ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1987/San Francisco. CA

Saturday, June 27, 1987

8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Hyatt on Union Square

San Francisco Room A


ATTENDANCE: Melissa Laning, Bill Kendra, Bob Adamshick, Laura Sullivan, Terri Tomchyshyn, Jim Mouw, Pat Brill, Lilah Gainey, Karin Ford, Larayne Dallas, Elinor Barrett, Bev Martin, Myrtis Collins, Diane Cimbala, Bobbi Walters, Ruth Magnussen, Greg Wool, Connie VanFleet, Valerie Platz, Denise Krell. Sara Behrman, Nancy Choice, Erlene Bishop Killeen, Diane Bisom, Elizabeth Reed, Lorretta Turnage, Bob Newlen, Cynthia Comer, Randy Pederson, Joe Harzbecker, Anders Dahlgren, Elena Carvajel, Carol Rickert


President Bobbi Walters called the meeting to order at 8:13 a.m.  Bobbi welcomed all in attendance and introductions were made.  She highlighted the purpose of the JMRT Executive Committee and asked that all written committee reports be first given to the Secretary for distribution.  Parliamentarian Ruth Magnussen highlighted the voting procedures


Diane Cimbala moved the following agenda changes:

  -Nominating Committee moved first under Officer Reports

  -Past President's Report moved to after the break

  -reports moved to Monday's agenda: Booth, Beta Phi Mu and Minorities Recruitment

  -Liaison Coordinator's Report and the LAMA/PAS Liaison's Report moved to report first under Committee Reports

  -Fundraising and Constitution and Bylaws to report after the break


Terry Tomchyshyn seconded the motion for the changes. Motion passed.



  -results of the JMRT election

      Vice President/President Elect: Karin Ford

      Secretary: Pat Brill

      Directors: Elinor Barrett, Loretta Turnage

  ALA Council: Elaine Franco

  -JMRT ammendments passed

President Walters noted that she would like to see more promotion of JMRT when active JMRTers run for ALA Council.  Erlene Bishop Killeen stated that in her AASL Newsletter, candidates running for ALA Council were highlighted and JMRT was noted.  Discussion ensued regarding increased coverage in Footnotes about ALA elections and JMRT members running for Council.


It was agreed that future Nominating Committees be given the task of checking the ALA membership list to verify JMRT affiliations.



-thanked all for their hard work and support

-top priority for the year was developing liaison contacts with the following ALA agencies: YASD, PLA, ALSC, RTSD, ASCLA, AASL.

-to date, RASD has not responded to JMRT's request for liaison status and the letter to ACRL never reached the proper people; therefore, no response has been forthcoming.  Bobbi Walters will rectify this immediately.

-other highlights of the year include:

   Leadership Development Committee successfully completed a  program for incoming committee chairs and active JMRTers with an overview of how to conduct meetings and how all JMRT committees and liaisons fit together

   successful Past Presidents' Reception

   Midwinter Social included dinner and more opportunities to "socialize"

   Executive Committee meetings reduced to two (from 3)

   JMRT Goals and Objectives completed

   move to formalize the JMRT Membership Meeting this year (theme being the name/image of JMRT)

   ALA/JMRT mugs on sale in ALA Store

   slide/tape was completed and is being shown at JMRT Booth

   vendor recognition expanded with Yankee Book Peddler giving $1 to the literacy cause for every Social ticket being sold and President Walters sent letters of "special thanks" along with two complimentary Social tickets to those vendors who supported JMRT

   encouraged all committees to evaluate past year's progress

   (written report) for future incoming chairs


VICE PRESIDENT - Diane Cimbala

-reported that committee appointments are progressing

-announced that Karin Ford will represent JMRT on ALA's Round Table Coordinating Committee

-announced meeting of Conference Planning Committee for New    Orleans Annual Conference to be held on Sunday, 11:30-12:30 in Room #228 at the Moscone Center


SECRETARY - Carol Rickert

-meeting minutes from Midwinter were previously distributed


Erlene Bishop Killeen moved to accept the minutes from the three meeting with noted ammendments.  Diane Cimbala seconded.  Motion carried.


