.


The topic for the President's Program will be "The First Time Supervisor." Elizabeth Snapp, Director of Texas Women's University Library will be the key note speaker and three panelists have been selected to discuss various side issues. Wood said that all of the committee members have been assigned tasks and that they are headed on the right track. She asked the board if funds could be used to take all of the speakers to lunch since they are all ALA members. Mouw was concerned about the precedent that would set and if the lunch would be an obligation for the speakers. Wood indicated that they are hoping to appeal to those individuals anticipating supervisory jobs as well as those in supervisory positions.


Zanotti worked closely with the Mid-Winter Activities Committee.  She asked that everyone thank EBSCO who provides briefcases for orientation twice a year. She said she is working on a promotional piece for vendors on what NMRT does with the money, and follow-through for acknowledgement of support. She asked for $200 for support of the brochure; a vote for this went through the executive board and was approved previously. This had not yet appeared on the budget. She said she would like to create and deliver a prospectus for vendors who donate money; she would like to maintain yearly relationships with vendors; and to provide information to vendors who give money about how it is spent. The committee is looking at a list of  potential contributors.  They will be working on the Friendly Booth Award closer to June. Zanotti reminded everyone that she has a toll free number and to use it if there are questions.


Palomo reminded all chairs and directors to indicate to the committee why money is needed. She said that last year money was requested that was not used for the reason requested. She said that cannot happen in NMRT again. Zanotti said that many vendors would co-sponsor a reception and that NMRT should please the people giving the gift. 80% of the vendors do not know what  NMRT is or what it does, especially with the name change. She said that the vendors who always help are Brodart, DEMCO, 3-M, Baker and Taylor, Blackwell North America, and EBSCO.


Tenofsky asked if vendors would provide money for food. Zanotti replied that if a professional organization needs money, the vendor gives in good faith and expects that credit will be given. Last minute requests are difficult for vendors to fill.


Abramson suggested NMRT let vendors know support is appreciated. Collins asked if it was appropriate to put thank yous to vendors in "Cognotes." Dobson said that was not really proper, that all the groups might wish to do that. She suggested a small ad could be taken out to thank vendors. Mouw supported what Zanotti said and indicated NMRT must solicit funds for programs that are important to the goals and the missions of the organization.



Mary Jo Howard has not yet met with her committee, but will on January 18. Brill said that ALA will not make any room appointments until March but Holmes would call the ALA Office January 22 to indicate NMRT's preference of hotel for the social.  She said NMRT has a good chance of getting the hotel/room desired since the social is on a Monday night. She said Holmes could still work on publicity which says "Location to be announced." She said that if any committees were still looking for speakers, she had names of Atlanta speakers.




Lunce said that it took awhile for the committee to get started, but that the speakers for the program did a good job.



The committee volunteered to help with the SALA Reception. The committee is interested in outreach materials for minority recruitment. They are interested in co-sponsoring a program with LAMA on mentorship--the positive and the negative and speakers have been lined up. Tanji said the committee would like to set up a conference mentor program following the LAMA model, and setting up mentors and mentees by area of interest before the annual conference. Tanji would prepare a form for "Footnotes" and do the matching. Some members of the committee were interested in limiting the program to minorities and others in opening it up to everyone. She asked if mentors should be in NMRT or should the program be expanded beyond NMRT. Mouw suggested that NMRT get anyone willing to be a mentor. Tanji said she would try and run the form in other groups' newsletters. Mouw suggested she try to target library schools also. Wade said that mentees should be members of NMRT. Kaplowitz asked what metors would do. Tanji replied that the applications would have a description of purpose, that the relationship would be between the mentor and mentee whether it be breakfast, dinner, etc. Kaplowitz asked what would happen if a mentee gets a bad mentor. Tanji suggested that they could meet at SALA. Several members agreed the program should be open to everyone. Tanji said that if the program is successful, the Minorities Recruitment committee would continue to run it.


FUNDRAISING - Colleen Conway


Conway said that she had no budget and no files but suggested pins, bags, and key chains as fundraising ideas.


Abramson moved to table the report until Monday. Mouw seconded and the motion carried.

GRASSROOTS GRANT - Christina Smith

Smith said that 21 grants were awarded during the fall of 1990. She said that new awards were presented at the New England Library Association conference and at the Southeaster Library Association conference. She said Baker and Taylor will no longer produce handbooks. She was given a $500 stipend to cover postage, etc. She is working on a handbook and displayed the new poster and new certificate. Mouw noted that a new chair is needed and if anyone was interested to contact him.




Wood has spent no money yet.   She said that the program would include two speakers for 20 minutes apiece to speak on goals and objectives regarding NMRT goals and personal goals.


Wade thanked Mouw and the previous committee for the materials gathered. He said the committee would meet Monday and that he would attend the Goals and Objectives Committee meeting on Tuesday. He said his committee will follow Goals and Objectives closely in addressing issues that affect NMRT: vendor support, recession, social, attendance at conference, etc.



Taylor indicated she was having difficulty getting liaisons introduced to leaders in other groups and that they did not know what to do with liaisons. She asked if Mary could send a letter to the groups with liaisons. She also asked if liaisons could give reports at Annual since they have nothing to report at Mid-Winter.


Tenofsky asked about SALA vs. orientation. Evans said it was still up in the air.   She urged Tenofsky to proceed with the orientation and that NMRT would still have it.


Collins announced that if anyone was interested in being a mentee for LAMA to contact Rosemary Arneson.


Evans told everyone to give comments to Judy Krug on the "Freedom to Read Information."

Dobson complimented Conway on all of her work with no committee.


Mouw made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 P.M. Dobson seconded and the motion passed.