Secretary's Board Minutes

NOTE: ** = Required Field


** Name of Group: New Members Round Table Executive Board


** Type of Meeting (Physical or Electronic Board Meeting): Electronic Board Meeting


** Date Submitted:


** Date and Time (When Meeting Called to Order): December 15, 2003, 12:00 p.m. Eastern


** Place: Electronic – NMRTBD Discussion List


** Name of Chairperson (or Substitute) and Recorder: Beth Kraemer, President and Chrissie Anderson Peters, Secretary


** List of Attendees: Beth Kraemer, President; Sally Gibson, Vice President/President-Elect; Joseph Yue, Past-President; Chrissie Anderson Peters, Secretary; Bill Jenkins, Treasurer; Ed Armstrong, Treasurer-Elect; Sara Morris, Leadership Development Director; Marilyn Ochoa, Membership Services Director; Nadine Flores, Networking Director; Shelly McCoy, Outreach Director; Stacey Shoup, Councilor; Sally Leahey, 3M/NMRT Social Committee; CJ Wong, Booth Committee; Courtney Young, Diversity Committee; Melody Allison (Governance Committee – Parliamentarian); Valentine Muyumba (Mentoring Committee); Jodie Mattos (Student Chapter of the Year Award Committee); and Kim Wobick (Student & Student chapter Outreach Committee).


** Statement about the reading and approval/correction of the Minutes from the Group's Previous Meeting: Past-President Joseph Yue moved to approve the March and June 2003 electronic meeting minutes with any changes to be presented by the Secretary before the vote. Chrissie Anderson Peters, the Secretary, had no corrections or amendments; thus, the motion carried.


** Signature of Recorder/Secretary on Official Copy of Minutes: Chrissie Anderson Peters


** Date and Hour of Adjournment: December 18, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Eastern


** Body of Report:


Block of Rooms for Orlando

While waiting for Board members to sign in to the electronic meeting, Treasurer Bill Jenkins discussed plans to have an Orlando hotel hold a block of rooms where New Members Round Table (NMRT) members would have top priority in booking reservations. This came as a result from responses Jenkins garnered prior to the e-Board Meeting from members wishing to have more “official” ALA Conference hotel arrangements for Orlando than has happened in the past. (As of the meeting, the survey results were located electronically at and were compiled from responses submitted by 156 people (roughly 25% of the 631 people subscribed to NMRT at the time of the survey and approximately 10% of the total NMRT membership.) Jenkins summarized the results before explaining the basic principle of the experiment: “When GODORT did this in the past, a password was distributed to GODORT members. Using this password allowed you to access the special block of rooms through the ALA hotel reservation website. So it should be simple, but we would be responsible for distributing the password to members.” A couple of members asked questions via the NMRTBD discussion list, but there wasn't much to discuss other than the general ideas behind it as this will be an experiment to see if such an option would work for members in the future.


Approval of Slate of Candidates

Laurel Bliss, Nominating Committee Chair, and Past-President Joseph Yue presented the slate of candidates for the upcoming Spring elections. [See Supporting Document 1 for the list as it was distributed to the Board for consideration.] The slate was approved unanimously, with a comment added by Treasurer Bill Jenkins with the submission of his approval. His comment was regarding the number of people running for office in NMRT and how he hoped that the number could be more contained in the future. Joseph Yue, Past-President, informed those electronically present that we would be able to discuss the issue more fully after voting had taken place. Once the slate was approved, Laurel Bliss responded with an agreement that she felt that it was a large number of people, particularly for the positions of Director. She countered with two more questions: “Is there an ideal number of candidates? And how could we achieve that?” Yue added, “There is no formal mechanism on the book on weeding out candidates if they meet the requirement established in our Constitution and Bylaws as well as ALA policies. Each year nomination committee has to deal with too few or ‘too many' nominees. This year, we articulate to all pontential [sic] candidates what each office's responsibilities and opportunities are and open to any questions they may have with time and resource commitment. I think this is as far as we can do with the authorities [sic] nomination or past-president have.” Yue suggested that it might be feasible for an ad hoc committee to investigate further if there was an interest among the membership to do so. Secretary Chrissie Anderson Peters responded with a lengthy email, the gist of which was that leaders in NMRT promote the leadership potential and encourage members to get involved on a daily basis; to somehow “limit” the number of people who could run for office seemed in direct opposition to that “get involved” mentality. She also pointed out that “10 people running for one office only makes up a tiny fraction of the overall membership” of NMRT (which was roughly 1300 members at the time of the meeting). She added that having more candidates running might also be one way of getting more people to vote in elections, citing that only 208 NMRT members voted in last year's election – the mentality that, if these ten people tell ten friends to vote for them, then 100 more people would be involved with voting. No further messages were posted regarding the issue of limiting the number of candidates.


