Ramada Renaissance Hotel - Michaelangelo Room - June 30, 1987

9:30 - 11:20 a.m.


Thë Orientation Meeting was called to order by President Diane Cimbala at 9:35 am.  Thirty-four members were present:


Diane Cimbala, Marilyn Bennekers, Sharman Prouty, Pat Brill, Loretta Turnage, Bobbi Walters, Mary Marcum Evans, Betsy Peck, Peggy Royster, Laura Sullivan, Jana Lonberger, Elinor Barrett, Sallie Barringer, Myrtis C. Collins, Lilah Gainey, Karin Ford, Rosemary Arneson, Joyce Taylor, Connie Phelps, Diane Bisom, Bill Kendra, Erlene Bishop Killeen, Melissa Laning, Valerie J. Horton, Algis Stankus-Saulaitis, B.P.Ponnappa, Robert Adamshick, Denise Krull, Sara Behrman, Rachel Robbins, Ruth Magnussen, Robert Newlen, Kathleen M. Peiffer, James Mouw, Valerie Platz


President Cimbala welcomed everyone to the New Board Orientation.  Introduc­tions were made, information packets were distributed and an attendance sheet was circulated among those present.



President Cimbala called attention to the agenda and advised everyone that the orientation meeting would be cared for first.  Immediately following the Orientation, the business meeting would be conducted.  Cimbala thanked Betsy Peck for her help in coordinating the meeting and for her effort in having the meeting room and refreshments prepared.


Cimbala explained that the orientation notes she had distributed were a summary of important avenues to pursue.  If questions needed answering, she suggested using other individuals as "resource people" such as directors and officers who have plenty of experience with committee matters.


Cimbala summarized and explained the basic tips on committee leadership that she had listed in the orientation notes.


Handbook:  Cimbala advised everyone to use, study and consult the JMRT Handbook often--it contains a wealth of information on many aspects of JMRT and explains in detail your committee's charge.  Communication is very important; report regularly to your committee members, your supervising officers, the President and the Vice President.


Correspondence:  Cimbala reminded everyone to use JMRT stationery when corresponding.  Be sure to include your return address and sign all letters with your title.  Additional stationery can be requested from Pat Scarry, JMRT Staff Liaison.

Phone Calls:  Cimbala emphasized that all pertinent telephone conversa­tions should be recorded on the "Telephone Conversation Record" form.  The caller is responsible for recording the telephone call.


Budget:  Cimbala asked everyone to make a concerted effort to remain within their budget.  If you see your budget needs help, contact the Treasurer, President and Vice President well in advance.  Use the "Request for Budget Increase" form when requesting a budget revision.


Exhibitor Support:  Cimbala advised everyone to contact the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Committee Chair, Peggy Royster, when in need of exhibitor support.  This committee acts as JMRT's liaison to exhibitors.  Use the "Committee Request for Exhibitor Support" form and send to Peggy Royster.


Planning:  Cimbala reminded everyone to read carefully the 1987-88 calendar and note the pertinent dates.  Deadlines are noted for several forms and it is important that everyone hold fast to those dates.  On publicity dates, work closely with Sara Behrman.  For FOOTNOTES, work closely with the Editor, Sharman Prouty.  Cimbala said that the first Plan of Action was due on August 15th and should explain what each committee's strategies were for the coming year with input from committee members.  In late August, the Conference Arrangements Office will mail the schedule for the ALA Conference, and Cimbala will send out a schedule of JMRT events at that time.  As of September 1, Karin Ford, Vice President, will begin making appointments for 1988-89, and November 15 is the deadline for sending JMRT officer nominations to Randy Wilson.


Effective Committee Leadership:  Cimbala reminded all committee chairs--­no solo acts! Delegate to each committee member and get them involved as soon as possible.


Representing JMRT:  Cimbala remarked that the liaisons carry a heavy burden--they represent JMRT's members and concerns to several ALA divisions.  Likewise, publicity is a big part of JMRT's image.  Cimbala advised everyone to use the Publicity Chair and contact the editors of FOOTNOTES, COGNOTES, and NEWSNOTES if you have any ideas for articles.


Questions:  Cimbala related, "The only dumb question is the one you don't ask!"  Call any of the officers at any time if you have a question that needs answering. 


Cimbala explained who the voting members of the Executive Board are: President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Affiliates Council which has two votes from the following three: Affili­ates Council President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President.


Next, Cimbala asked each officer to give a brief summary of their responsi­bilities for the 1987-88 calendar year.


Karin Ford, Vice President/President Elect, explained that her main respon­sibility as incoming President would be to learn Diane Cimbala's job and assist her with her duties.  She emphasized the importance of communication and asked that carbon copies be sent to her on all correspondence.  Ford announced that there were packets available with new handbook pages for all new board members.  Each person should take time after the meeting to pick up a packet.  A sign-up list is available for those taking packets.


Bobbi Walters, Immediate Past President, stated that her main responsibility was to advise the Executive Board and serve as a consultant to the President.  She would be monitoring the Nominating Committee, the Committee on Outreach to Library Schools, and the Liaisons.


Pat Brill. Secretary, explained that her main responsibility would be to take concise and accurate minutes at all Executive Board meetings, keep record books in order, and monitor the Archives Committee and the Midwinter Activities Committee.