TREASURER - Myrtis Collins

-reported on the present budget with estimated cash balance of $12,000

-asked that the Guidelines for Budgetary Requests be reviewed by the Board and action taken to amend either the 1982 Guidelines on Budgetary Expenditures or Requesting Advances and/or



Bobbi Walters noted that there have been two budget increases:  $80.17 for Midwinter Conference Committee and $600 for Footnotes.  Terri Tomchyshyn requested a complete list of Exhibitor support.  Bobbi Waiters stated that they were listed in her last President's Memo.  It was agreed that the Exhibitor Contact Relations Committee was to highlight this item in the future.  Phoebe Janes inquired after the monies which were not being used by the committees. President Walters commented that these monies do not automatically roll back to the same Committee again.  Committee chairs then reported to Myrtis Collins the monies which were not expended.

Myrtis Collins then requested any corrections be made before voting upon the final budget at Monday's Executive Committee meeting.



-commended Phoebe Janes and her Local Arrangements Committee for a job well done in coordinating JMRT events and the restaurant guide: "EATS"


President Walters pointed out that for Monday's Membership Meeting, everyone is encouraged to make comments on the proposed topic of JMRT's image/name change.



-attended meetings of each assigned committee at Midwinter - Grassroots Grants, Membership Promotion and Relations, Minorities Recruitment, Shirley Olofson Memorial Award, JMRT/3M Profesional Development Grant Award and JMRT/EBSCO Scholarship Committees

-updated correspondence file for each committee

-drafted ad for the promotion of JMRT Awards to be placed in the Sept., 1988 issue of American Libraries


President Walters noted that the cost for placing the ad will be allocated in Diane Cimbala's budget for next year and will be reflected this year.



-monitored activities of the following committees - COGNOTES, COGNOTES Procedures, Exhibitor Contact & Relations, FOOTNOTES, Handbook, Publicity

-announced that COGNOTES purchased its own software for productions this year

-Lilah Gainey displayed the new JMRT podium signs made for Conferences so that JMRT is well recognized in photographs taken at Conferences.



-monitored activities of liaisons established with the various ALA divisions

-recommended the establishment of a Director position which would serve as a Liaisons Coordinator to the JMRT Executive Board which was referred to the Committee on Governance -prepared "Tip Sheet" to serve as an orientation guide for new Liaisons

-arranged for the appointment of 3 JMRT members to program planning subcommittees for 2 LAMA/PAS Committees


Cynthia moved to continue JMRT's co-sponsorship of a program at the 1988 New Orleans Conference, "Transfer of Training".  Melissa Laning seconded.  Motion passed.


LAMA/PAS LIAISON - Elinor Barrett

-monitored committee correspondence

-attended committee meetings at Midwinter Conference

-secured co-sponsorship of a LAMA/PAS program with the Staff Development Committee, entitled, "Transfer of Training" scheduled for the 1988 New Orleans Conference

-the proposed co-sponsorship of a LAMA/PAS program with the Supervisory Skills Committee is now on hold since it did not make the deadline for the 1988 Conference Program


Bobbi Walters reported that the oral report of the Booth Committee will be at Monday's Executive Board meeting; the written report is presently available.  She encouraged everyone to sign up for a time slot to cover the Booth.


FOOTNOTES - Sharmon Prouty

(Valerie Platz to report since Sharmon had to leave)  Bobbi Walters commented that the last two issues have looked great and that next year it will incorporate the Long Range Goals and Objectives Committee's recommendations.  Next year one issue will be a theme issue.  This issue will contain open forum/pros and cons column, for JMRT members to respond to the theme and the articles.  Elinor Barrett inquired about the increase in postage for 1989 and how this will affect the bulk rate for non-profit organizations which do mailings.  Diane Cimbala commented that she doubts if bulk mailing will be eliminated due to lobbying efforts by the numberous non-profit organizations.  Valerie Platz raised the issue of the quality of paper - the image and professional quality of FOOTNOTES could still be retained by using less expensive paper.  The concensus of opinion was that JMRT should pursue other means to offset the cost of producing FOOTNOTES - possibly solicit advertising as one avenue to this end; and that the quality of paper, columns and articles be retained.  It was noted that for many JMRTers, FOOTNOTES is the only communication connection many practicing librarians have with JMRT.  Diane Cimbala noted that FOOTNOTES had been previous underfunded and that a 50% increase in budget is certainly within JMRT's means - better issues of FOOTNOTES means a better JMRT image. Bobbi Walters stated that one third ($3.60) of each JMRT member's dues goes to FOOTNOTES.


HANDBOOK - Karin Ford

-noted that entry revisions have been made and distributed

-prepared copies of committee and liaison entries for New Board Orientation


COGNOTES - Elena Carvajal

-several glitches in the distribution of COGNOTES; thus prohibiting Elena to report



Cimbala moved to continue the Ad Hoc Committee for the COGNOTES Procedures Manual. Elinor Barrett seconded.  No discussion. Motion carried.



PUBLICITY - Lilah Gainey

-as previously displayed, the signs/posters for JMRT publicity were made

-need method for getting signs from podium to podium at Conference.  It was suggested that the mechanism for moving the signs from one JMRT program to another rest with the Publicity Committee as a task one of its members could do during Conference.  Bobbi Walters noted that there is a need to coordinate the pictures taken at Conference for the post-Conference publicity since there is a mix of those pictures taken by JMRT and those by ALA.



-33 grants awarded with 40 states participating

-discussed the possibility of changing the day/time for the Grassroots Grants Breakfast since it was poorly attended

-further questions were raised about the list of invites and who coordinated the distribution since some did not receive invitations.  Diane Bisom suggested that a letter be drafted by Bobbi Walters and the Executive Board acknowledging Baker and Taylor's support in the Grassroots Grants Breakfast and offering JMRT's help in enhancing the program by a) clarifying the invitation situation from this year's Breakfast; b) confirming expectations of such a function from both perspectives; and c) stating that JMRT is extremely concerned over the poor attendance at this year's Breakfast and how can it help in the future.



-revised the 1987/88 grant applications

-sent special letters to library school students who had applied for the award unsuccessfully to alert them the "Students to ALA" program

-arranged publicity photos of the winners at Conference

-sent official notification letters to the three winners and letters to non-recipients

-JMRT logo was re-instated this year on the application thanks to 3M



-3 recipients were selected and will be introduced at the JMRT's President's Program, Membership Program and Executive Board meetings.

-award ribbons were designed and printed for the recipients to wear attached to their conference badges

-certificates were designed and printed for the recipients to be received at the President's Program -recipients will be guests at a "Meet the Winners" hour on Friday evening in the JMRT Hospitality Suite


It was suggested that in the future, JMRT host "Meet the Winners" evening for all Award recipients.  Cynthia Comer and Diane Bisom questioned if this could fit into everyone's plans as proposed due to the various schedules of the Award recipients.


SCHOLARSHIP - Valerie Platz

-committee selected recipient-designate 

-1988 Scholarship application forms printed Dec/Jan by EBSCO and mailings for US libary schools to be handled by Anna Wang; to Canadian library schools by Terri Tomchyshyn

-press releases sent to FOOTNOTES Editor and Publicity Committee Chair

-certificate of award presented to 1987 recipient at the JMRT Memberhsip meeting at the San Francisco Conference



-reported that a sub-committee of COPES is studying the status of     ASCLA and the options for maintaining operations

-monitored the Goals & Objectives, Leadership Development and    Nominations Committees


FUNDRAISING (ad-hoc) - Jim Mouw

-announced the sale of JMRT mugs at the ALA store

-recommended that the status of the committee be changed to that of a standing committee in light of the Committee on Governance's support of this move


Anders Dahlgren moved to accept the recommendation of the committee.  Myrtis Collins seconded the motion.  Discussion ensued.  The Fundraising Committee felt that the money raised be used solely for JMRT projects and that some type of "nest egg" be maintained for future fundraisers.  Anders Dahlgren highlighted the danger of blurring committee lines (i.e. Fundraising Committee and Exhibitor Contact Relations Committee.  He felt that the function of past Fundraising Committees was solely to tide JMRT through the "lean" times.  Erlene Bishop Killeen commented that the mug sale is great with little JMRT staff time being allotted to this; however this Committee should not continue and that this function return to the Membership Committee.  Diane Cimbala raised the issue of Membership Promotion - is it on track?  JMRT pins and mugs won't make people join JMRT.


Jim Mouw commmented that the Fundraising Committee be viewed as a separate entity and a place where the Membership Committee can come to for help in membership promotion.  Valerie Platz commented that JMRT's fundraising efforts are detracting from "professional development" and other activities.  President Walters re-iterated that JMRT must find a way to support itself - Exhibitors should not be the only way for JMRT to fund its activities.  Diane Bisom echoed Bobbi's concerns; JMRT needs to become more self-sufficient.  Diane Cimbala stated that one of the goals for JMRT is to reduce its dependence on vendors.  Erlene Bishop Killeen suggested that vendor support be used only for specific projects (i.e. JMRT programs and the like) and not to publish FOOTNOTES.  Jim Mouw noted that JMRT has had a Fundraising Committee for the past 4-5 years; some years the committee did nothing.  Bobbi Walters asked for ideas for specific things which the Fundraising Committee could handle.  Diane Bisom suggested that they help with the Olofson Award coverage - pins, certificates etc.  Cynthia Comer emphasized that JMRT not overlook the fact that JMRT is a "training ground" for members and there's a critical need to keep in step with this


Diane Cimbala called for the question.  The motion was read by the Secretary.  It was decided that there is no need for a Bylaws change if the committee were to become a standing committee. The motion was passed by a majority vote (6) with two dissenting votes.


Parlimentarian Ruth Magnussen clarified that a standing committee will be chaired for one year. Jim Mouw concurred.



-examined the ramifications of making the Liaisons Coordinator a fourth Director on the Board. This would require a constitutional amendment to Article IV:  Officers - which should appear on a spring ballot for approval by the membership


Diane Cimbala moved to accept the recommendation of the committee.  Terry Tomchyshyn seconded.  Discussion ensued.


Erlene Bishop Killeen voiced her concerns about authorizing another position without it having "authority" or specific responsibilties.  Bobbi Walters clarified that the Liaisons Coordinator Director will in the future have expanded responsibilities.  Terri Tomchyshyn felt that the liaisons coordinator can fit under the existing directors.  Bobbi Walters expressed her concern over having 12-15 people reporting directly to the JMRT President position if no provision is made to re-direct these reports to a Liaisons Director.


Sara Behrman inquired how this position would help JMRT as a whole instead of just being an perk for the indivdual who would hold this position - as a way into the JMRT organization.  Karin Ford raised the issue of dealing with requests for JMRT's financial co-sponsorship with the liaisons for which we appoint.  Valerie asked that procedures of reporting be set up differently so that this directorship could be utilized effectively.  Erlene Bishop Killeen asked if a position description had been developed.  Karin Ford replied that one had been drafted for the Handbook.


Terry Tomchyshyn moved to table the discussion about the Liaisons Coordinator Directorship to Monday's agenda under OLD BUSINESS.  Diane Cimbala seconded.  Motion carried.


It was noted that the work done by the Executive Committee on the creating/dissolving of committees be modified by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee so that a new addition of Liaisons Coordinator Director won't require a Bylaws change.


COPES - Loretta Turnage

-reported that operating agreements between ALA and its divisions is in place and the revisions are to take place during this Conference



-reported that the bonds between JMRT and Freedom to Read are strong due to JMRT members who are active in Freedom to Read

-urged all to join Freedom to Read

-to defend the libary and the First Amendment

-mentioned that there are 9 other liaisons (besides JMRT) to Freedom to Read



-reported on the resolution against boycotting the South African book publishers - access to information is vital


Valerie Platz proposed that JMRT as a whole voice its opposition to the boycot of                            South African publishers.  She further proposed that this be an item of discussion on a future agenda.  It was agreed that Demaris is to obtain a copy of the resolution and make it available to the Executive Committee as well as for the JMRT Membership Meeting.  This item will be assigned as an

item of NEW BUSINESS on Monday's Executive Committee's agenda.



-reported that no meetings of this group were being held at Conference

-received 2 documents regarding proposal by AASL - a) ALA join NCATE; b) draft document prepared by the SCOLE Continuing Education Subcommittee from Criteria for Quality Continuing Education - "Guidelines for Quality in Continuing Education for Information, Library, and Media Peronnel", scheduled to go to ALA Council for adoption as ALA guidelines.

-attempted to get more involved as a liaison so that JMRT input can be forwarded.


Valerie Platz stated that JMRT as a whole should get more involved and that as Round Table, JMRTers should be discussing substantive issues - not describing administrative details of committee work.  Erlene Bishop Killeen urged the liaisons to write articles about these crucial issues for FOOTNOTES as a means of keeping the general membership informed.



-responded with suggestions and comments to first drafts of interpretive statements for the Professional Ethics code

-reported that ALA staff printed a brochure called an "Ethics Sin List" to be distributed at Conferences and on request.

-submitted article on "Sin List" to FOOTNOTES


Cynthia Comer moved to put the COGNOTES REPORT on the agenda.  Diane Cimbala seconded.  Motion passed.


Diane Cimbala moved to extend the meeting to 12:40 p.m.  Terry Tomchyshyn seconded.  Motion passed.



-completed slide-tape production on JMRT promo

-presented membership brochures for reprinting and received cost estimates

-solicited price quotations to have slide/tape transferred to video format

-verified that Demco will pay for the shipping of the AV equipment for the slide/tape program

-reported that $100 more has been encumbered by the committee


Diane Cimbala noted that this item will be discussed at the New Board Orientation.


COGNOTES - Elena Carvajal

-recommended that COGNOTES committee members be compensated (paid registration) for their work on COGNOTES

-reported that there is problem with getting COGNOTES distributed and perhaps the committee should relinquish this responsibility so that deadlines could remain intact


Cynthia Comer moved to extend the meeting for 10 minutes.  Terri Tomchyshyn seconded. Motion carried.


Cynthia Comer noted that if ALA is willing to assume the responsibility for COGNOTES distribution, JMRT should be supportive.  Elena will investigate this will ALA.  There is no need for a motion on this item.


Discussion regarding the compensation issue ensued.  It was discussed that members who work on COGNOTES or the JMRT BOOTH put in long hours and if renumeration is in order for COGNOTES staff, people who work the BOOTH should also be compensated.  Karin Ford noted that criteria needs to be outlined as to whom gets renumerated on the COGNOTES staff (possible senority basis)


It was decided that JMRT is in agreement to have Elena inquire of ALA about having COGNOTES staff be compensated for their work since COGNOTES covers all Conference events and not just JMRT.


There were no new items of business.



-JMRT Hospitality Suite opens at 4 p.m. at Holiday Inn/Union Square

-Affiliates Council will meet on Sunday morning


Terry Tomchyshyn moved to adjourn the meeting.  Erlene Bishop Killeen seconded.  Motion passed.


The meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Carol Rickert
