ALA - New Members Round Table

Midwinter Conference - Washington, DC

Executive Board Meeting III – Monday, February 17, 1997, 9:30-11:30 am



Laurie MacLeod Bennett, Emerita Cuesta, Nancy George, Carol Gill, Anne Greenspan, Paula Hering, Beth Jedlicka, Carol Ritzen Kem, Jeff Kempe, Priscilla Klob, Laura Lucio, Mich Nelson, Chris Shupala, Laura Sill, Rita Smith, Ann Snoeyenbos, Suzanne Stauffer, Bob Wick, Elaine Yontz


Introduction (Laura Sill):

Laura Sill, President of NMRT, and those attending the meeting introduced themselves.  Laura reminded everyone that to save paper, reports were submitted to the Executive Board one month before the Midwinter Conference and would not be available at this meeting.  To save time, only new committee chairs and directors would present reports with emphasis given to action items.


Laurie MacLeod Bennett was introduced as acting parlimentarian.


Director for Conference Arrangements (Paula Hering):

Paula Hering reported that she has excellent committee chairs and that they have made her job as Director for Conference Arrangements easy.  She has, however, been coordinating their activities to ensure high quality programs for the Annual Conference.  Financial questions posed by chairs are being promptly answered with the help of NMRT Treasurer, Carol Ritzen Kem.


Local Arrangements Committee (Paula Hering):

Paula Hering reported for Brandi Ledferd.  Brandi has moved to Seattle (from San Francisco) to attend library school.  In addition, potential co-chairs for the committee did not materialize. These issues are challenges for Brandi and her single person committee.  Because she no longer lives in San Francisco, Brandi can recommend vendor contacts, but cannot run errands in the city.  The committee reported materials have been received from the past Local Arrangements chair, corresponded with other members of NMRT about Local Arrangements, and contacted library schools in the San Francisco area to recruit NMRT and Local Arrangements Committee volunteers.


The Executive Board and President commended Brandi on her perseverance and hard work and hoped her enthusiasm continued under this difficult situation.


Membership Meeting and Program (Chris Shupala, co-chair):

The program this year is about leadership and mentoring.  Paul Sybrowski, Chairman of Ameritech Corporation, will discuss the philosophy of leadership.  Eleanor Jo Rodger, of the Urban Libraries Council in Evanston, IL, will discuss the practice of leadership.  Carolyn Sheehy, University Librarian at North Central College in Naperville, IL, will discuss the role of mentoring in leadership development.  Both Eleanor Jo Rodger and Carolyn Sheehy were/are Snowbird Leadership Institute Mentors.


For the Membership Meeting, Ann Snoeyenbos will address the attendees, discussing the ALA structure, how to become active in ALA and other helpful topics.


Orientation Program (Jeff Kempe):

Jeff Kempe reported that Michael Gorham will be the featured speaker at the Orientation Program.  The local speaker is still being arranged as are the bags for attendees (provided by EBSCO) and various brochures and inserts for the bags.


President's Program (Priscilla Klob):

The President's Program is entitled, "Get Hired! How to Get the Job You Want."  Speakers include Robert Newlen, Melissa Carr and Maureen Sullivan.  They'll present interactive, hands-on advice for writing resumes, interviewing and negotiating job offers or salaries.  The program is Sunday, 6/29 from 2-4 pm.


Social (Suzanne Stauffer):

The Social's theme this year is, "The 60's : Peace, Love, and NMRT".  ALA will select the location and pay site expenses for the Social.  Other arrangements are going well, with all committee members working on details related to food, entertainment, decorations, and party favors.


SALA (Paula Hering):

Paula reported that SALA's plans are going well and that by the Annual Conference, the SALA reception will be completely planned.


Affiliate' s Council (Beth Jedlicka):

Beth Jedlicka reported that the Affiliate's Council is no longer useful.  Affiliates commonly do not have NMRT within their organizations and instead absorb its role in other functions, such as member services.  A survey was sent out to each of the state/regional library associations.  We received 15 responses and only a few had NMRT within their organizations.  Other respondents often had no knowledge of NMRT's function.  Ann Snoeyenbos, Affiliates Council Vice President/NMRT Vice President-President Elect, stated that services for new members are covered by the Membership Committees in many state organizations.  Laura Sill mentioned we should focus not only on state/regional NMRTs, but new member services.


Motion:  Beth Jedlicka moved that the Affiliates Council be disbanded immediately.


Motion was seconded by Paula Hering.


Discussion on the implications of immediately disbanding Affiliates Council ensued.  Of particular concern were the loss of two Executive Board members should this occur and the need for further discussion among NMRT members.


Amendment:  Carol Ritzen Kem amended the original motion in that the Affiliates Council be disbanded after the 1997 Annual Conference.


Amendment was seconded by Bob Wick


The amendment was unanimously approved.


The motion with amendment was unanimously approved.


Old Business/New Business:

The idea of a NMRT Resume Service, for members of NMRT, was brought up by Emerita Cuesta, chair of the Mentoring Committee.  Resumes would be examined and commented on in a non-threatening environment by individuals who wish to assist a newer librarian but are unable to participate in the Mentoring Program.  Laura Sill mentioned that ALA has a resume service at the ALA Placement Office and that before we proceed, the Mentoring Committee needs to ensure their idea does not conflict with ALA's existing service.



No new announcements were made.



Motion:  A motion to adjourn was made by Ann Snoeyenbos at 10:45 am.


Seconded by Paula Hering.


The motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy L. George, NMRT Secretary

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Nancy L. George

Electronic Resources Librarian

Salem State College Library

352 Lafayette St.

Salem, MA 01970
