ALA - New Members Round Table

Midwinter Conference - Washington, DC

Executive Board Meeting I - Saturday February 15, 1997, 8:30-10:30 am




Shamima Amin, Melissa Becher, Laurie MacLeod Bennett, Karen Cook, Nancy George, Linda

Golian, Anne Greenspan, David Hellman, Paula Hering, Beth Jedlicka, Carol Ritzen Kern,

Priscilla Klob, Laura Lucia, Catherine Marion, Alesia McManus, E. Antoinette Nelson, Mich

Nelson, Pamela Moffett Padley, Chris Shupala, Laura Sill, Rita Smith, Ann Snoeyenbos,

Suzanne Stauffer, Ann Thornton, Bob Wick, Ann Williams, Elaine Yontz


Introduction (Laura Sill):

Laura Sill, President of NMRT, and those attending the meeting introduced themselves. Laura reminded everyone that to save paper, reports were submitted to the Executive Board one month before the Midwinter Conference and would not be available at this meeting. To save time, only new committee chairs and directors would present reports with emphasis given to action items.



Laurie MacLeod Bennett was introduced as acting parliamentarian.


Approval of Minutes from Annual Meeting (Nancy George):


Motion: Elaine Yontz moved that the minutes from the Annual Meeting be approved.


Seconded by Bob Wick.


Motion unanimously approved.


President's Report (Laura Sill):

Laura Sill reported she has been busy with the responsibilities of President and also has been pursuing funding for Grassroots Grants with the Funds for America Library, Quality Books, and ALA.


Governance Committee (Laura Sill):

Action items for the committee include: study of the Constitution and Bylaws and identify areas to focus on for the review; devise a way to review and establish communication with the membership in order to get feedback; establish a firm timeline in order to complete the review within the assigned two-year time period; report to the membership on the committee's review efforts at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, possibly at the Membership Meeting; appoint a parliamentarian from the committee membership to serve at the Executive Board

meetings at Annual; establish more communication with the Resources Committee; and prepare to submit the 1990 version of the Constitution and Bylaws to replace the 1985 version in the NMRT Handbook.


Acting as Parliamentarian for Midwinter is Laurie MacLeod Bennett.


Self-Study, Resource Allocation Committee (Laura Sill):

This committee continues to study NMRT's effectiveness and organizational structure.


Leadership Development Forum Committee (Laura Lucia):

Laura Lucia reported the Leadership Development Forum would be held Monday, 2/17/97,7:30-9:00 am. The agenda would include presentations by ALA president and NMRT officer candidates followed by a discussion on leadership and potential NMRT programs. Because the refreshments (orange juice and coffee) for this function were expensive, the committee went over its budget by approximately $6.00.


Midwinter Activities Committee (Melissa Becher and Catherine Marion):

Melissa Becher announced that NMRT's Midwinter Social would be held at the Capitol City Brewing Company, Union Station, Monday evening (2/17/97). To break even, 25 tickets ($20.00 each) needed to be sold. Tickets were available for purchase at the meeting.


Vice-President/President-Elect (Ann Snoeyenbos):

Laura Sill introduced Ann Snoeyenbos and reviewed her election to this position. Suzanne Byron, original Vice-President/President-Elect, stepped down this past fall (health reasons) creating the opening. The Executive Board nominated a pool of candidates and elected Ann over e-mail. This occurred in late fall; thus, Laura Sill coordinated Midwinter functions normally handled by the position of Vice-President/President-Elect.


Ann stated she has been reviewing the files and is eager to fulfill the duties of Vice-President/President-Elect. She encouraged the NMRT membership to share program ideas with her in preparation for future NMRT events. In addition she continues to represent NMRT on the Round Table Coordinating Committee and in turn represented the RTCC to the ALA-Structure Revision Task Force (along with another Round Table representative).

Immediate Past President (Elaine Yontz):

Elaine Yontz has been working with the Nominating Committee to ensure a strong pool of candidates for NMRT officer positions.


Nominating Committee (Ann Williams):

Ann Williams announced they have a good group of candidates who are running for NMRT office: Vice-President/President-Elect: Linda Golian; Secretary: E. Antoinette Nelson, Rita Smith; Director: Nancy George, Beth Jedlicka, Priscilla Klob, Pamela Moffett Parley, Joan Reyes.


