Committee Final Report

NOTE: ** = Required Field



**Type of report being submitted: Committee Final Report


**Date:  July 25, 2003



**Committee Name:  Shirley Olofson Memorial Award




**Supervising Board Member:  Joseph Yue




**Chair, Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs:  Rich Murray




**Committee members:  Lisa Ennis, Smita Parkhe, Linda Rowan, Michelle Turvey, Elisabeth Filar Williams




**Goals, Objectives, Projects completed (including, but not limited to, any procedures, tip sheets, checklists, etc. created during the reporting year):


  • Announced and promoted award, solicited applications (38)
  • Selected recipient in closed meeting at Midwinter Meeting (Philadelphia)
  • Notified recipient as well as those not selected
  • Worked with Publicity Committee and NMRT Liaison to create press release
  • Created award certificate
  • Presented check and certificate to recipient at Annual Conference (Toronto)




**Action Items/Issues To Be Resolved – What plans/projects remain which will be carried over or postponed until next year? Have there been any substantial changes in plans requiring a reconsideration or cancellation of projects? Information regarding such will be helpful for future chairs and planners.



No action items.  The committee suggests that in the future NMRT accept electronic applications only.  Chair can easily forward electronic applications to committee members for review and consideration; paper applications require photocopying and mailing, which take up time and money (the committee currently has no budget for photocopies or postage).


The committee also suggests two additions to future application forms:

1)      Ask applicant to specify how many ALA conferences he/she has attended.  Since one of the criteria for the award is that applicants have attended no more than five conferences, it would make the committee's job easier if applicants gave a number.  In some cases it was difficult to determine this based on the information provided by this year's applicants.

2)      Ask applicant to address specifically his/her financial need.  Since financial need is among the criteria, it would be helpful for applicants to address this issue.  Among this year's applicants, some discussed their financial need very vaguely and others did not mention it at all.



Financial Report Section:

Your budget appropriation (see budget)

a. 0

Amount which you have spent this year

b. 0

Difference between budgeted amount and amount spent (a-b)

c. 0



**Report submitted by:  Rich Murray           


**Email address: