American Library Association


Executive Board Minutes

January 10, 1979

8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


The JMRT Board meeting was called to order by Joyce Wyngaarden, President, at 8:10 a.m. A quorum was determined and the agenda was updated.


BUDGET – Sharon Stewart

Sharon announced the budget had been revised by Beth, Joyce and herself. She went over each item on the budget. (See attached revised budget). There was discussion concerning the denial of the Membership Meeting Committee's money request and Affiliate Council requested another $100.00 for Affiliates Development. It was moved and seconded to adopt the budget as amended.



June reported that she had appointed Sheila Merrell as acting Vice President of Affiliates Council, after the resignation of Wilton Burwell. At the Midwinter Affiliates Council meeting, Sheila was elected to that office.


Maryland, Ohio, Arkansas, and Oklahoma have received developing seed money. And it is hoped that California, Nebraska, and Oregon will soon be awarded seed money.


The “Mission Impossible” slide show used at orientation, 1978 had been updated and adopted as an Affiliates project with multiple copies now available. Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Southeastern Library Association have used the slide show.


As recommended by the Executive Board, June (with the assistance from Lynn Baird and Joyce Wyngaarden) wrote a letter to the Pacific Northwest Library Association concerning the establishment of a JMRT. A letter was received from Gary Strong of PNLA by June prior to Midwinter, but it sounded as if all efforts were in vain.



June announced that she had received work that Baker & Taylor is willing to fund a grant program for another year.


Ten states and D.C. have awarded the grants. Four other states received no applicants and asked for permission to postpone grant dates to next year.


June reported from the Affiliates Council that many states had difficulty in awarding the programs to students. Much discussion had developed in Council over the need for modification of the program for the next year. Council voted to postpone any definite decision until the June meeting giving more states time to implement grants and a more solid basis on which to judge the grant program.


June read the Affiliate Council's recommendation to the board: “The Affiliates Council recommends that JMRT accept the Baker & Taylor offer for funding with the reservations that the program may be modified as needed.”


It was moved and seconded that the board accept the Affiliates Council recommendation.



Celia mentioned that the Archives Committee had been formed last year because of the problems of what happens to JMRT materials after being sent along.


Guidelines have been developed for Committee Chairmen on what should be kept, discarded and how to send materials.


Celia is now ready to accept archival material.



Kris reported that she had attended all nine committee meetings under her supervision and that everything is going fine. She is pleased with the work and thinks we will all be pleased in Dallas.



Sheila inquired about the budget, stating that she needed more money in order to award the $50.00 seed money to Developing Affiliates. Joyce assured Shelia that if it became imminent that money was needed, she, June and Sheila would work it out.


There is a new Affiliates Development Committee established and Sheila had been working with the committee which represents all sections of the United States.



Pam requested that anyone needing anything done in Dallas before the conference, call her. She can even do printing at her library's expense.


After talking with the editor of “A Guide To Downtown Dallas,” (a quarterly publication in Dallas), the editor decided, Pam stated, to include a section on libraries in downtown Dallas during the convention time. Pam requested that we all look at this summer issue.



Cary announced that approximately 150 people attended the Orientation program and over 75% of those were the first time Midwinter attendees. Sixty six JMRTers attended that Midwinter social dinner.


Cary recommended that the revised budget be maintained for this committee in the future and that it be appointed as a standing committee.


Joyce Wyngaarden recognized Scholastic Press who provided posters, and support.


Gary Huggins and Thompson McGee were also recognized for the good job done on the “Guide to Washington, DC”.



Nancy reported that the committee had met and they were planning the program around the theme of “Strike it Rich”. The speakers and participants had been asked and the committee waiting for confirmation.


SOCIAL  - Kippy Jagoe

Kippy modeled western clothes worth $700 from Cutter Bill's in a demonstration to show what might be worn at the social, if held at the Longhorn Ballroom. Various items that Kippy had made or trimmed were also modeled.


It was moved and seconded to accept the recommendation of the Social Committee to go to the Longhorn Ballroom with an amendment to have the fashion show, but not the square dancing.


A motion was adopted to accept $8.50 in advance of the conference week and $10.00 at the conference as prices for the social. Vendors would be allowed to purchase the $8.50 till social time.


SUITE COMMITTEE  - Anthony Benoit

Anthony thanked Pam Bonnell for locating a suite in the Adolphus Hotel and even securing the number of the suite (#1146), in advance. The suite will have six women and four women.


Suite guidelines will go into effect in Dallas. Open hours will be announced in the President's Memo. A new method of billing the suite residents in advance for six nights will also go in effect (for trial). A host orientation meeting will be held early at the convention.



Carolyn stated that she was charged with the duty of selecting an advertising statement for JMRT publications. Paula, Bob Halcums and Carolyn had met and had drawn up proposed advertising policies. (See report for complete guidelines).


Camera ready unsolicited advertising will be accepted in FOOTNOTES only. Subject to the discretion of the editor and to the other guidelines listed on Carolyn's report.


It was moved and seconded that we accept the advertising policy from the Publications Committee.


FOOTNOTES – Bob Halcums

Bob reminded people to send items for release at least eight to twelve weeks in advance. Most of the work to be done in advance of the Annual Conference.



On the Olofson Award, referred to the COG Committee, Jon stated the problem had been with publicity. The Committee recommended Olofson Award remain one more year as is with greater emphasis on publicity. The Committee suggested that Beth as incoming President appoint the chair of next year's committee as soon as possible in order to have continuity.


COG feels that after one year, the Olofson Award should be evaluated again to determine if indeed publicity was the problem.


The efficacy of JMRT programming in general was another duty assigned to this committee. Questions will be asked of every committee and directors to be answered by the first board meeting in Dallas.



Ann Scott reported that she had heard nothing from a couple of her committee chairs all year. There is a vacancy for the LAMA/PAS Liaison. The Minorities Recruitment Chair has not contacted Ann at all.


Ann suggested the Director serve only as an ex-officio member of the Professional Development Grant Committee, in order that the Director not have conflicts with her other committee meetings.


Library Education Assembly seems to be geared to education supportive staff rather than continuing education for the profession. Ann will prepare an article for FOOTNOTES on this matter to enlighten JMRTers on middle management.


CLENE LIAISON – Blanche Wysor

Blanche will put a questionnaire in the April FOOTNOTES to receive feed-back on what JMRTers are needing and what professionals are looking for in continuing education.


LITA LIAISON – by Leslie Burk given by Ann Scott

Leslie sent her written report that stated the proposed topic for the Dallas Conference Joint Program is: FUTURE SHOCKED…HOW CAN LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY SURVIVE A NATIONWIDE TAXPAYER'S REVOLT? Speakers and participants have been contacted to speak on the above topic. Which should enlighten the general membership about new trends and developments in the areas of automation and other technology.



The Committee is sending out membership fliers to people who are state JMRT members, but not ALA, also to student members of ALA.


A sales project will be a notebook with JMRT logo on front.


Colette Wagner will have a Committee Preference form in FOOTNOTES and other journals, and a letter campaign will be initiated by the committee.


ALA membership is thinking of increasing dues, which would have to be voted on by total membership. The use of credit card had been suggested as well as hiring a marketing research firm to study the dues structure. In Dallas the New Member Suite will be coordinated with the Council Suite allowing new members the opportunity to meet the brass of ALA.



Winners Mary B. Mayer, Erlene Bishop, Jerald Merrick and Vivian Williams were announced at Orientation. As a result of calls to Art Plotnik and John Barry, articles should be coming out on JMRT. Art Plotnik's will be a profile of: What JMRT is. John Berry's will be on: First Comers View of ALA.


TRAVEL NETWORK – Larry Weitkemper

Larry recommended that in the future, the Network no longer focus on the entire country, but a core group of states near wherever the conference might be held. He also recommended the Network concentrate on Annual Conference only. Another recommendation was that the directory become a two-year directory, or have a vice-chairman appointed.


On the subject of combining the Roommate Exchange with the Network, the committee strongly urged that it not merge.


Larry stated that there is a need for a way to evaluate the Network.



Joyce reminded all that letterhead stationary not picked up at the conference would be available from Wedgeworth's office. Joyce also requested that committee chairmen send names and addresses of people requesting to be placed on their committee.


Beth Bingham requested help to work on grant proposals.


Gail Terwilliger announced that Boothsitting will be held at conference everyday from 12:00 to 2:00. People desiring to volunteer next summer, please contact her. Boothsitters will not be limited to JMRTers this year.


Margaret Stewart announced that the Exhibits Roundtable will have their own booth at convention this year and had requested assistance in staffing it. The ERT members felt that JMRTers would give them a hand.


Pam Bonnell having just arrived from a Council meeting expressed her concern about the possible suit against ALA for moving the convention site to another location. Pam suggested that if JMRT made any money on the Social, that they pledge $500.00 to the cause. Joyce stated that since Council still was in session that things might change and that JMRT should table any action until the Annual Conference so that we might see what action had been taken.


Carrie Alford mentioned that the ERT Board would like to announce the Friendly Booth Award winner at their banquet, but would prefer that the award be given at the JMRT Membership Meeting.


Beth Bingham announced that David Frye will be the speaker at the ERT banquet and that the banquet is always a good one.


An announcement was made that the officers of JMRT should stay for a picture to be taken for FOOTNOTES.


It was moved and seconded that JMRT adjourn until Dallas.


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT for the January meeting were: Joyce Wyngaarden, Beth Bingham, Jan Dickens, Kristen Dahlen, Pamela Bonnell, Bob Halcums, Janis Bruwelheide, Tom Carter, Anthony Benoit, Celia Moore, Blanche Wysor, Kippy Jagoe, Nancy Bettencourt, David Warren, Judy Sessions, Susan Broomall, June Breland, Stan Bustetter, Ann Scott, Carolyn Jeffries, Paula Murphy, Cary Frederick, Larry Weitkamper, Shelia Merrell, Sharon Stewart, Carrie Alfore, Jon Scheer, and Margaret Stewart.



Kevin Rosswurn, Tom Blumenthal, Julia Bilxrud, Robert Boyer, Colette Wagner, and Susan Seide.


Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Stewart
