American Library Association

Junior Members Roundtable

Annual Membership Mtg

Tuesday, June 30, 1981


The annual membership meeting was presided over by President Anne Hollingsworth.


The Friendly Booth Award was presented to West Publishing Company for their portrayal of a Judge and police officer.


Kristan Dahlen introduced the program - "Performance Evaluations: Giving and Receiving" Speakers Nellie Guter and Bill Aranetta. Handouts were available for pickup afterwards.


Kay Runge presented the 3M/JMRT Professional Development Grant Awards to Marilyn Hawkins, Benette Pizzimenti, Dona Helmer, and Linda Williams.


Erlene Eishop Killeen presented the Olafson Award winners, Jim Deutsch and Barbara Greer.


The membership meeting was called to order. New officers were announced. Constitution and Bylaws committee, John Moorman presented changes in the Bylaws for the membership to discuss and vote on. See attached.


Articale V. Section1. BillBeal, Chair from Mississippi, moved this change be adopted. All voted in favor.


Article V. Section 11. Nancy Bettencourt moved be adopted. Almost all voted in favor.


Article V Sec. 4. Erlene Bishop Killeen moved be adopted. All voted in favor.


Billy Beal commented on how good he felt the program was and felt the program committee should be thanked.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.



















1 , All committees shall be composed of members in good standing of JMRT. They shall serve until their successors have taken office, or until the committee is dissolved. No person shall concurrently serve as chairperson o f two or more committees within JMRT.


2 ...Unless otherwise directed, standing committee shall be appointed for overlapping two year terms, so that approximately half of the membership of any committee shall be replaced each year. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed for one-year terms. Committee members may be reappointed. Chairpersons are limited to one two-year term unless their reappointment is approved by the Executive Board.


4. Special Committees shall be created by the President as needed or upon the request of the Executive Board. Unless otherwise directed, the President shall appoint the chairperson of each special committee, and in consultation with the chairperson shall appoint the members of each committee. Special committees shall exist for one year. Special committees may continue if approved by an annual vote of the executive board.




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