Removal of References in NMRT Constitution and Bylaws to Affiliates Council

As the time to vote on this matter approached, President Beth Kraemer announced that the agenda item was not ready for presentation and asked that it be removed for this Board meeting. Allowing sufficient time for Board members to object, the agenda item was removed, thereby resulting in no vote or discussion.


Consent Agenda Items

President Beth Kraemer explained what the “consent agenda” procedures entail, as defined by Sturgis. The consent agenda “‘is a portion of the printed agenda listing matters that are expected to be non-controversial and on which there are likely to be no questions.'” The members are given time to read over the list, choosing to remove anything opposed or questioned by any member from the consent agenda list. If something is removed from the consent agenda, it is then moved to the regular agenda for discussion and a vote; if no one chooses to remove anything from the consent agenda, the items pass “‘en bloc without discussion, saving the time that would be required for individual votes.'” The two items on the consent agenda, the Booth Charge Change and the Diversity Charge Change [see Supporting Documents 2 and 3 for more details], were not called into question or opposed by any members attending the electronic meeting and were therefore passed at the pre-announced time when no opposition had been voiced. The consent agenda proposals passed by general consent. [As a side note, one item was removed from this consent agenda prior to the actual presentation of the consent agenda. The 3M Social Committee's Charge was removed by President Kraemer early in the meeting with the following explanation: Though we have not been able to track down a record of the approval of the 3M Social charge, considering that this is a years-old committee, we will operate under the thought that the charge was officially approved back when the committee was created and does not need to be approved now.”



With the final agenda item completed, President Kraemer left the floor open for final announcements for the last hour of the electronic Board meeting. With no further discussion, comments, or announcements, Bill Jenkins moved that the meeting adjourn at 6:00 p.m. Eastern.


Supporting Document 1: Slate of Candidates for NMRT Elections in Spring 2004


Proposal for NMRT 2003 Dec board meeting
From: Laurel Bliss, Chair, Nominating Commitee
Date: 12/8/03
A. Board action requested:
Approve slate of candidates for NMRT offices.
B. Background:

The nominating committee has solicited nominations for the offices of Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, and 2 Directors.


C. Rationale:

According to Article III of the Bylaws, “Following the meeting of the nominating committee and at the annual midwinter conference, the committee chair will submit a slate of nominees for office to be approved by the Executive Board.” Given that the Executive Board is meeting in

December, the committee is submitting the slate early.  The ballot for candidates is due to ALA by January 30.


D. Impact on:

  1. Organization:

NMRT needs to elect new officers on an annual basis.

  1. Committee (issuing proposal):

Submitting a slate of candidates is a committee charge.

  1. Other committees:



4. Finances (Please indicate amounts here with only brief descriptions. Detailed descriptions of costs should be supplied in E. Supplemental information below.)



E. Supplemental information (e.g. complete text of the report or policy; and for any proposal that requires additional funding, provide a description and justification for each item):

Slate of Candidates:


Vice-President/President-Elect (2004-2007)

Bill Armstrong

Nadine Flores

Melody Allison


Secretary (2004-2005)

Cassandra Osterloh

Amanda Roberts

Kim Wobick

Ihsia Hu

Director (2004-2006)

Jodie Mattos

Jill Grogg

Laura Kortz

Aaron Dobbs

Laurel Bliss

Gaye Hinchliff

Paul Kelsey

Tanzi Merritt

Donna Braquet

Marilyn Ochoa

Catherine Collins




Supporting Document 2: Booth Committee Charge Change


Proposal Form for NMRT

From: Bruce Stoffel and C.J. Wong, Chairpersons, Booth Committee
Date: October 17, 2003


A. Board action requested:
The Booth Committee requests that its official charge, as articulated in the NMRT Handbook, be modified to delete reference to a traveling booth.

The existing charge:

The Booth Committee purpose is to provide an opportunity to promote ALA and NMRT membership and a location for information exchange. In addition, the Committee makes arrangements for the NMRT "Traveling Booth" to be exhibited at state, regional and divisional conferences.

The proposed charge:

The Booth Committee's purpose is to provide opportunities to promote ALA and NMRT membership and to provide a location for information exchange.

B. Background:
At one time, in addition to providing for an exhibit at annual conference, the Booth Committee created a display for use by organizations throughout the year. The display was shipped to organizations across the country for use at organizational meetings and exhibits. The purpose of this additional service presumably was to increase NMRT exposure throughout the year and to
provide venues other than annual conference for soliciting new NMRT members.

