Committee Final Report


**Type of report being submitted: Committee Report-Final


**Date:  May 12, 2006



**Committee Name:  Student Chapter of the Year Award Committee (SCOTYA)



**Supervising Board Member:  Nanette Donohue



**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Terry Buckner, Chair



**Committee members:  Lisa Allen, Faye Harkins, Leslie Hayden, Shana Higgins, Angela Kille, Marc Gartler, Holly Wilson, Shannon Cook, Mandy Havert, Sara Nielsen



**Activity in Current Reporting Period 

a)      Projects completed (For example, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during this period):           

§         We have developed a webpage with information pertinent to the award, contact information, and a link to the application process.


§         The award was promoted through the regular channels, and we also sent e-mails to all ALA student chapters.

§         Applications were received, the committee scored the applicants and the winner and runner-up were chosen.


§         All applicants were notified, the results were announced through the appropriate channels, and the treasurer was put in contact with the winning chapter.


b)      Projects in progress but not yet completed: N/A



**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved (What is left to do, based on your Planning Report?
Have there been any substantial changes in plans since then? What items, if any, have been deferred until next year?):           


The scoring rubric should be re-done, so that it is easier to use.  This will be completed over the summer.


Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. 0

Amount which you have spent so far this year

b. 0

Your estimated additional expenses this year

c. 0

Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c)


Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)

e. 0


**Report submitted by:  Terry Buckner, Chair


**Email address: