Committee Final Report


**Type of report being submitted: Committee Final Report


**Date: January 25, 2006


**Committee Name:  Midwinter Social Committee


**Supervising Board Member:  Michelle Millet


**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Chrissie Anderson Peters


**Committee members: Maureen Barry, Amy Harmon, Violet Le, Katherine O'Clair, & Cristina Minter


**Goals, Objectives, Projects completed (including, but not limited to, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during the reporting year):

1)      Secure space (preferably free) in which to hold the Midwinter Social (Hard Rock Café);

2)      Work with staff at venue ahead of time to arrange setting, staff, menu, etc.;

3)      With Committee members, decide on menu items for event with $200 budget;

4)      Secure some door prizes to be drawn for at the event;

5)      Create a flyer to help publicize the event;

6)      Send event information to Web Committee to make available via Midwinter Events page;

7)      Send event information to NMRT-L and other pertinent lists (including, but not limited to state associations, SIS lists, etc.);

8)      Create entry forms for door prizes – serves dual purpose (maintaining a list with certain information on it to be used for statistical purposes after the event);

9)      Arrive at event early to talk over last-minute items with staff and committee members;

10)  Make sure that people feel welcome and mingle!


**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved – What plans/projects remain which will be carried over or postponed until next year? Have there been any substantial changes in plans requiring a reconsideration or cancellation of projects? Information regarding such will be helpful for future chairs and planners.


It is very difficult to secure space for an event like this when all we can “guarantee” the restaurant/facility is $200 worth of food being ordered. Granted, a number of attendees will likely purchase drinks and/or additional appetizers, but the number of people who may be present, as well as how much money they may spend cannot even begin to be gauged. We tried more than a half-dozen “local flavor” restaurants and all turned us down because we would be taking up “real estate” during “prime time” on a “big business” night. Nadine suggested that we try the Hard Rock Café and things worked out beautifully!


Given the fact that we had more attendees at this event than in the recollected history of this event, and given the fact that at least 28 attendees out of 83+ were not current NMRT members, I think that this Social has the potential to become a great marketing tool for NMRT. It gives us a great opportunity to get to know potential members on a more personal (and professional) scale.


In light of this, and in light of how little food you can buy at any restaurant for $200, our Committee submitted a proposal to the Board in time for its E-Board Meeting taking place prior to the Conference, requesting that the budget be increased by $50 to $250. Due to technological issues, etc., it was not taken up at the E-board Meeting. I have learned since coming home from the Conference that it never made it to the discussion stage at the Conference Board Meeting, either, so I do want to note herein how strongly this committee feels about the $200 budget being raised to AT LEAST $250 for next year's Midwinter Conference. Not only is it difficult to buy any substantial amount of appetizers for $200, but it is impossible to do so without looking like a real cheapskate (which is probably not the image that NMRT is trying to project to members and potential members). Add to that the taxes and gratuities of an evening like this, and I think that you can better understand our feelings about the amount being raised at least $50.


This year's committee selected 10 Jumbo Combos, consisting of a variety of items from the Hard Rock's appetizer menu, as well as three or four orders of Homemade Nachos for the vegetarians in attendance. Our event officially kicked off at 5:30 and technically ended at 8:30, although several of us were still there after 10:30. I took 70 door prize entry forms to the event. We had 74 names on entry forms returned for the door prize drawing, but nine people put their information on the back of forms of people already drawn as winners because we ran out, meaning that five forms were not returned at all. So we had at least 79 people there. At least four people didn't realize that they were supposed to sign in, so they had no forms submitted, meaning that we had at least 83 people in attendance (most of us suspect that there were 100 or more at the event)!


Of the 28-30 non-members in attendance (two were not certain as to whether or not they were current members), four were former members; two of those indicated interest in becoming active members again. Another 18 who had not been former members were interested in learning more about membership/joining NMRT; additionally, there were three who indicated at the beginning of the event that they “might be” interested in such. So, that's 25 out 0f 28-30 non-members who came to the event telling us that they're interested in joining NMRT. If each of them joined NMRT, that would be $280-$300 in regular membership dues. And that does not include the members who were there who had a great time and went home feeling that they had gotten just a little bit more from their $10 annual membership dues. Taking all of that into consideration, I do not think that $250-$275 is an unreasonable amount to spend at an event like this.


Another option could be asking those in attendance to donate a dollar when they come in, to help offset the cost to some extent. Very honestly, I would use this as a last-ditch measure. By 7:30, we had run out of appetizers (with pre-planned pacing so that it wouldn't all be gone in the first hour). Who wants to pay $1 to come in and see very little/no food left on the appetizer table? People who came late still seemed to have fun, but we need to be realistic in our expectations.


The only other thing that I think should be clearer is the submission of a request for payment. At no point did I realize that the paperwork needed to be in at least two weeks prior to the event in order to have a check ready at the event. Luckily, I had enough on a credit card to pay and knew that going into the Conference, but next year's Committee will want to bear this in mind. Overall, I think that the event was a great success and that everyone enjoyed themselves! Hopefully next year's committee will have even more to work with and more to look forward to – and our members will continue to tell their friends what a great organization we are so they will come to events like this and get to know more about us!




Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. $200

Amount which you have spent this year

b. $268.85

Difference between budgeted amount and amount spent (a-b)

c. -$68.85


**Report submitted by:  Chrissie Anderson Peters


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