Terri Tomchyshyn, Affiliates Council President, reviewed her main responsi­bilities:  to keep communication alive among affiliates and state chapters and to start new chapters.  This is accomplished through regularly scheduled meetings at annual Conference, Midwinter, FOOTNOTES and NEWSNOTES, and the exchange of correspondence between Affiliates Council Representatives across the country.  Tomchyshyn also monitors Grassroots Grants and the Hospitality Suite.


It was reported that the Affiliates Council 1st Vice President, Annette Demaree, had resigned shortly after Midwinter for personal reasons.  After several options were discussed, it was decided that Terri Tomchyshyn would remain as Affiliates Council President until after Midwinter 1988.  At that time, the 1st Vice President/President Elect, Mary Marcum Evans, would take office and remain in that position until the ALA Conference in 1989.  By 1989, everything should be back on track.


Mortis Collins, Treasurer, stated that her main responsibility was to maintain close watch of the JMRT budget monitoring funds spent and encumbered.  She also works closely with the Exhibitor Contact and Relations Chair, the ALA Staff Liaison and the Fundraising Committee Chair.  Collins requested that everyone follow the "Guidelines in Budgeting Expenditures" and use the correct forms in the handbook when corresponding with the Treasurer:


A. Request for Reimbursement (ALA only accepts original bills and invoices)

B. Request for Budget Increase


Collins emphasized:  mail all forms to her; do not hand any materials to her at conferences and meetings. They could easily get misplaced or lost.


Melissa Laning asked what period of time was allowed for reimbursement?  Collins replied that the time frame was approximately 4-6 weeks.


The Preliminary Budget was briefly discussed.  Cimbala reminded everyone that line items can be adjusted.  Each committee chair should assess their financial needs before Midwinter at which time the first budget will be approved.


Melissa Laning, Director for Conference Arrangements, listed the committees that she oversees: Local Arrangements, Membership Meeting Program, Orienta­tion, President's Program, Social, and Students to ALA Reception.  Laning gave some helpful advice to incoming chairs.  She advised them to contact other committee chairs for suggestions, ideas, and input; go back and review the past years' correspondence;  President's Memos are helpful for all deadlines.  Be sure to delegate jobs to all committee members, stay on top of things and follow through.  Publicity is very important--keep in touch with Sara Behrman, Publicity Chair.


Loretta Turnage, Director for Membership, Awards and Continuing Education, stated that she was responsible for the following committees: Grassroots Grant, Membership Promotion and Relations, Minorities Recruitment, Scholarship, Shirley Olofson Memorial Award and 3M/JMRT Professional Development Grant.  Her responsibilities include reading all correspondence, helping with problems, meeting with all her groups and coordinating activities among the various committees.  Turnage remarked that the JMRT Handbook is her Bible, she uses it frequently.


Elinor Barrett, Director for Publications and Public Relations, mentioned that she is responsible for the following committees: Booth, Cognotes, Committee on Cognotes Procedures, Exhibitor Contact and Relations, Footnotes, Publicity, and Handbook.  Barrett commented that a director should always be available to answer questions and make sure someone doesn't fall flat on their face.  We are all responsible for promoting JMRT's image--everyone's actions reflect back on JMRT.


Joe Harzbecker, Liaisons Coordinator, Elinor Barrett reported for Joe Harzbecker.  She explained that plans were underway for changing the Liaisons Coordinator to a Director's position.


Peggy Royster, Exhibitor Contact and Relations Chair, felt that communica­tion was the key ingredient for all committee chairs and exhibitor contacts.  The committee's responsibilities include the annual Friendly Booth Award, booth sitting and watching, and gaining support for ALA/JMRT.


Bill Kendra, Archivist, explained that his duties include the collection, sorting and reading of old JMRT records and films for archival storage at the University of Illinois.  He explained that the guideline for officers and chairs to follow is to send the Archivist all JMRT records over three years.


Bobbi Walters suggested using the Archivist to answer questions dealing with past JMRT programs and conferences.


Kendra reported that in 1991, JMRT will celebrate its 60th anniversary as a group, its 50th anniversary as a JMRT Round Table recognized by ALA.


President Cimbala concluded the New Board Orientation with the following remarks:


-no one is ever too young to serve as a mentor.

-if something should go wrong during your term (such as the problem with the SALA Reception), let your Director and the President know asap.  It would be better to resign as a Chair rather than cause a disaster.

-keep everyone posted on job and address changes.

-ask your committee chair for a current directory if you don't have one.

-on all correspondence, add "Reply To" with your name, address and tele­phone number.  This really helps when answering a letter.

-date all letters.


The following directory changes were made for 1987-88:


-Peggy Royster - home telephone #: 405/282-3001

-Biddanda P. Ponnappa - home telephone #: 615/675-4545

-Loretta Turnage - residence address: 6905 Bonnie Ridge Drive Apt. 102

          Baltimore, MD 21209

-Valerie Platz - home telephone #: 202/544-7814

-Bill Kendra - temporary address (parents) 1500 SW 56th Street, Lincoln, NE 68522 (H) 402/475-7504.


President Cimbala closed the New Board Orientation Meeting at 11:20 am and asked everyone to remain for the business meeting following immediately.


Submitted by


Pat Brill

ALA/JMRT Secretary