Secretary3 Report (Nancy George):

Nancy George reported she distributed the minutes from the Annual Conference over e-mail and through US mail to solicit pre-conference additions/deletions and submitted a synopsis of the minutes to Footnotes. In December the following e-mail motion/vote occurred:


Motion: I, Ann Snoeyenbos, move that the Governance Committee update the 1985 version of the Constitution and Bylaws and call it the official 1990 version of the Constitution and Bylaws and proceed as planned with the review of this version (1990) of the Constitution and Bylaws.


Seconded by Kimberley Robles.


Motion passed unanimously.


Archives Committee (Nancy George):

Nancy George reported the Archives Committee received 3.8 cubic feet of material in the past year and the Archivist, JoAnn Jocoby, received archival requests from a number of committees.


Handbook Committee (Nancy George):

Although numerous requests have been made, Nancy George reported a report has not been received from Lani Teshima-Miller, chair of the committee. Laura Sill recommended Nancy continue to contact Lani for her report.


Director for Publications and Public Relations (Bob Wick):

Bob Wick reported on a number of committees including the Booth Committee, Cognotes Committee, Membership Promotion and Relations Committee and Publicity Committee.


Booth Committee (Bob Wick):

The Traveling Booth is not used as much as it should be. Bob reminded everyone to use the booth at local/state meetings. Quality Books will send the booth to locations in the continental United States; booth request forms have been distributed over NMRT-L, the NMRT Web page, and in paper form. NMRT brochures for use with the booth should be ordered in advance. There was some discussion on ALA taking over for Quality Books regarding mailing the booth.


The Booth's coordination with the Silent Auction at Annual 1997 was discussed by Karen Cook. Karen said NMRT voted last year to provide supervisory support for the ERT silent auction area. By combining the ERT auction area and NMRT Booth, fewer volunteers would be needed than if not combined. In addition, the auction area is highly visible, which would help boost NMRT's public profile.


Motion: I, Karen Cook, move that the NMRT Booth and ERT Silent Auction Area be combined for the 1997 ALA Annual Meeting.


Seconded by Nancy George.


Motion passed unanimously.


Cognotes (Bob Wick):

This committee is the “forgotten committee” due to Cognotes active publication schedule during conferences. Bob stated Cognotes is staffed by non-NMRT members but NMRT members retain editorial control (the positions of editor and assistant editor are NMRT members). Bob encouraged everyone to get involved in Cognotes. Volunteers receive a press pass, entrance to a wide variety of meetings, and free ALA conference registration.


Footnotes (Rita Smith):

The next deadline for Footnotes is 3/15/97. The chair noted that Footnotes only costs $3,000 to produce three issues, leaving $2,000 in the budget. The Board agreed the committee should have the flexibility to increase the number of issues, if the budget allows such flexibility. Due to time limitations, it is not possible to do produce a fourth issue this year.


Membership Promotion and Relations Committee (Bob Wick):

New committee interest and NMRT membership brochures are updated as necessary and distributed as requested (including to library schools).


The NMRT video was discussed at length. The video is so out of date it is no longer used. However, a video is needed to serve as the structure for library school NMRT/ALA programs. Professional videos are expensive; a new video would cost about $25,000 to produce. Bob Wick will check with Gerald Hodges on the possibility of working on a new member video that both ALA and NMRT could use, with ALA funding its production. In addition, other attendees offered to investigate the feasibility of producing a NMRT video within their own institutions and the possibility of using a Power Point presentation in the interim.


Publicity Committee (Bob Wick):

The committee is frustrated that committee chairs duplicate its efforts to publicize NMRT events and encourage NMRT committee chairs to use its services. Two members of the Executive Board found the committee's work useful. However, most committee chairs present complained about the Publicity Committee's lack of communication and structure regarding: what listservs are being used, what name will be used as the contact person, and when the postings will go out. Pamela Moffett Padley, chair of the 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Committee, said it was important that announcements came from her to facilitate correctly addressed email replies. Bob Wick will talk to the chair, Joan Reyes, about these concerns.


Old Business/New Business:

The idea of a NMRT Resume Service, for members of NMRT, was brought up by Mich Nelson of the Mentoring Committee. Resumes would be examined and commented on in a nonthreatening environment by individuals who wish to assist a newer librarian but are unable to participate in the Mentoring Program. Laura Sill encouraged Mich and her committee to work on the details and to present a formal program at the Annual Conference.



Motion: A motion to adjourn was made by Elaine Yontz at 10:40 am.


Seconded by Paula Hering.


The motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy L. George, NMRT Secretary


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