Committee Progress Report

NOTE: ** = Required Field



**Type of report being submitted: Committee Progress Report


**Date: 2/19/2006



**Committee Name:  Online Discussion Forum




**Supervising Board Member:  Laura Kortz




**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Katie Dunneback




**Committee members:  Ely Anderson, Elizabeth Crownfield, Kristina DeVoe, Loretta Dunne, Sara Russell Gonzalez, Larissa Gordon, Laura Hall, Elizabeth Massee, Lucia Segura




**Activity in Current Reporting Period 

a)      Projects completed (For example, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during this period): Three monthly discussions held in November, December and January.  The December discussion did not experience the same amount of success as the other discussions and I attribute that to the holiday season.  A webpage was added to the NMRT website for the committee and summaries of the monthly discussions are being posted there.



b)      Projects in progress but not yet completed: The discussion for February is currently happening and a discussion is planned for March.  Though not planned, if wanted, a discussion regarding the Annual conference may be held during a period prior to it.






**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved (What is left to do, based on your Planning Report?
Have there been any substantial changes in plans since then? What items, if any, have been deferred until next year?):

  No changes made and the issues to be resolved are addressed in section B above.





Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. $0

Amount which you have spent so far this year

b. $0

Your estimated additional expenses this year

c. $0

Total of amount spent and additional "estimated" expenses for this year (b+c)

d. $0

Difference between budgeted amount and total expenses from above (a-d)

e. $0



**Report submitted by:  Katie Dunneback


**Email address: