ALA, 1981

San Francisco, Cal.


Executive Board Minutes

June 30, 1981



     The ALA JMRT Executive Board Meeting was called to order a t 9 a.m. by President Anne Hollingsworth.


EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT were: Anne Hollingswoth, Judith Sessions Kay Runge, Paula Murphy, Susan Broomall, Rebecca Taylor, Vivian Williams,

Kevin Rosswurm; Jerald Merrick, Linda Williams, Charles Kratz, Greg Heid, Karen Carlson, John Moorman, Nancy Bettencourt, BlancheWysor, David Searcy, Pam Eorinell, Erlene Bishop killeen , John Graves, Mary Bride Mayer Susan Stroyan , June Breland , Donna Cranmer.


Visitors were: Colette Wagner Laura Shepard, Jan Harvey, Pat Matthews, Joseph Rine Alan Tweedy, Larry Hicks, Ray Metz


Report of Special Committee - John Moorman


What to do with vendors and people too old to join JMRT Constitution and Bylaws suggest an institutional membership for vendors. Older membership - Add a supporting membership class for a $5 fee. Susan Broomall moved the two recommendations be sent back t o Const. and Bylaws. Motion amended by Judith Sessions to check with ALA to see there is no problem in making membership changes



1.ERT - Pam Bonnell. Friendly Booth Award to West Publishing Can cut committee budget. Don't need all that money.


2. MACE - Susan Stroyan

                   Everything going OK

3. Grassroots Grants- Vivian Williams. Grant will be changed to one $250 Grant.


4. Membership- Nancy Bettencourt. Membership did a mass mailing to encourage new members. Sent out last of May. Already have 54 new members.

Membership Promotion Task Force suggested a name change for JMRT. JMRT Task force has been appointed to investigate.


5. Minority Recruitment - David Searcy. Sent mailings to selected library school students. Survey was conducted. Results in report. Working on forming some student chapters.

6. Olafson Award - Erlene Bishop Killeen would like to give 4 awards next year . would not need to be an increase in budget Will get name of committee "official"


7. Publications - Karen Carlson. All committees working well. She felt they did an outstanding job.


8. Cognotes - Mary Bride Mayer. Things going well.


9. Footnotes - Kevin Rossworm, Looked in to ALA doing printing and mailing Would take 8-10 weeks so will probably keep printing in Editor's location,


10. Publicity - Greg Heid.  Will do Olafson promotion with logos, etc. to get application numbers to increase. Scrapbook --3M/JMRT will be forwarded to us for future promotion. Did not purchase a camera.


11. Affiliates - Blanche Wysor Formed one new affiliate in Indiana. 25 paid affiliates.


12. RTSD-CLS-CCDA- John Graves. 2500 changes in cataloging. Microforms support L.C. method of cataloging.


13. COG - Linda Williams. Will send reports and time lines, tabbed since did not get here in time for Conference. Need to develop procedure for weeding and what to send to archives.


14. Constitution and Bylaws John Moorman Need to define what is a standing committee, Do you want appointed people as a voting person on executive board?


 Blanche Wysor moved to remove standing committee chairs from voting position on the executive board. All voted in favor,

But why were these standing committees chosen in the first place? Will bring up at Midwinter meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m.