NMRT Board Member Planning Report


1. Office Name: Past President


2. Office Term (Date: Ex. 2005-2006): 2006-2007


3. How do you plan to help committees address the four NMRT goals? (If it does not apply, put N/A.)


As supervising board member to Nominating Committee, I see my role as to ensure a selection of qualified culturally and ethnically diverse slate of candidates for NMRT office.


4. How do you plan to create a positive committee experience? What type of support do you plan to provide to chairs and committee members, and how often do you plan to provide such support?


Making myself readily available via email, telephone, and text messaging, in order to achieve committee tasks and goals.


5. What future directions do you see your office or NMRT needing to take this year or the following year? What kind of strategies do you envision for addressing projects that affect committees outside of your supervision?


This will be the first year NMRT candidates run for specific directorships. Ideally I would recommend Nominating Committee to solicit input from past Member Services and Leadership Directors in order to craft potential questions based on their real world experiences for the online candidates forum.




6. Date of report: October 10, 2006


7. Submitted by: Nadine M. Flores