Based on recollections of current NMRT members, the traveling booth service has not been actively promoted by the Booth Committee in several years. Nor are there recollections of a traveling booth being requested by state associations in the past few years. One NMRT member recalls that the booth was requested by a state association in 1997 or 1998 but was lost in shipping. Reportedly, a lengthy and costly effort to replace the lost equipment ensued. With the aid of Quality books, the display board was eventually replaced. However, since that time, the board has been shipped to meetings other than annual conference rarely if at all.

C. Rationale:
Booth Committee members have discussed the desirability of reviving the traveling booth service or deleting the service from the committee mission. Because of concerns that the experience of 1997-1998 might be repeated and because requests for use of the service have apparently not been forthcoming in recent years, the Booth Committee requests that the NMRT Board modify the Booth Committee mission at this time by deleting reference to the traveling
booth from the committee charge.

D. Impact on ...

  1. Organization:
    While the proposed change would eliminate a potentially useful means of NMRT outreach, it would also reduce the possibility of economic loss through damage or loss of Booth materials (as reportedly happened in 1997-1998). NMRT board retention of this service and its active marketing by the Booth Committee would have potential implications for the volume of committee work, the need for additional committee members, and the need for a larger
    committee budget.
  2. Committee (issuing proposal):

If approved by the NMRT Board, the proposal would have no significant impact on the Booth Committee, since the committee has not received requests for the traveling booth in recent years and does not anticipate receiving any such requests in the near future. Approval of the proposal and subsequent modification of the Booth Committee charge would render the official
committee charge consistent with recent and current committee practice.

  1. Other committees:


  1. Finances (Please indicate amounts here with only brief descriptions.
    Detailed descriptions of costs should be supplied in "E. Supplemental information" below.) Funds to support the traveling booth are not currently included in the Booth
    Committee budget nor are expenditures in support of the traveling booth anticipated. Therefore, the proposal would have no practical impact on the NMRT budget.
    1. Itemized expenses:
      Not applicable.
    2. Amount not covered by current allocations:
      Not applicable.

E. Supplemental information (e.g. complete text of the report or policy; and for any proposal that requires additional funding, provide a description and justification for each item):
Not applicable.
Supporting Document 3: Diversity Committee Charge Change



Proposal Form for NMRT


From (name and office/committee):  Courtney L. Young, Chair, Diversity Committee

Date: November 21, 2003




A. Board action requested: The Diversity committee requests that its official charge, as articulated in the NMRT Handbook, be modified to reflect a broader definition of “diversity”.


Current Charge:

The purpose of the committee is to recruit ethnic minorities into membership in the American Library Association and the New Members Round Table and actively involve them in the inner workings and leadership of NMRT.


Proposed Charge Revision:

The purpose of the committee is to facilitate the recruitment of a diverse membership in the American Library Association and the New Members Round Table and actively involve them in the inner workings and leadership of NMRT. This includes women, persons from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, persons with disabilities, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. Academic librarians, public librarians, school librarians, corporate librarians, special librarians, library school students, and library supporters also add to the diversity of NMRT.


B. Background: The current Diversity Committee was created in 1981 as the “Minority Recruitment Committee”, and became a standing NMRT committee in 1987. In 1996, it was renamed the “Diversity Committee”.



C. Rationale: The 1996 name change for this committee reflects an expansion in popular thought that is not reflected in the current charge. The definition of “diversity” in the new millennium is more inclusive, reflecting other groups who are often discriminated against and marginalized in our society. The explicit addition of these groups to the committee charge will accurately reflect the goals of both the Diversity committee and NMRT. We also recognize that diversity in librarianship is also reflected in the type of libraries we work in, therefore including that all librarians, library students, and library supporters play an important role in the Round Table.


D. Impact on …

  1. Organization: Positive impact. Demonstrates the importance of diversity to the Round Table.



  1. Committee (issuing proposal): Increased support for diverse groups. Increased support for other NMRT committees. Will allow committee to contribute more to the Round Table.



  1. Other committees: More potential to collaborate and liaison with the ALA Diversity Committee. Better connection to other ALA organizations focused on diversity.



  1. Finances (Please indicate amounts here with only brief descriptions. Detailed descriptions of costs should be supplied in “E. Supplemental information” below.)
    1. Itemized expenses: $0


    1. Amount not covered by current allocations: $0



E. Supplemental information (e.g. complete text of the report or policy; and for any proposal that requires additional funding, provide a description and justification for each item):